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| Wensdayskitten
Monday, March 26, 2007
It hit me like a two ton brick... I have better hygine than most of these gamers here...Sad really...Part 2 of 2

Todays music is Brazilian. So here it is!
Some people have commented on the name of the convention. Yes it is truly called Nerdacon. It's a really funny name but at least it isn't the normal route for names of conventions. Like one in Atlanta called Momocon (The peach convention).
To any one who missed yesterdays post. It's right underneath this one. This is part 2 of the convention I went to.
Ok so the last room of the convention was the game room. They had Super Smash Brothers Melee, Soul Caliber 3, Super Mario Cart for the gamecube, Naruto Clash of the Ninjas 4 (this isn't out in America yet so they had an imported version of it). Then in another corner there was on more game to beheld my eyes. They had Halo 2 in a corner by itself. Like that game was going to beat up the other games in the room. On the projector screen in that room they were setting up Guitar Hero 2.
Afetr I had provade the land of nerdiness I started to particpate in some things. I played some games in the Game room (Guitar Hero 2, Soul Caliber 3, and this game I don't know the name of).
The I went into the vending room and the guy who was selling the ninja swords and pirate swords was also selling a 9 tail whip and a horse whip. I was like "Huh?" and my friends were like "Ooohhhh." I told them to put them down because they were to young for that yet (they're like 17-18 years old). The man said that he was having a sale that if you bought one you would get the other for free. I told them to put it down again.
Then it was time for the give aways! Lottery style. I didn't get anything unfortunately, but some of my friend s got manga and cds and some tickets for a free meal at Chik-Fila. They were just giving things away which was cool. The last item they were giving away then (there was going to be other giveaways later) was a t-shirt. The guy threw it behind him like a bouqeut of flowers thrown by a bride. He was like this is the only time I'll ever do this.
Then I watched a Karate demonstration which was awesome! After that a man demonstrating sumo wrestling came and I made a crack to my friends about his cloth diaper. Basically I said "Wouldn't it be funny if his cloth diaper slipped to the side when he was doing his leg side streches?" My friends started laughing.
After that I just walked around, hung out with my friends, and got bombarded by the nasty smelling kids who visited the game room. The room was fine when I went in but later it was hot, crowded, and smelled like onions and bad B.O.
Well that the news from the weekend! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
Have a wonderful day!
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