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Having the best Bf and getting into college
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when I was 6
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Azudaioh Manga is pretty nice
Be a good art teacher and buy a moped
Drawing, music (I play the violin), hanging out with bf and friends
Drawing, music, stories, and giving advice
| Wensdayskitten
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Either he's going to think here is another kid with a fake ID or here is McLovin the 25 year old Hawaiian Organ Donor
Hey everyone! How is everyone's day today? Good I hope.
Yesterday was a somewhat slow day for me. Nothing really happened much besides just school and hanging out with bf in the student center. I went downtown for my 2-D art class and we used these mac computers for our exercises. I have never used a Mac computer (the new ones that is) before so it was quite different from what I am used to. I am used to my icons being in one place but with the Mac computer the icons were at the bottom or side. It was interesting though and I might need to go and find something to help me get the computer more.
In 2-D we worked with Photoshop and had to create some designs using one or two letters. We had to do 6 different pictures each with their own letter or letters. It was pretty cool but it took me a while because I would accidently delete what I just did ^__^". We're continuing on Wednesday using photoshop.
Over the weekend my bf, his friend Alan and I all went to see "Superbad". It was a very funny movie ^__^! The movie's comedy was very good because it was like watching us in high school all over again. The reactions to most of the things were like something you would do if your friend got a fake ID and wanted to get some beer for a party and his ID wouldn't pass as believable. Reminded me of some of my friends in high school.
Well that's all for me. I hope that everyone has a great day!
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Photoshop Hero! You've got Filter Power! Use it! Sweet Flare
Hey everyone ^__^.
Oh man -__-. I can't believe I didn't visit everyone yesterday. I'm being a bad friend by not checking up on everyone and talking to you guys. Big apology to everyone!
Today was a nice day. Not as hot as the days earlier which was very nice. I went to my art class today and we did an exercise in negative shapes. It was nice since everyone didn't have to draw the same object but we got to draw different objects around the studio.
Yes still life is pretty boring to do. I would like to do something more exciting than drawing a bottle and a table cloth. Thank goodness my art teacher wants to do different things. So far the plan on getting to draw horsess is panning out. A student in my class knows someone who breeds horses so we might be going to go draw them soon. Maybe when it gets cooler we'll go the horse place.
My picture came in today ^__^. I hope everyone likes it. I'll put up a link to it right here so everyone can check it out.
 The Angel Hosted By
Today no school, so I will definitely be getting to everyone. I hope that everyone is having a great day ^__^.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Ocean Breathes Salty Won't You Carry It In. In Your Head, In your Heart, In Your Soul. And Maybe We'll Get Lucky and Both Grow Old.
Hi guys. I know this is a late post, much later than I usually post.
If anyone is having a problem commenting on my post just let me know in a pm. I have noticed that one of my friends didn't leave a comment on my last post and I was worried that my page was screwing up and making it difficult to comment on. Hopefully it's fine now.
I have been busy at work drawing and writing and reading things for school. So far it has kept me busy for the past few days but so far it is nice. I just finished drawing a picture for my Drawing @ class. It's my attempt at Realism. I did do some realism pictures in Drawing 1 of my self. I might put those up. The picture is a drawing of an angel statue I have in my room. My dad got her for me and I have always wanted to draw her. So I did, and I sumbitted it into the art section of MyO.
I'm not very good at Realism, no where as good as Elves is but I'm still practicing ^__^. Hoepfully I can learn enough to where I can draw both anime style and realism. Here's wishing me luck! Once the picture is here then I'll put a link on my page to it. Hope you guys like it.
Today I have Drawing 2. We have been drawing things, not a lot but just a little and we are getting underway. I hope that I have fun in the class.
Well that's all for today everyone. I am currently writing this my time which is 3:29 am Eastern Standard Time. I'll try to get to everyone today.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Edit, Gabe can fly like an eagle. Gabe is an unstopabble opponent. Gabe is related to Chef Boyardee. Edit, Gabe pooped in a secret place
This post is late, because I was writing a paper for oe of my classes. I am sorry for not visiting everyone today. I think I only got to one person yesterday and for that I am sorry. Please accept my apologies and I will try to get to everyone today.
