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Monday, September 17, 2007
What is a pirates favorite letter? The letter Rrrr!
Hello everyone! How was your weekend? The movie I wrote about on Friday was from a few years ago and it had english subtitles.
I had a nice weekend. My bf's grandfather was retiring from his job so we went to their house and had a retirment celebration. It was pretty fun we ate food and listened to music and just had a good time. It was pretty fun and I wish him the best in his retirement ^__^.
Speaking of retirement my dad is officailly retired from the military as of this month. He doesn't want to sit around though and twiddle his thumbs so he got some training to be an accountant and is trying to find a job as one. He already has a few prospects so he's doing well.
So far my grandmother is doing very well ^_^. She wants to go back to Puerto Rico though but my mom wants to make sure she is in full health before she goes back. We had a little scare a few weeks ago but all is good and my grandmother is fine ^__^.
I guess since this post is family related then I'll share the happy news from my cousins. My cousin Rafa's gf has just had her baby this past week. When I saw her last she was ready to go and have the baby. The baby weighed about 9 pounds. That's one big baby! I guess her assumption that she would be giving birth to a football player was true hahaha ^__^.
Hmm this post was family related all the way through. I hope you guys didn't mind I just wrote about my family. So much has happened between the start of the summer and the end of the summer so I just thought I should put it all down.
Something funny but very gross I saw the other day at school. I saw a man with a camel toe. To those that don't know what a "camel toe" is, it is when your pants ride up (usually tight pants) and gather around you crotch region causing that area to look very weird. It was very gross but very amusing to me and my bf Charles. The people at my college bring me such amusment sometimes ^__^!
Well that's all for today guys! I hope that you have a great day!
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Friday, September 14, 2007
Heavenly Sword's Hat Boxes are inspired design. With one box full of hats, you know three things: 1, There is a puzzle to solve. 2. Somewhere very close, there is a gong. 3. You should throw a hat at it.
Hello everyone!
I am back at posting again. On Wensday I was being lazy and didn't post heh sorry about that ^__^". Yesterday I had every intention of posting but I realized that my art project was taking longer than expected so I decided to not post yesterday.
Yesterday was nice. We had a critique of our projects and everyone liked everyone's pictures. We are starting new projects next week where we get to draw pictures of my town as if we were illistrating a book about the city I live in. Then I just hung out with my bf all day. I went to the Anime club meeting yesterday so I can keep my friend company. Though I had to leave early At least I was there with her making sure that she had someone to hang out with.
After I left I accompanied my older sister and a friend of her's to watch a video at school. The French class and Spanish class got together to watch a movie that was in both French and Spanish. The movie was called "L'Auberge Espagnole" which means "The Spanish Apartment". It is a funny movie. The characters were like people you would met in real life. A tad bit crazy but fun to be around like a little family.
Well today is no school which means "Catch up on things that I have not finished yet" time. As of right now I have to do a value scale for 2-D Design. So tomorrow I will be doing that not all day since it is just a value scale it wouldn't take very long to do.
Well that's all folks ^__^. I hope that you have a good day and a wonderful weekend!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I no longer believe the propaganda spread by the Xbots and Unbe-wii-vers! Unbe-Wii-vers? Yeah. I made that up.
Hello everyone! I hope that everyone has had a great day so far ^__^.
This year I am planning to go as something I was before. A few years ago I went as a japanese punk/gangster for Halloween. This was about 3 years ago so I am planning on doing it again since it will be cheaper than a $45 costume and I still have a lot of the things I used for my costume then. If you want to see a picture of it I have provided it below. I hope you like the costume ^__^.

It was fairly easy to make really so this year it should be easy to make just going to make a few changes like opting for a school uniform skirt instead of pants and wearing a long coat instead of the shirt. So far the image I get in my head is a good one. Since I have a while till Halloween I can get my stuff ahead of time and can make changes when needed.
Yesterday was nice. I'm worried about one of my friends though because she joined an Anime club at my college and so far no one has talked to her at all. They just ignore her and she has to worm her way into a conversation. I don't like that this is happeneing to her because the group was relatively social and nice last year but then it started to get where you couldn't talk to anyone at all and if you did it would be only a few words then they would ignore you again. The president of the club isn't there a lot of the times but I don't think he knows that this is happening because most of the people are all friends and you have to have a friend in there to get included into a conversation. I don't like this happening to her though so I am going to keep her company when she is over there.
