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Having the best Bf and getting into college
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| Wensdayskitten
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Can you hear him? I can hear him. You can't hear him? What's he saying. He says he can't hear you. Tell him I can't hear him either. He can't hear you either. Okay what did he say? Uh
This weekend was fun. I hung out with my sister and her husband on Friday and Saturday.
On Friday we went to go see Shrek the 3rd. It was pretty funny. Then on Saturday my sisters and I went to the their apartment and we watched "Over the Hedge" on their TV.
Sunday I went to the mall after church and I talked to my bf Charles at his job (it was really slow that day he said), so we talked for a little while. Then I walked around and got new walet from Sanrio. On his break he walked with me around the mall (he got a 30 minute break this time because he was working from 12- 6 pm, the mall closes at 6 pm on Sundays) then I walked him back to his work.
So how was everyone's weekend? Was it fantastic?
Oh yeah over the weekend there was a picture in our front page that I provided below. This is an actual photo, it has not been altered in any way. This actually happened here down south. I thought you guys would like to see something amazing. I live in Georgia but we get the news from Alabama so this is what was on our front page.
Have a great day!

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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Don't pass it to me! I'm on fire! Ok pass it! I'm big! Why are you big? I DON
My training for my job starts on Monday and then my last training day is Thursday. After that I start working. I hope I get to work more than one day a week. I say that because sometimes stores have the tendecy to only work you once a week or two days a week for only like three hours especailly at clothing stores that have a lot of people.
My older sister used to work at The Gap and she only worked once a week for like three hours. She had to get a second job just to help pay her bills. So I hope I get to work a little more.
How is everyone's Saturdays going? Hope that you are having fun!
Well that's all for today and I hope you guyshave a great relaxing Saturday!
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Friday, May 25, 2007
Gamer roits have broken out worldwide over their concerns about Rock Band's two hundred dollar price tag. For everyone that pays, three get to play for free. Not a bad deal . For your friends, I mean.
I got a job offer today! Wooohoo! I'm so happy! Now I can actually pay for things and not have to worry about making my bf Charles pay for them.
Usually when we go out on a date I don't like him using his debt card because I want him to save his money for when he really needs it. So usually we go some place cheap or sometimes when we feel like we can afford it some place nice, but we do the cheap thing and order a large food platter that way it's only one thing to pay for and we'll still have a lot more cash left.
My job is at Bath and Body works which I am happy about because I wa hoping that they would call me! So the lady said that she will call me tomorrow so that she will let me know what day to come in for training and oriention.
I hope that everyone is doing well today and that if your still in school I hope that you guys aren't burned out. Schools almost ending for you guys so there is a light at the end of the long school tunnel.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
Yesterday it rained a little but today it generally seems really sunny. Strange weather this year!
The weather this year and last year was very weird. First it was unbelievebly hot last year now this year here it is not hot unless you stay in the sun. At first it used to be you got hit by a blast of heat once you walked outside but now it is just really windy, not all that hot and gets cold at night.
How is the weather where you guys live? Is it weird or relatively normal?
I saw my grandmother yesterday. She was feeling much better. Just a little tired though but that was maybe because it was the afternoon and she had been up early. We both fell asleep watching Univision (the spanish channel) and then I woke up and closed the door when the "Cheer Cart" came around. The "Cheer Cart" is a cart that carries snacks and other things around.
It's kind of noisy and the man who pushes it yells down the hallways "Cheer Cart! Cheer Cart!" He woke up my grandmother so I closed the door.
Well that's the news from my town. I hope that everyone is having a great day today!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Why are you dressed like a out of work mexican wrestler? Weren't you supposed to return that costume? The silk feels nice feels nice against my skin.
Thanks for the well wishes for my grandmother to get better. I don't mind if anyone prays for her because my family is praying for her as well.
I saw her yesterday at the hospital and she said she was doing better. They had drained some more fluids out and the doctor talked to her. My sister gave the info about what happened before she went to the hospital on Sunday. They did a scan of her heart and the valve they fixed was still narrow so most of the blood couldn't get through as it should. So they are doing some more scans and hopefully nothing else is wrong in the rest of her body.
I have another interview today at the mall. I should just set up a tent in front of the mall and live in it because I seem to be going there every day. This is for another clothing store called Charlotte Russe. They sell nice clothes snd the manager lady seemed to want more people to work. When I got my application it looked like there were only two people working, the manager and a worker. So I guess I came right on time.
My abuela's (grandmother) sister and her friend are leaving today. They are leaving very early in the morning so I won't see them when I wake up. So I said goodbye to them last night and my abuela's friend said "Be good, study hard, have fun at your job (that's when I get one), and when I come back I will be doing your wedding, right?" I started to laugh and she smiled really big and laughed to.
