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Regular school student with nothing to do.^-^
Real Name
Sorry, ya gotta get to know me first. Other than that just call me Kina^-^
Going to see Dir en Grey (InwardScream tour '07)
Anime Fan Since
I was seven
Favorite Anime
SoulTaker, Silent Mobius,Read or Die, E's otherwise, Chrono Crusade, and the list continues
To become a voice actor, to become an owner of a manga company, (Somewhat like Tokyopop's) and to make some friends on this site.
Drawing, reading manga, making my own comic.
| White Angel Kina
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/06/07:
I like random quizzes
Result Posted on 03/06/07:
Yeah he's so cute and sweet. ^~^
Result Posted on 01/27/07:
Yeah Yuzuki's my fav. character from Chobits. I plan to cosplay as her soon. ^ ^
Result Posted on 01/27/07:
Yeah my character from Chobits I'm definately like her. ^ ^
Result Posted on 07/10/06:
I love being a neko/angel ^ ^
What Type of Neko Are you? {Beautiful Neko pictures + Detailed Answers}
 You are the expressive neko. You love to express your feelings soemwhere. Sometimes you feel lonely and you need attention, attention will be given to you because you are true and honest. Negetives: You can be very pathetic at times, you constantly feel that you are turned down. You might want to watch for: A lovesick neko. Her actions can cause so much attention, you feel that no one wants you. Lucky number: 14 Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/06/06:
This is basically who I am... An angel of light...hence the name White Angel.
You are the Angel of Light.
Good Traits:
Your actions revolve around the kindness in your
heart, because you know the true value of
what there is to all that is good. You also
keep faith in your beliefs and try to make
choices that other people must choose from,
because your main goal in life is to teach
people how to choose right from wrong. You
are also a child of great beauty and serenity
and take pride in the task God had given you
in life. The task of saving people from the
power and Satin and the road to hell.
Bad Traits:
Though you may be helpful and kind, there are times
that you prevent people from learning the
lesson they must learn themselves, because
you wish to teach them yourself. You must
then learn that with the constant help of
you, the people you are aiding may not learn
what they need to learn, so they will become
too dependant on your kindness and fail to
teach themselves the lesson that must be
taught if you are not around. Please learn to
have more faith in God's children. ^^
Your Best Friend is Most Likely:
The Angel of Nature
- What is Your Inner Angel - brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/05/06:
OMG, I'm a bird so cool! I think I look a little like the character.
 You're a Bird! Carefree and is usually happy, with
a smiling face! You might be optimistic or
just calm like. Kinda depends. But you can
get hyper a few times, and really knows how
to show a good time. You might have the
talent of singing, and is the type of person
who cant stay sitting down for ever, you need
to get out there and have fun. (Yeeah.. not
that great of a result, if you have something
better, you can message me it, and I'll
credit ya)
What Animal are you? #2!! Anime pics brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 03/04/06:
Ladies and Gentlemen... this is my future husband...Hara Toshimasa. Lol I wish. He's the main reason why my site is blue.
Result Posted on 03/04/06:
Wow.. she's majorly pretty. and the result is basically who I am.
Result Posted on 03/01/06:
Ladies and Gentlemen my future husband. I love J-rock, so saying I love Dir en grey. And if you all wanna know why blue... he's the reason.
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