Well that's all for today folks! I hope that you enjoyed the picture and also have a wonderful day!
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Monday, September 10, 2007
Don't Hassle the Hoff
Good morning everyone. How are you today? Fine I hope.
Had fun this weekend. On Friday my bf hosted a video game party at his house and a few of our friends showed up. We had lots of fun playing video games and eating food. I didn't leave until around midnight and I had a lot of fun. On Saturday was Girl's day out with my friends Alex and Charlene. We went around looking for Halloween costumes. I know it's early but if you want the good ones you have to buy them early or else the costume you want won't be there and you get the bad costumes. We also visited some friends and hung out at the mall before heading home.
How was everyone's weekend?
So far college is doing well. Fun but hectic sometimes. I like college though since we get a lot of freedom but just the right amount of restraint. Plus we get to chose what we want for class instead of being told this is what you are going to take. Though for your major you have to follow a list to get all the credits you need but you can take those anytime. I'm currently in my second year of being at college. Just about two years left to go ^__^.
Well that's all folks! I hope that you have a great day today!
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Friday, September 7, 2007
Bleach. The only shinigami that's washes in cold water.
Hello everyone! How was your day yesterday? I hope it was good.
Thanks for letting me know who started it LS. Now I shall thank him ^__^. Thanks Grifter99 for the "Coming Attractions" thing. It is very helpful ^__^.
I will tell the story of how we got together on the day of our anniversary. It would seem more specail then ^__^. It is a funny story actually and it makes me laugh everytime I remember it.
Yesterday my Drawing 2 class went to our local Art Museum. We were going to an exhibit that had just recently opened there. It was a exhibit featuring drawings from the 1800s to the 1950s by American artists. It was originally a private collection held by a couple in New York that was going to sell it. The musuem art director went up to New York to purchase some of the drawings. All together the exhibit had 105 drawings all from different artists. It was amazing. The drawings had so much detail in them. One of the drawings was a landscape done completely in cross hatching lines and dots. I wonder how long it took the artist to draw that. After we were there for an hour, my teacher was able to get the curator of the musuem to talk to us about the exhibit and a little bit of the process for getting the drawings and the placement of each drawing. All in all it was very cool and I plan on going back again so I can look at each picture and maybe see if it could give me some tips on how to do certain effects.
Well that's it for today folks ^__^. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
How did the guys who built the ancient temples in video games get out?
Hello everyone! I hope that everyone had a great day yesterday ^__^.
Sorry to everyone I didn't get to the sites of. I had work ast night. I had to help set up my work place for yesterday because a new sale was starting.
I saw this on Lord Sesshomaru's site when he was getting ready for his anniversary. It was a "What is Coming Up" thing. Thanks for giving me the idea LS!
What's coming up and also happening!
-I might be putting up a picture of myself soon. Currently thinking about it.
-I could be getting very busy as college gets into full swing so please have patience with me if I do not get to your site on time.
-Expect new drawings to crop up as my Drawing 2 class learns new things
Next month for me is a month of excitement ^__^! Reason why is that my bf and I will be celebrating our 3 years anniversary together the day before Halloween. I'm very excited ^__^. I'm not sure if I told you guys how we got together. Hmm I might tell that one later hahaha ^__^.
Yesterday was a nice day for me. Just relaxed and hung out with my bf ^__^. Today I am going to an art exhibit at our local art museum. Thanks to everyone who liked my picture I put up. It took me a while to get it just right so I'm glad everyone liked how it turned out ^__^.
Welll that's it for today. Just a post about somethings that are coming up and what to expect soon.
I hope that everyone has a awesome day!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
They don't pay me enough for this
Hello everyone ^__^. How was everyone's Labor Day weekend? I hope you guys had fun!
My Labor Day weekend was very nice ^__^. We left early Saturday morning at 5 am. The trip to Florida was nice though I was asleep the whole way haha ^__^".
When we got to Florida we dropped my grandmother off at my cousins house so she could spend time with my cousins (they are all above 20 years old) for a bit. Then we all came back around 6 pm and ate food and hung out. That night my cousins took my older sister and I to a bowling alley. The first bowling alley had a two hour wait for a lane and there was a line forming. So we left and went to another bowling alley. We had a lot of fun bowling ^__^.