It seemed that everyone at the wedding in my family thinks that me and mf bf Charles (Legacyof) will be the next ones to get married. They asked us a lot if we were next and I was like "Maybe, we might be." You would think that they would ask that of my older sister (by the way the one that got married was my second oldest sister. She was 21 when she got married this Saturday; my older sister is 23). So you would think they would naturally ask the older sister but I guess they thought Charles and I would be the next ones.
Well I hope you guys had a good day and thanks again for the well wishes and prays for my grandmother.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Breathing a sigh of relief but still worried
Hello guys!
At the wedding I did not cry out right but I did tear up a little but I am not too worried because she is only 15- 30 minutes away from my house in the town across the river. So I have a feeling I will be seeing her a lot when she comes back from her honeymoon.
She called on Sunday and said her and her husband went and saw a alligator farm in Florida where they are spending their honaymoon. She said that the people who run it said that the alligators will eat almost anything but right now they really like cheese puffs. Strange.
Well yesterday the interview went well I think So I hope they call me. I walked around the mall a little then went home.
Over the weekend something else happened besides the wedding.
On Sunday my Abuela was taken to the hospital by my mother. She was having a bad cough so we thought it was just a cold. It turns out that her one of her hearts valves wasn't working as well as it should and was circulating some of her blood into her lungs.
She had heart surgery a month or two ago but it seems that the surgery didn't fix all that was wrong with her heart amoung other problems she has. She had her surgery in Puerto Rico and the doctor didn't tell my mom really anything so we find out now that something else was wrong.
My Abuela has a habit of telling us she is fine when she is not so we didn't know that anything else was wrong until now. Right now my mom said she is a little better because they drained out some of the fluids that were in her.
So far I don't know anything else. Tomorrow I am going to visit her in the morning to see how she is feeling with my sister and my Abuela's sister.
I hope that everyone has a good day
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Monday, May 21, 2007
I refuse to take another picture! I just got done taking so many this weekend.
I am back from a very busy weekend!
So how is everyone doing today? Good I hope!
Here's the news from the weekend from Friday night to Sunday!
On Friday my mom, Abuela, my Abuela's sister and I all went to run errands around town. I got my nails done at the mall for the wedding, my Abuela and her sister got their hair done as well in the mall too. My mom and I went to a candle shop there (once again at the mall it almost has everything you need there) and we found the candles that the bride and groom needed for the wedding. Then everyone all headed to Buger King across the road from the mall and ate some lunch. After that was all through we went to Hobby Lobby (a crafts store) and got the table clothes, table skirts, the table for the guest book to go on, candle holders for the candles and wedding cards. By that time it was close to 5:00 pm, so we headed back to the house and unloaded everything. Then headed to the church for the rehersal. We practiced walking down first then the wedding director came and told us exactly where we stand and who's walking with who and anything else we needed to know. After I got home around 8:00 pm. Everyone except for me left to go and decorate the church. When my sister got home I straightened out her hair and then went to bed.
On Saturday morning around 7:30 am I went with everyone in the morning to the reception hall (minus the bride of course she was going to get her hair done for the wedding a little bit later). My Older sister was doing my little sisters hair (her hair is super long so it was going to take awhile) and then after that they were going to get ready. At the reception hall we put up all of the decorations, the table cloths, table skirts, and then put out the table for the guest book, and unloaded the trays that the food was going to go on. After that my mom and I went to drop everyone off at the hose and then we went to pick up my bf, Charles (Legacyof) before we headed to pick up my sister (the bride) from the mall around 10:30 am. When we got there my mom went to go get her hair recurled and restraightened (she didn't do it yesterday because it would have fallen out by the time today came around) then my bf, my sister (the bride) and went home There I started to get ready and so did my sister. I told Charles to entertain himself while we got ready and he was on the computer in my study room when I was done. He stayed at the house because my dad was taking him with some other things to the wedding and my mom was taking everyone else in a seperate car to the wedding as well. When we got there we waited a little then started to get dressed and then sat around for a little before the brides maids went to take pictures. Then we all headed into the church (except for my sister) and then the wedding started. We all got walked down the isle and then my sister came and she was very beautiful. The wedding was short which was very nice (most of the weddings I went to were long) and then we had it seemed a miniphoto shot after all the rest of the people had left the church for the reception hall except for my family (my bf included; I consider him part of my family) and the groom's family. Then headed to the reception hall and ate some food. When we got home we unloaded everything out of the car. My sister and I took Charles home because it was getting close to 9:00 pm and my parents wanted him to get home and rest because he has been helping us all day move things around. My sister and I took our cousins out to see the downtown area of our little city and we ate at a restrurant and played a little pool then headed home.
