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Contract Administrator
Real Name
They call me Wheeler...because it's my name.
few and far between!!!!
Anime Fan Since
Relative newcomer, about 5 years or so I guess, although I do remember seeing Akira when I was 8.
Favorite Anime
Evangelion (by far) also Nadesico and the underated (In my opinion) Nadia Secret of Blue Water. The list keeps growing!!
Do well in my job, continue to draw fan art and expand my anime collection!
watching anime, reading manga, drawing
watching anime (I see a pattern emerging!!!)
Welcome to Wheem001's site, a place of wonder, excitement and.....wonder!!! Well actually it's none of those things, but the hell with it!! What you're more likely to find are regular updates every 1000 odd years and some attepmted fan art from yours truly!!
I'm a pretty big fan of anime, below is my DVD collection as it stands at the moment, I'm sure people out there have much bigger collections, but the pic is there mainly to add some colour!! Lol. Hopefully, this could become a trend, it would be great to see people share their collections.

There are many series which I've really enjoyed, but Neon Genesis Evangelion will remain my favourite I think, can't recommend that show enough. Even if you end up hating it by the end, watch it through at least once if you get the chance!!
Well, this was a short intro to my site, perhaps if you have a little time to spare you could take a look at my attempts at fan art, it would be great hear what what you think.
Thanks for stopping by!!
Song playing: Good Or Don't Be - Evangelion Refrain OST.
Monday, October 22, 2007
1000 hits!!
Whoop, I don't know quite how it happened but I have gained 1000 hits to MyOtaku page. Not a great feat I realise, but thanks to all of you guys for stopping by and reading the crap that I type.
In other random news, I ended up buying a PS3 today. It all stemmed from me having a day off and wanting to get a new game for my Wii. I'm not quite sure how I ended up buying a PS3, but I'm not at all sorry I did. Started playing Resistance: The Fall of Man, brilliant graphics with fun and engaging gameplay, looking forward to playing some more!
Well, thanks for stopping by, I'll catch ya'll later!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Good Lord, a new post!
It's that time again, time for an update. If only I had something to talk about!
Well it's not particularly interesting but today I enroled on a 2 year part time college course to do with my job. A 'National Certificate in Construction' is what I'll be aiming to get, but apparently it's a pretty difficult course if you don't have any grounding in construction...Which I don't! Lol, plus work is putting quite alot of pressure on me to pass.
Well anyway, my first day is next monday so I'll just have to see how it goes!
Apart from that, it's pretty much been business as usual. Working and...working. Recently finished watching the series Tenchi in Tokyo, it's pretty entertaining, especially as I read quite a bit of criticism against it in reviews. I suppose it doesn't quite hold up against the earlier Tenchi series, but it still has alot of the trademark mix of comedy and action that are synonymous with the Tenchi franchise.
That turned out to be alot longer post than I expected. Well if you read this far, thanks for stopping by and taking pity on an old fools ramblings.
Well, Later! ^^
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
Happy New Year!!!.......
What? I'm only....6 months late! Yeah, I suddenly realised I haven't posted anything since December (I could have sworn I had though!). Boy, time sure flies when you're slogging your guts out at work! Lol
I'm still here, not sure if many others are though. As a quick update, I've finally gotten round to finishing another pic, it's nothing special, more of a quick sketch type thing. However it has put me in the mood to do more art, so hopefully there will be some new stuff up soon!!
Well hopefully see y'all around a little more often from now on! Lol.
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Slightly more regular update
3 posts in one month! Getting slightly better at this updating malarkey.
What have I been up to lately? Well it was my birthday a couple of days ago, which was pretty good. Went with my family for a meal on the day, ah over-eating is the best!
Also will be heading down the pub this evening for a few beverages, some of which maybe possibly alcoholic...well most of them.......all of them!
Apart from that working, working and watching anime. Got a little bit of a backlog to get through.
Also starting to look at my Crimbo pic, 3rd year....I need to look harder! Lol drawing a bit of a blank!
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