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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I have to go Christmas shopping
Good morning everyone.
Today is the start of my Thanksgiving weekend ^__^. I have to work though but I will still enjoy my time to rest.
So the end of the semester is coming up and I have registered for my next classes. Next semester I am taking Photography 1, Elementary French 1, Film Genres and Themes, and U.S. History to 1865. I'm looking forward to French because I always wanted to learn the langauge ^__^.
With the end of the semester comes finals. My finals for my art classes are just big final projects I have to work on for a long time. For my Drawing 2 art classes I am making portraits of all my family memembers and of my bf and his family (if they can sit long enough for me). Then I'll trace them with an pen and then add the shadows in with India Ink. My teacher said I should try doing each picture with a different color so I might try that, just need to buy some India Ink in different colors.
For 2-D art I am designing a album cover for Radiohead. Their new album "In Rainbows" came out a month ago on the interent and because it was a download it didn't have a album cover. So I'm going to design my own ^__^.
So today I might have work. It's one of those call-in things. Since we started a sale I might have to go in to help out. Other than that I have no plans for today.
That is all everyone ^__^. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving day! Don't forget to stuff you're self silly ^__^.
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Monday, November 19, 2007
The ninjas can't catch you if you are on fire
Hey guys. How are you all doing today? Good I hope.
I am feeling much better but still coughing. I might not be able to go to my first class because of that because I'll be working on a computer and I cough into my hands. Don't wanna get anyone else sick even though a friend of mine told me to cough on her because she didn't want to go back to work ^__^".
As promised I shall show you guys the pictures from the convention ^__^. It was really nice and I made $31.00 from doing portraits and selling pictures. I was very happy it went well. My plans for the next Nerdacon would be to sell some comic books. Not big huge ones but just minicomics of the stories I do. I think people would like those. I have to start working now if I want to get them out of the way before the next one ^__^.
Do you guys have any ideas of what I could do for the comics?
And now the pictures!
Amazing! He was the only Inyuyasha cosplayer at the whole convention. Which is awesome ^__^, very nice guy as well.

This guy was dressed up like Batman and he had a really awesome costume as well. Not sure if he made it himself

She's dressed up as a character from Wild Arms

Castlevania cosplayers

Haku frm Naruto

Kakashi and the guy even made the little book he always is reading

These guys ran the music booth and played the music during the dance parts. The guy in the middle is dressed like Kyouya from Ouran High School Host Club and the girls a Kitty ^__^

The girl in this picture makes cstom hats. Just tell her what you want and she'll make it. This area was where they were selling the snacks.