It was nice at school today. Did a lot of running around though. My 2-D Art design class is downtown but the art building is split. All of the studio classes (like drawing, sculpture, ceramics and whatnot) are in one very large building that also houses the theater majors and theater for putting on plays. The building I had to go to was next door. It is slightly smaller and is for the art courses that require a computer. It is very nice they did this but at times it can be quite confusing.
I also had an english course yesterday and the teacher was very nice. I wonder how this year will be like. Hopefully it will be nice and fun.
Thanks to everyone who wished my mom a happy birthday ^__^! We brought a cake home and ate some food made by my mom and grandmother and watched my sister's hamster roll around in her ball. She is so cute ^__^. Her name is Rosie by the way, but the full name is Rosalyn. My other sister (the married one) also has a Hamster and she named him Winston Churchill the Hamster, Winston for short.
I hope that everyone has a great day and I will try to get to everyone today as well. Again I am sorry and I will try to get everyone.
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Monday, August 20, 2007
I've gotten better IMs from a drunken monkey
Hello everyone. How was everyone's weekend? Had fun I hope.
This weekend was nice for me ^__^. Today is my mom's birthday. We celebrated it on Saturday because today everyone is busy but it was still nice anyway ^__^. On Friday I hung out with my friends and bf. My bf and I went to the movies with our friend Milton and saw The Simpsons Movie. It was funny and I liked it. It did have some sad parts and those were very unexpected because usually the Simpsons are know for their comdey. After the movie my bf and I went to hang out with the rest of our friends. We went to one of our friend's apartment and played video games. They wanted to go to the park right next to the apartment and play laser tag but the park gets pretty dark quickly. So they just played laser tag inside the apartment.
It was pretty fun and my bf and I had a god time hanging out with them.
Sunday I went with my sister to get her hamster. It's very cute and I chose the bunny I wanted but I'm getting it later after I pay for all my books and things.
Speaking of things, any body who does art notice that art supplies are expensive? Boy, got my Drawing 2 art supplies and it cost $144 for everything. Got some cool stuff though like ink and bamboo brushes. Wonder what we will be using them for? Today I start my other drawing class. It's 2-D Art Design.
That's all for today folks ^__^. I hope that everyone has a great day!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
It's tricky to rock around and rock to around it's right on time it's tricky
Hello everyone!
I know that this post is late. I went to bed last night and forgot to post. I was very tired from walking around the downtown campus. They haven't finished much of the road that goes to where I have class so I have to walk from muic school (which is up the street by almost a block or so) to the art building. Now not very far since you can see the art building from the music school, in this heat it felt like an eternity. Hopefully by the end of August they will finish the road.
My drawing 2 teacher is from Sweden. She is very nice ^__^. She has a lot of plans for our art class which she hopes she can do. One of the plans is illistrate a poem we hear and the other is sit in on a drama practice and work with them to help design sets. Those would be very cool and would be rather fun to do ^__^. Hopefully we can do them, I would love to.
That's all for today folks ^__^. I hope you have a great day!
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
I see Rumpelstlskin is still trying get custody. He wants weekends right?
Hello everyone! College is starting today ^__^. So today I will be getting to everyone after I get back from school. I like school actually, sort of funny since most people don't like school, but I do. I think its fun ^__^.
Oh how I love 80s music. I made a cd of 80s music for my bf and included my favorite songs. It has the song that started it all for MTV. The first music video ever played on MTV was of a song called "Video Killed The Radio Star" by Buggles. Also included some Run DMC and others. I like it a lot and if anyone has their speakers on might hear the song on my site. Though I was born near the end of the 80s I still love to listen to it on the weekends when they play all 80s on a radio station I listen to.
Do any of you like 80s music?
I have decided that I will get a bunny but first and for most school is first so I will be able to play with him and not have to worry if I left him alone for too long. The bunnies I saw were very cute but I don't want one that will get too big but most seemd like they would get a nice medium size. Strange thing happened when we were looking at the rabbits. Rabbits don't lick people they lick other rabbits but a rabbit started to lick my sister's hand and it also licked mine. Very strange of a rabbit to do.
