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myOtaku.com: wheem001

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

   20!! 20 YEARS!!!
Yup it's my birthday, 20 years old!! That can't be, I'm not old enough to be 20!! Or is that mature enough? True I do act more like a 50 year old anyway, but a young and quite active 50 year old!!
Anyway, had a pretty good day, skived off work early, sat down watched lots of TV, had a beer(s!!) and stuffed myself with Chinese food!! Fully packed day!!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to say Happy Birthday to Mari15, as it's her birthday as well, hope you have a great day!!!

In other news, a new pic is almost in production, so very nearly!! It's a Christmas pic to follow the theme of my effort last Christmas. It's in its earlier stages, i.e. I had the idea, and sort of know what I want it to look like!! More news as it develops, or not as the case may be!!!

Later everyone!!!

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