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Having the best Bf and getting into college
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| Wensdayskitten
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Oh my god! It's like the congo in here!
Since I write these at night before 12 am, there is a huge thunder strom going on outside my study room window. It's been moving rather fast to the north though so it hasn't been here for very long.
I'm thankfull for the rain that came with it. Down south we have been having problems with drought because it hasn't been raining a lot and it has been very hot with a lot of sun so the forest are really dry. This could spark wildfires which are never good at all, so everyone here is thankfull for the rain.
On that note of it being hot, I would like to say to anyone who spends long hours outside that you should be careful about the heat. The weather has been so weird lately that places that aren't usually really hot are now so be careful when you go outside.
Be sure to drink lots of water even if your inside or outside and if you feel faint go in the shade or go inside and relax for a while. The summer is the time where heat stroke can happen so I don't want anyone to get that. If you like to wear black try to find clothing like short sleeves, no sleeves, tube tops or tank tops that will keep you cool (you can still wear black). This goes for pants as well. If you don't like skirts you can buy some shorts the way you want it.
I know, I know. I sound like a mom but I just want everyone to be safe this summer and not get hurt.
I think that's all for today ^__^. Be safe in the sun!
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Monday, June 11, 2007
I just... I don't think you should swear, I mean, around the pokemon...
How was everyone's weekend? Had fun? Hope so!
So my weekend was nice, hot, but nice. Friday I just relaxed at home, then Saturday went to visit my grandmother and she looked a lot better, she was awake and healthy looking. Sunday I went with my sister to pick up her friend for work and then we ate lunch at Burger King and then headed home. I talked to my bf and played some computer games.
Today I might be seeing a movie with him but if not maybe Tuesday because I'm off from work today and tomorrow. If he can't make it to see the movies we can go Tuesday and I'll just walk around the mall looking at things I want to buy but can't buy. You know the usual things that we do when we go to stores and can't buy anything.
So what are you guys planning on doing today? Hope it is fun!
Lately I haven't been watching much of anime. I guess it's just I don't have time to buy anything new or watch anything new.
Have you guys been like this too? Have you gotten busy where you can't watch anything new?
Huge black spiders have been appearing more and more in the study room of my house. Our study room is in the back of the house and it also leads into the backyard. I watch tv there so I see them regularly sometimes. I guess it's time to call the pest control people to spray the house. Bleh I hate spiders.
Well that's all for today guys.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and also has fun! It's the summer so go to the pool and swim!
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Friday, June 8, 2007
My-my-my-my (U can't touch this) music hits me so hard. Fresh new kicks and pants.Yo,sound the bells, school is in, sucker.
I pick up my check today which is great! Now all I have to do is deposit it in the bank. I plan on saving my money for a while before I buy anything because it's much nicer to have a lot of cash and not have to worry about paying fees for over drafting because I bought to much and don't get paid for another week. So saving is the name of the game!
I went to see my Grandmother on Tuesday and she was doing much better. The doctors told my parents that she's getting better even though it's a little at a time (but even a little at the time is great news) it's great to hear that she is doing a lot better than she was before the surgery so it's good news all around! I'm happy that's she is doing better and my mom is too.
Ran some errands with my sister yesterday before I went home and took a nap. Woke up to find that there was a thunder storm going on outside my window. Because I didn't have my glasses on all I could see outside is just a blur. So I went back to sleep and woke up later.
So how was everyone's days so far? Anything new?
Oh yes Congratulations to Iruka Sensei for graduating yesterday! You made it out of High School and now are on your way! Don't forget when you go to college to have fun and also study too.
Hope that everyone has a great day!
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Thursday, June 7, 2007
Did you know that ninety percent... Did you kow that like, a hundred percent of the meat we eat is like squirrels? One hambuger is like...ten squirrels
So work was nice just tiring a little bit. I bought some new shoes today to help my feet because they would start hurtig because I'm standing all the time and my shoes I was wearing didn't have really any cushoning so I got some new ones that were very comfy ^__^!
I went to the mall today (that's where I got my shoes) and had this really good fruit smoothie. I just walked around some more and finished reading a book I started to read a long time ago (can't believe I remebered what page I was on) and talked to my sister before I went to work and copied my schedule for next week.
So how was everyone's day? Had fun ^__^?
Well I'm glad that everyone likes the theme. The wallpaper that I want to make might have to wait a little becaus I've been a little busy.
So I hope that everyone has a geat day! For some it's the last week of school! Have fun everyone!
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Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Novam patriam invenies. Cede fortunae. Dei Troianos poena dura afficient.
Hello How is everyone doing today?
Todays theme is Castlevania:Curse of Darkness. I was fortunate enough to do the deal at GameStop when Casltevania: Potrait of Ruin came out and get the collectors edition stylus, game carry case, Castlevania 20th Anniversary Deluxe Art Collection booklet, a history of the Belmonts and other Vampire Hunter families that appeared in the Castlevania series and Castlevania 20th Anniversary Premuim Music Collection that had music from all of the games on it.
It was at a good price too because if you preordered the game you got the Collectors box which had all the stuff I just listed in there. So yesterday I scanned to pictures into my computer and put them as a background. What do you guys think? The music for today is also from the game. I like this song very much it's so pretty.
Well work yesterday was tiring but it was nice helping people out. I was stationed in one area so I can help out whoever walks through that area and then I was moved to the area in front of the cash register as I guess a last dish effort to get people to buy more. Most of the people there were pretty nice and the customers were nice too (no weird angry people thank goodness).
So how was everyone's day yesterday? Did you guys do anything exciting or was it just around the same as it's always been?