Any thoughts as to why it was licking us?
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Karma Karma Karma Karma Karma Chameleon
hello everyone. I hope that everyone had a great day today.
I had a nice day yesterday. Went shopping with my grandmother and sister at the mall. Got a new shirt and realized how hot a car could get if you walk away from it just for a little bit. Goodness it was hot but at least there was a wind blowing to make it coller even if it was a warm wind. Much too hot to stay outside for very long. Later on today I went to go eat at a pizza place and then visited a pet store. My older sister wants to get a hamster so we were looking at the hamsters they had. I saw a bunny I wanted to get but maybe later I'll get that.
School is starting for me on Thursday this week, which is nice since I'll be starting a new art class. I can't wait since I will be drawing new stuff. I haven't drawn anything in a while so maybe once the art cours starts I might be able to submit some new art here. Since I'll be starting college again, this means I won't be on very much. I will be gone most of the day at school so I won't be able to visit everyone but I will try.
On Monday night when I usually would be typing my post I was asleep. All of Monday I was still recovering from Sunday so when I was going to write my post the bed distracted me hahaha ^__^. Hopefully the world did not fall out from everyone because I didn't post, oh I'm just kidding! I visited almost everyone yesterday when I got back from shopping.
I hope that everyone has a great day today and that it finds you healthy and happy ^__^.
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Pandas are cucumbers mortal enemies
Hello everyone. How are you today on this nice day?
I had a nice weekend until Sunday which I will get to in a little bit.
On Saturday I hung out with my bf and a couple of my friends. Alex was in town and has gotten everything settled in at her dorm. We all went to go see Transformers. Originally we wanted to see Rush Hour 3 but instead we (well they did, I didn't mind seeing Transformers since I haven't seen it yet). It was a good movie and I can see why people felt in the action scenes. Though it did seem at times to feel like I was a bobble head in an earthquake, but non the less a good film ^__^.
Now for the my frustration for Sunday. I did inventory for my store on Sunday with a lot of the other workers. I saw my friend Edge and his mom there because they work at the inventory company that was counting our stock at B&BW. I had to be at the store by 6 am so we could get through by the time the store opened at 12. We started to count everything that was on the shelves and write down what we got on the tickets they put for each shelf. It seemed easy enough until we started to see that there were lots of mistakes.
Some would be off by one. Others would be off by more than one. I counted a drawer that had 165 things in it and the guy who counted it before me wrote the total for that shelf as 65. He was off by 100 and the other shelf he counted had 24 boxes on it and he wrote 124.
By the time I left at 4:10 that afternoon, after being in the store for 10 hours counting things, I was so frustrated and upset and tired. It made me feel like crying, and I only do that when I am really stressed out. Oh it was horrible.
Also this weekend to bring up the mood, I got my hair cut. It is very short, shorter than I usually have it. I used to have long hair but decided to cut it ater a very hot summer. So it is short short.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day.
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Friday, August 10, 2007
If it's not authentic Earl Grey Tea that's an insult to the Queen and nobody insults the Queen! But it is authentic Earl Grey Tea it's just cold. Oh then your a lucky man. Knock his knickers off anyway Ed. Oh pipe down Shelia it's all over.
Hello and good morning to all. How is everyone today?
Old shows are the best in my opinion but of course there are pretty cool shows out now. The cartoons I remember from my youth (hahah I'm not that old but I like saying that) are Ren & Stimpy, Rocko's Modern Life and many others. I was a huge X-men Fan when I was younger and still am today. Had a couple of their comic books from the 90s. Not sure what happened to them though might be in a box somewhere in my attic. Old cartoons and kids shows are fun to watch because you remember how fun they were. I wish they showed most of my favorite cartoons on tv still but I guess I'll have to find the DVDs of the shows.
My day was good, I just relaxed at home with my grandmother who is progressing very fast ^__^. No longer has to use the walker and can get around without much assitance. Though she has to use a cane when she goes out, it seems she doesn't even need it anymore. I'm glad in a short time she's progressed this far ^__^.
I hope that everyone has a great day!
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