That's all the pictures I have. It was very fun so I hope to do it again ^__^.
I hope that you guys have a wonderful day!
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done
Hey guys. I am not feeling to well today so the post will be short. How is everyone doing? Good I hope. My weekend was fun and I took lots of pictures of the cosplayers. Unfortunately I wasn't able to take a picture of the vending rooms but the pictures of the cosplayers should make up for it, right? I dislike getting sick, makes me feel all tired and achy. Must have been the changing weather that got me sick. Up until a few days ago the weather was cold as in really cold and now it is cool. At least it is not hot.
Oh yeah Thanksgiving is next week. What are you guys doing for it? Me I have work the day after Thanksgiving which means I won't be able to go with my family to see my cousins in Florida. That I dislike and it's a little too late to put in a notice for some vacation time. At least for Christmas I'll be able to see them and then see my baby nephew ^__^.
Computer is being a butt. It won't let me paste the image codes here. I'll try again when I get downtown. Hope it works when I go there.
Well that is all for today folks. I hope that everyone has a great day!
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Rex Ready. The time-travelling secret agent dinosaur for hire.
Hey everyone. I hope that you guys are having a great day so far.
My grandmother came last Friday and is staying with us for Thanksgiving. She's doing great and can walk around on her own with out the help of a cane which is awesome ^__^.
So today and tomorrow are the convention days. I'm kind of nervous because this is the first time I have ever sold my art before. I hope I do well. I have a few more pictures to draw, around 8 more and I may make copies of some of my older drawings to sell as well. I tried my hand again at realism and it turned out a lot better than my previous tries. Which is awesome!
So my costume is ready and the costume I was making for working with me. Originally he was going to be a Black Mage but every single picture of people cosplaying as Black Mages were wearing blue (even though they are called BLACK mages, strange ain't it?). So we decided to make a Gendo Ikari jacket instead. That didn't work out to well. The sleeves were too tight on the top and my grandmother helpped me take out the stiches so I could add more cloth but it was fighting the whole way. After a long and frustrating battle with the jacket, I gave up. I called Charles and he was very understanding about it so we have at least three other options: Original character, Otacon, or Nero from "Devil May Cry 4". Which one he's going to do I'm not sure. I guess we'll talk about the different options more.
Sorry that I haven't been around for so long or visited everyone's sites. I hope that no one is upset at me for not visiting them.
Well that's all for today. I hope that you all have a great day!
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007
We used to talk about girls who play guitars
Hey everyone. Quick post today. I am currently busy at work with my pictures and costumes for Nerdacon.
I know I haven't visited everyone and I am so sorry. It has been very hectic as of late with everything going on. I really hope that people like my art and will buy them. I am in the process of making copies of my art so I won't have to sell my original picture. Also Charles gave me this idea but he said why don't you offer to do quick sketchs of the anyone. That's a great idea so I think I'll do it. Both the copies and quick sketches will be $5. That's not too expensive or too low a price *does thumbs up*.
Here's one of my pictures I'm selling.