I'm thinking of doing a wallpaper with each Belmont family member on it. That would be pretty cool and it would be a collage if sorts that will feature the famous Vampire Killers.
Well that's all for today everyone! Have a great day!
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Monday, June 4, 2007
How's everyones day today ^___^?
I visited my grandmother yesterday. She was doing about the same but the doctor said she was doing good so far though which is great to hear. This Friday she had surgery to correct everything that was wrong. The doctors were able to fix everything and that was good but she's still being monitered but at least we know everything is doing good now.
I went shopping yesterday for some clothes for my uniform for work. So I should be all set in what I need to wear for work.
Today I start working yay! Also today is the start of the huge sale so I expect a lot of people to come in (weirdos especailly). I hope it goes well ^__^.
So how was everyone's weekend? Did you guys have fun?
Oh yes I put a song up that I think one of you guys will really like ^___^.
Well that's all for today and I hope everyone will have a great day!
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
I'm your knight in Shining Amour. Would you like a box of Chicken?
Good morning everybody!
Yesterday I went to the hospital to visit my grandmother. She was having surgery that day so my family and I went to go visit her after it was over. Even though she was still asleep it was good to know that the surgery was getting everything back to normal.
In other news that is equally good. The roses outside my window of the study room have bloomed.
Some responses to yesterdays comments!
ElvesAteMyRamen: Yes I am prepared for the weirdos! After hearing about them from Charles when he works at the dollar tree I am prepared for the weirdos to come in droves this week since it's a huge sale. And you know how weird people love sales.
Yensid: Yeah it's sad that people who steal from the company are actually part of the company. I don't know why anyone would want to steal from their own store when they get discounts galore whenever they buy something. It's especailly sad if they start stealing underware from Victoria's Secret even though they work there. Yes a good deterent for shop lifting is good customer service.
Iruka Sensei: I don't know about chasing them out of the store with a club and hitting them but ok I'll keep that in mind when the weirdos start coming in and demanding things we don't carry from us ^____^.
Let's see what I am doing today? Well really much nothing just getting my room clean so I can vaccuum it and talk to my bf Charles on the phone (he's on a trip with his family visiting family and is returning Sunday), then that's about it just going to have a regular relaxing Saturday.
I hope that everyone has a fun Saturday!
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Friday, June 1, 2007
Congratulations you completed Dirty Dancing the video game! Aw, man.
Hey everybody! How's everyones day so far?
Yesterday was my last day of training. We did product education (test out the products in the store of each brand so we're familiar with them) and then watched the last of the videos. One video was on properly shipping the products to other stores, discarding products that have been used (like testers or return merchandise that has been used), and what to do with products that haven't been used how to mark them.
Then the next video was on how to spot the signs of a shop lifter, how to deter them from stealing and how to spot signs of internal theft. The last video was about the hair products we sell at Bath & Body Works. We sell shampoos and conditioners but we're getting everything else in (like hair gel, mousse, shiner, etc.) July I think. We were going to do training on the cashier but we ran out of time so we just clocked out and left.
I start working next week so I amd working Monday through Wenesday and then I'm on call for Saturday. On call means that you call them an hour before your supposed to come in to see if they need you. This is usually implamented when the stor is really busy and they need extra hands. Since next week is the start of the huge sale they're having I might need to come in.
So what's everyone planning on doing this weekend? Not many new movies came out this week but this will give you a chance to watch the movies you haven't watched yet.
Well I hope that everyone is going to have a wonderful weekend and day today!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Pikachu I choose you!
How was everyones day today? Had fun?
I've noticed that I have been watching PBS more lately. Maybe because most of the channels have nothing really interesting on them since its the summer.
I like watching the cooking shows that come on and the documentaries about people. Or the shows about places to visit or nature shows. The shows I am really interested in are the shows about regular people. The program is called "Independent Lens". It's a really interesting show.
So what is your guys' favorite channel to watch? Or show that you really like to watch all the time (anime can be listed but I want to know what other show you guys watch that's your favorite)?
Well that's all for today everyone! Have a great day!
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I'm surprised they didn't have any sexual harrasment videos...Those would have been very funny to see.
Hello everyone! How was everyone's Memorial day? Was it fun?
Yesterday I showed a picture from my city's front page. I'm still trying to figure out how that animal got so freakin' big! So far I haven't come up with anything but I do know that that wild boar was very big.
So I went to my training orietation yesterday for my job. We filled out some papers and got our log in pins and then watched really boring videos. The acting in them kept us entertained because they were very cheesy. Thankfully I' got paid for just watching videos for 4 hours.
The girl said because it was a paid weekend so we are getting paid for coming in. I'm happy because if I start working next week I'll have a nice check. Speaking of checks I have to sign up for direct deposit for my work checks that way I don't have to worry about rushing to the bank after work or the next day to deposit my check. My check will be deposited in my bank account one full day before they actually come out which is great ^____^!
For everyone who hadn't seen the picture I put up yesterday (which is maybe like one or two people) I'm posting it again. Again this photo and story is real and it's from my newspapers front page. Since I live in Georgia we get the news from Alabama too.
To respond to some comments on why did they kill it, for sport, food and if it could possibly be dangerous. A boar that size can do damage to farms or backyards or it could harm people who are camping in the woods. So they killed it and now they have enough sauage (about 500-700 pounds of it) to be able to eat it everyday for about maybe three to five months.
I liked what the wild boar was compared to and that comparison comes from my friend Shred. He compared it to the wild boars from Princess Mononoke. It does look like one of the boars scarily...
Well hope you guys have a great day!

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