The next day we went to Sea World in Orlando. Saw some of the shows there. First one we saw was the Shamu show. It was really cool cause the Killer Whales did some very nice tricks. We didn't sit in the splash zone though. My cousin's friend sat us up in the rafters which was fine as long as we got to see the show it was still worth it. After that we saw a little bit of a Elmo show they had going on. I'm not sure why Elmo was there though... We also saw a show featuring Dolphins and they were very cool ^__^. We had to leave early though because a storm moved in but it was fun while we were there.
We left yesterday for home. Had to leave early again because my dad had work that afternoon. We said our good byes and promised to be back for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Oh yes before I forget here is the picture I did for art. I had finished it Friday night.
Well that was my Labor Day weekend ^__^. I hope everyone had a great weekend and I hope that you have a great day!
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Friday, August 31, 2007
There is a thin line between genius and madness.
Hello everyone ^__^. I just finished getting to everyone who had updated yesterday, I'm glad about it ^__^.
This weekend is Labor Day weekend. I'm going out of town Saturday to visit my cousins and returning Monday. So Monday there will be no post but I will post for Tuesday though and tell you guys all about the trip ^__^.
Today was nice. We worked more with the ink and we had to bring in a picture from home to draw and color with the ink. So far the picture I am doing is turning out well. I still have some ways to go though. Maybe I can take a picture of it and then post it when it is done so you guys can see it. After that my bf and I ate luch (I make his luches ^__^) and then just hung out and relaxed.
Today I have no classes so I will be relaxing with my bf today ^__^. We are planning on going to see a movie today at the $1.50 theater.
What are you guys doing for Labor Day weekend? I hope something fun.
Well that's all for today ^__^. I hope that everyone has a fantastic day and Labor Day weekend.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Fact: Squirrels are natures drug dealers and I will strive to fend off this Squirrely Menace
Hey everyone! My computer was fixed when I got home yesterday which I was very happy.
Yay! I finally got to everyone and I am happy. First time in days that I got to everyone before anyone had updated and it helps that some of you guys are in school, since you'll check in the morning or afternoon and then post.
My day was pretty nice. I finished my photoshop exercises and then got an assignment to draw the courtyard of the art building I am at. There are two art buildings. One holds the theater and studio classes and the other holds the computer classes and some studio classes. After that I went to my english class. My english teacher is pretty cool. He listens to rock music and yesterday he did the horns (You know the horns, it's like saying "Rock On!" but with your hands. You make a fist with your hand but keep your index finger and pinky up and that is the "Rock On!" symbol).
I should get a little USB drive. Thing is they are expensive hahaha ^__^". The good ones anyway. Maybe I can ask my parents to get me one so I can use it for class and other things.
The background of my site is from Cromartie High School the movie. The robot's name is Mechazawa and he is pretty cool. Cromartie High School used to be shown on TV on the G4 channel about a year or two ago. The box set of the DVD is out now so visit your local Movie Stop for a cheaper priced boxset. Goodness how I love Movie Stops prices. Something that is 50 bucks at one store would be 20 bucks at Movie Stop.
Well that is all for today ^__^. I hope that everyone has a great day!
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
First off, this isn't a fanny pack it's a holster
Hello everyone ^__^. I hope that everyone is having a good day today.
I am sorry for not getting to everyone yesterday. My computer is acting funny but my dad is trying to get it fixed today. I am currently writing this at my college and I will try ot get to everyone here and hopefully when I get home my computer will be fixed and ready to go so I can visit you all ^__^.
Yes the Mac computers are rather confusing. The icons and system are tottaly new to me. Since it is a shared system (meaning anyone in the class room can use this computer and usually multiple classes use the computers) I have to make my own file to save onto the computer. The file though cannot be accessed on any of the other computers so you have to make sure you get the computer you were losing last time to complete your work.
My day yesterday was nice. We drew with ink and had to do a portrait of someone in the room in ink and upside down. It was pretty fun drawing the person upside (oh no not me, I wasn't upside down but we had to draw the face of the person upside down), and everyone's drawings turned out well. After that we continued the upside down picture exercise had had to draw a picture of our choosing upside down in ink. She wanted us to only use black and white to do the picture, so that means we couldn't add any value (a greyscale is also called a value scale and it determines how dark or light a shadow will be) to it.
After I got back from class my bf and I watched Cromartie High School. It is a very random show, but has funny things in it ^__^. If you want to check it out you can look up some episodes on Youtube.
I hope that everyone has a great day!
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