Uh Sunday... Just relaxed all day and said good bye to everyone that was leaving that day.
So that's my weekend! It's a somewhat long post I think. I can never tell in these post boxes.
So I hope everyone had a splendid weekend and that you guys have a splendid day!
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Friday, May 18, 2007
If Santa had a Deathnote I wonder what would happen?
well hello everybody! Today is especailly busy because *trumpet fanfare* it's the rehersal for the wedding tomorrow. That means tonight i won't be able to visit everyone because I am going to the rehersal at the church.
This morning I just got a call from Bath & Body Works. They want me to come in for a interview on Monday. It's really cool that they are calling me a lot now. I guess because it is the summer they are really hiring now. It also helps that I saw a in-store sign saying that they were hiring.
Because tomorrow is the wedding I will not be posting or visiting sites. Sorry to everyone who looks forward to my amusing and somewhat strange posts.
Yup my house is now a crafts store. We are almost done I think with everything that needs to be done for decoration of the church and reception hall. I have my dress and it's been tailored to fit better. My sisters wedding dress looks beautiful.
So I will tell you guys everything that has happened during the weekend on Monday! Have a great weekend everyone and congratulations to the people who are graduating this weekend!
Have a great day everyone!
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Thursday, May 17, 2007
I don't know whay Kingdom Hearts games make me do all this teddy bear crap. Winnie the Pooh is a freaking bad-a** in this one. Serious? Sh** yeah, b! He merges with Jenova, and murders Christopher Robin.
Penny arcade did a comic about KH2. The title is from the comic. The whole qoute goes as following:
Gabe:I don't know why Kingdom Hearts games makes me do all this teddy bear crap.
Tycho:Winnie the Pooh is a freaking bad-a** in this one.
T: Sh*t yeah, b. He merges with Jenova, and murders Christopher Robin. At the end, he summons a meteor and tries to destroy The Hundred Acre Wood.
G: That sounds hard-core. How are you supposed to beat him?
T: You don't really. He gets stuck in the door to Rabbit's house.
Today is a very busy day for me and my family. My grandmother, her sister, and a friend have been at my house since Tuesday. My house ha turned into a arts and crafts store. They made somethings for the wedding and I'm helping out.
This morning I just got through spray painting some things for the reception hall all silver. My finger tips were all silver so I had to wash my hands a couple of times to get it out.
They all speak spanish so it gets a little confusing trying to figure out what they say because they sometimes talk at the same time. It's pretty nice having them here though. They are sleeping in three of our bedrooms. They took my sisters bedrooms (except for mine) and are sleeping in them. Our house has 5 bedrooms, four our my sisters and I and the other is my parents. It's not crowded at all which is good so there's no problem with space being cramped. My sisters sleep in the living room though but that's nothing new because for some reason they all just decided to sleep there a few months ago.
Oh yeah I wrote the wrong thing yesterday. I meant that the interveiw for the job was yesterday not today. When I read over what I wrote I saw my mistake. The interview went very well I think and hopefully I'll hear a call from them. The lady, her name was Amy, said that she will call my references and then I should hear from them sometime this week or next. For my references I put down my pastor which is also my sister's fiance who she's getting married to this Saturday and my College mentor (she talks to me about my major and how I'm doing in it; she's like my advisor but I don't have to meet her in order to register for my classes). So I hope they call!
Today is my bf Charles' (Legacyof) one year celebration here on MyO so go and say congrats!
Well that's all for today guys! Have a great day!
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Barrel Roll'd!
Yesterday my father retired from the army. He was in the army for 24 years which is a pretty long time. He is not officailly retired until September but he decided to take the early ceremony.
The program was very boring and kind of cheesy. They had a movie with a guy singing over clips of the army and one was a clip from when the crowds tore down Saddam's statue and started to stomp on it. I thought it was funny and so did my sisters. My older sister said that she found it funny because the song was so happy but the scene showed an crazed mob attacking a statue.
Yesterdays saying got various responses. For me I do like birds especailly watching them fly around. What I don't like is that they like to poop on cars that are just washed or just things in general. It's like they wait until the last possible moment to do that and then giggle to themselves.
Today I got a interview for a job! Yay! I was looking for one for the longest time. It's an interview at a clothing store called Express so I'll be at the mall tomorrow for the interview. Hope I get the job.
Well that's all for today kids. I hope you guys have a good day!
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