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Contract Administrator
Real Name
They call me Wheeler...because it's my name.
few and far between!!!!
Anime Fan Since
Relative newcomer, about 5 years or so I guess, although I do remember seeing Akira when I was 8.
Favorite Anime
Evangelion (by far) also Nadesico and the underated (In my opinion) Nadia Secret of Blue Water. The list keeps growing!!
Do well in my job, continue to draw fan art and expand my anime collection!
watching anime, reading manga, drawing
watching anime (I see a pattern emerging!!!)
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Monday, November 13, 2006
New Pic
2 posts in one month! Just a quick note to say I posted a new pic. Was quite pleased with it, I was a bit annoyed that it's kinda pixelated when it got posted. It doesn't look too bad in high resolution tho! I think!
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Subject:....Good question!
Sweet Zombie Jesus, it's been a long time since I posted anything! I think I know the reason why as well, after not having updated for such a long time and only having typed this far, I still can't think of anything to say!
On a positive note, I passed my Business Admin NVQ exams which means I should hopefully progress slowly to a pay rise at work (hurray!). Unfortunately it means I no longer get my days off work to go to the training place!
It's weird, at first I really didn't enjoy going,
especially as most people on the course are under 18 years old. When you're the guy who's approaching 21, there's a definate age gap, I became aware that I really am getting older! Lol. In the end I got on quite well with a few of the people and it was pretty good fun. Ah well, at least I got the exams over with.
Apart from that I haven't been doing much, apart from watching a fair bit of anime. Finally got all of the Tenchi Universe series, it's another fine classic, a good mix of action, comedy and drama.
It's a shame that so few of the various series aren't available in the UK, I'd really like to see Tenchi Muyo GXP as it was directed by Shinichi Watanabe (Director of Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemi) it would be interesting to see what stoties he could create with those characters! The trouble is importing DVDs is so expensive and it takes so long for them to ship!
Ah well, never mind, just have to work that little bit harder to afford them! Lol.
Cheers for stoppin' by, hopefully I'll keep my site more up to date from now on! Later ^_^
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Strange start to the week
Another random post, the best type there is! Yeah, anyway, strange start to the week. I had been suffering with an ear infection over the weekend, went to the doctor on Sunday got some medication. Still very painful and didn't get any sleep.
Monday morning went into work and after bout an hour decided I was gonna call it a sick day. On the way home I started to get a small pain in my chest. By the time I was home I couldn't breathe it hurt so much and I couldn't stop being sick! It eventually got so bad my mum called for an ambulance, they turned up and did a few tests, including being strapped to an ECG machine! Apparently I had quite a bad anxiety attack caused by building stress!! Lol, at least it wasn't my heart!
So I'm trying to keep calm of recent, didn't really help when I went back to work today. Only had 2 days off and had a mountain of work to come back to and I met my new boss! Lol.
Like I said, random post, was the most interesting thing that happenend to me in a while and I hadn't posted anything in an even longer while! Lol.
Anime wise I just got a couple more Tenchi Muyo DVDs, really enjoying that series it's a good laugh. Also another series of books I recently finished was the original Manga version of Akira, highly recommended, a true classic! Unfortunately it's pretty expensive at just over £20 per volume.
Phew, that post went on longer than I expected, ah well, see y'all later!!
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
New art
Just a quick shout to say that I've finally posted a new pic! Not sure if many people will recognise the character or the show she's from but never mind.
At least I got one piece of art done before I have to go back to work on Monday!
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Thursday, July 20, 2006
So Very Busy.....
Good Lord!! It's a lesser spotted post! It's been a good while since I posted anything so thought I should post something, that and I'm kinda bored!
Work is killing me, I go on Annual leave for 2 weeks starting Friday *exhausted yay*, so I thought I better clear all my in-trays (I have 9 of them!). That normally wouldn't be a problem, however, yesterday afternoon someone came to me with an urgent, and very time consuming, job that needs to be done before Friday.
I started on it then and as of this post (Lunchtime the next day) I'm not even half way through!! I still haven't started to clear the other stuff I've got to do!
Anywho it's my lunch break now, and I'm damned if I'm gonna work through it again! I could go for a walk, but we're out of town in an industrial estate, the only thing is a pub, but the management tend to frown on people going there at lunchtimes!! Plus the office is nearly empty today and there's no one to go with! Lol.
So thought I'd visit here instead and take a break from staring at the computer screen and typing.....wait a minute!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Go Check it out!!
Just a quick update to say that people should go check out jimmy34's site (His site is listed under my friends section, I'd post a link up, but I don't know HTML!! Lol) to see some pretty good, I suppose you'd call them Cosplay pics, dressing up all in the name of charity!
Fans of Excel Saga or Puni Puni Poemi will recognise this Afro clad hero!! Lol
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Just for the hell of it!
Erm not been up to much since the last post. Apart from working, just been rewatching the original Dragonball series, I'd forgotten why I loved this show so much!!
A couple of episodes a day, I'm not gonna buy any new DVDs until I've finished watching these, give my bank account a chance to recover! Lol.
Also, I recently found this old sketch of Goku that I started AGES ago, I found the original reference pic I was using as well.
I now remember why I stopped with it in the first place, I can't draw hands!! I atempted it like 5 times and decided to put it down for a while!! That turned out to be a little longer than a while.
I'm gonna have to sit down and have a go a finishing it I think! Hopefully expect to see that posted soon.
Podcast news; there will, more than likely, be a 3rd Episode recorded on Sunday. I know nothing more than that! Morbo has a plan apparently, but he wants to keep it a surprise! No doubt this will be another elaborate attempt to make me look even more of a fool, but you'll have to find out by tuning in!! Lol.
Later!! ^_^
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
Update on Podcast news!!
As of the time of this post, the 2nd episode of the co-produced Morbo and Wheem Pod Cast series has been recorded and dare I say edited! (Listen out for my theme music!) I believe Morbo86 plans to post it on his site tomorrow!
Erm, if you see it, have a listen and tell us what you think. We do plan do make them as regularly as possible, until we run out of material...Which happened around about 2 mins into episode 1! So we need your suggestions!
Cheers for stoppin' by! ^_^
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Monday, May 22, 2006
Podcast or random ramblings!!
I'm pretty sure most people who visit my site and are now reading this post would already know what I'm talking about, but consider this revision! Lol.
Over on Morbo 86's site, hes posted a short recording that we did at the weekend regarding our thoughts on the Nintendo Wii. Basically we were sat round his place, playing some 'old school' games (CAPCOM CLASSICS)and were talking about the simplicity of the controls, which got me started on the control system for the Nintendo Wii (strange that I got so involved really, as I'm quite a casual gamer.)
Spurred on by a podcast he'd heard earlier, Morbo decided to record the conversation to see how easy it was. What you hear is the result!
Erm, was quite interesting. Btw I was Mr.B or the "not happy" one, Lol. But only at the controllers, I am looking forward to seeing more from the machine and a good old fashioned Mario adventure again!!
Mario 64 is my favourite game of all time. Mario Sunshine on The Gamecube sorta missed the point of what a Mario game should be to me. The new Mario Galaxy is looking very promising though! If only I could control him in a normal non "revolutionary" way!! If they hadn't changed the name of the console that could've almost passed as pun! Lol.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
New Art...sort of!
Just a quick post to say that I finally finished and posted the updated version of my Evangelion pic.
Quite pleased with how it turned out, typically now that it's posted I've spotted areas that I'd like to redo again but I could probably spend forever going backwards and forwards trying to decide things!! Lol.
Hurray, another pic under the belt! They're becoming quite a rarity!!
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