Well that's all for today folks. Have a great day!
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Friday, November 2, 2007
If I wanted my kids to be sissys I would have named them Dr. Quin and Medicine Women
Hey everyone. Thanks for saying congrats on our anniversary ^__^. Some of my friends say that we are practically married hahaha ^__^.
So next week is Nerdacon. Yes I know there already was one this year all the way back in April. The prez of the group (very nice guy) wanted to have one last blow out since he is graduating this year. So Nerdacon is happening on the 9th and 10th.
My friend Charlene says that I should participate in the Artist Alley. The Artist Alley is a place where artists can sell their art. I agreed to do it but I need to draw some pictures to sell. I asked Charles what I should price my pictures as and I don't want anyone to pay too much. He said I should sell the small pictures at $5 and the large pictures at $10. I hope everyone will like my art and I'll make some monay (us art students are always poor).
I'm excited because I have two costume plans for the convention. I plan on selling both days so I want to dress up both days. The first day I already made my costume which is a homemade school girl's uniform. The second day I want to dress up as a White Mage from Final Fantasy 3 (original not the remake). I hope that turns out well and I'll be sure to take loads of pictures ^__^.
Well that's all for today. I hope that you guys have a wonderful day!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007
I'm going to Disneyland
Hello everyone. I hope that you guys are having a great day so far.
Yesterday was my bf and I's 3 year anniversary. It was pretty fun! I originally wanted to make him a pumpkin pie from scratch but I didn't have what i needed. Fortunately Charles was understanding and I bought a pumpkin pie that we ate after I got out from class. He gave me a cute and cuddly teddy bear which I adore ^__^! So a while ago I promised to tell ya guys how we met so here's the story. Prepare for the cuteness!
So we met in high school. He had transfered from another school in our town and I met Charles in our orchestra. I was a little bit mean to him but we became friends and all of our sophmore year hung out together. At the end of the year we exchanged phone numbers so during the summer if we wanted to hang out then we could call each other up. When our junior year had started we both really liked each other but hadn't said anything about our feelings. A friend of mine was having a Halloween party and I invited him to come along. I could tell he wanted to ask me something but I was still clueless if he liked me or not (later found out he did but was scared to tell me). My friend Jaclyn talked him into doing it. The first attempted ended up with her yelling "Agh! I hate you Charles! I hate you!" Reason why was because he said "Hey...Look how big that moon is!" The second attempt was more succesful and we have been going out for 3 years now.
Some of my friends told me I should do a comic of this. I wonder if anyone will read it?
I just remembered something funny. At my church a man came and he looked like a mix between Prince and Little Richie. I wrote a note to my sister saying "That guy looks like Little Richie!" and my sister said "Leave Prince alone." So we both agreed that he looked like them both combined and dubbed him Lil Prince Richie.
Well enough stories for today folks. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Oh my gosh! You're George Lucas!
Hey everyone. How has everyone been doing? Good I hope.
So far I am having a good day. I got a 92 on both of my paintings and on the art report about my artist. Which i'm glad about. She took off a few points because I was late for the critique. I thought it was in our regular classroom but turns out it was in one of the critique spaces in the other art building next door.
My Drawing 2 teacher has Lyme Diesease. She has to take medicine that makes her tired and sick. I hope that she feels better. She sent us an e-mail saying that she won't hold class on Tuesday and Thursday this week.
Well that's all for today everyone ^__^. I hope tht you had a great day!
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Monday, October 22, 2007
Let's just hope we don't see him topless on COPS again.
Hello everyone. How was you’re weekend? Good I hope.
NOTE: This post is best viewed in Mozilla Firefox.
This weekend on Saturday I went to a Sci-Fi Convention. It was pretty fun. They had a lot of different things there, like they were having movies playing in the Space Shuttle. If you have ever been to a planetarium you may see a replica of a space shuttle for a kids summer program. They were playing movies in there and in the Omnisphere (a large room that they do the laser shows in. It has a domed roof.) they were going to show Transformers. Charles bought me a book from my favorite book series, Animorphs by K.A. Applegate. I read all of the books to that series except for the one that Charles bought me. It is called Visser and I was really happy he bought it. I’m also happy because I got an autograph and me and Charles got our picture taken with Gil Gerard. He was in a sci-fi series called “Buck Rogers. He was a pretty cool guy and pretty nice ^__^.
After that we played some games in the gamer room. I unfortunately didn’t take any pictures of that area but I can say the least any gamer would be happy. Charles and I wanted to join a tournament but sort of decided not to join. We saw a laser show in the Omnisphere which was pretty cool. After that we walked around a bit more then headed down the street to eat at a café. The Coca-Cola Space Science Center is located just down the street from the buildings I go to for art. So we headed in the direction and ate some food, played some guitars at a guitar shop called Gorilla Guitars and ate some home-made fudge. The fudge was delicious!
This post is a little long thanks to the pictures I took of some of the people in costumes. They did good jobs on them.
These guys were dressed up as “Star Trek” crew members. Pretty cool.

This guy did a great job on his Bobo Fet Costume!

This dude here was dressed as a Storm Trooper. I’m not sure from what movie though so he could be dressing up like one from the comics. I call him the Forest Camouflage Stormtrooper

Cool! It’s a Jedi Knight! Did you know in England you can change your religion to Jedi?

The guy dressed as the Forest Camouflage Stormtrooper made this suit.

Anyone who has ever watched all of the Star Wars movies will remember these guys as the guys who kidnapped and killed Anakin’s mother in “Star Wars: Epidsode 2.”

Charles and I got our picture taken with Gil Gerard! Yayness!

That’s all for today guys. Sorry that the post was so long. Have a great day!
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Friday, October 19, 2007
Sorry, Paul. It's one o' clock. I have to bend things.
Hello everyone. How are you today? Good I hope.
Sorry I haven't gotten to you guys this week except for a few. Art reared it's head and demanded my creativity. So I was busy at work with my art all of this week. I got to some people who had updated but it wasn't a lot. Sorry again.
Tomorrow my town (well now it can be considered a small city) is going to have a Sci-Fi Convention. My bf and I are going to it and so is a friend of mine. It's probably going to be really cool. I had an idea of dressing up like a Storm Trooper but not much time left ^__^". I think I have been to it before when I was in high school.
Well that's about it for today. I hope that you guys have a wonderful day and weekend!
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