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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello, not much to post about today. >.<
I have three test tomorrow and I know I should study but I really don't want to.
Other than that there is nothing really going on!
Oh, I was wondering if anyone has heard of the anime: Baccano!
I watched the first few episodes of it online and it's so awesome!
Heres a pic I found of it:

XD So if you ever get the chance to watch it, do!
There's not much else to say. >.< Sorry for yet another lame post!!
I hope all of you have a good day!!
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
I can't believe it's already Wednesday! Not that I'm complaining.
I guess it feels like an extra short week because of the three day weekend.
I have absolutely nothing to post about. >.< Just that School was so boreing today. And that I get to make an omelet on Friday in my cooking class! XD
Every week we make something different in that class, it's so awesome.
Oh! I finally found music for my site! I actually put it up the other day but I think I forgot to mention it. So hopefully it sounds good!
I guess that's really all I have to say. Sorry this was such a crappy update!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! I'm sorry I haven't posted in the last couple days!
On Sunday I went to the Air Show! It was kinda fun, I got to ride a few rides and everything. XD
But the heat! I had to have seen 3 or 4 medical carts driving around with stretchers for people who passed out. It was insane!
Once the sun set though things were better, I got to stay for the fireworks show which was totally awesome!
Then on Sunday I went to a barbecue for Labor day. It was okay, just hot, as always. >.<
XD So that was basically my weekend. Once again I'm sorry I didn't update!
I hope all of your weekends were good! And that no one's had a heat stroke! DX
I'll visit sites!
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! Sorry I'm posting kinda late in the day!
I changed my site around! I was getting kinda tired of all the white so I got rid of that! Hopefully it looks better now.
All I have left to do is find fitting music. Which for me it the hardest and best part of changeing my site around! XD
I really don't have much to post about. o.o
Oh! Tomorrow my dad is coming to get me and my brother again. We're going to go to the Air Show I think! Which is kinda exciting. I'm just nervous because I might meet my cousins there and it's always really awkward around them for some reason. o.o When we were kids we were the best of friends but after not seeing each other for 8 or 9 years we kinda grew apart. -_-
O'well, It'll be fun hopefully!
I'll visit sites!
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! Sorry that this post is a lot later than usual. o.o
After school as I was walking home when one of my neighbors decided to come and talk to me. I used to be good friends with him so it was good to catch up! After that my mom came home and dragged me off to the grocery store. >.< I hate going to the store!! XD But I did get ingredients to make Pasta con broccoli! I've never made it before so it'll be interesting!
I wish I had something better to post about. >.<
XD The good news though, is that I have Monday off! 3 day weekend!
XD I'll visit sites!
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello everyone! I hope your days were good.
Not much happened at school today, just same old stuff. Except I kept having this weird headache thing where every time I tried to concentrate I would feel a sort of pain. It really sucked. >.<
I have no idea what it was either. I still kinda fell it.
After school my mom picked me up and drove me to my orthodontist appointment. They poked at my teeth for a bit before declaring that I needed braces! DX
And it'll be two years or so before I get them off. I don't know if that's long or short as far as braces go but it certainly sounds long to me! I'll be 17 before I get them off. o.o
XD But I guess it's not so bad! I get to chose up to five colors! Maybe more! XD Though I think I'm gonna go with orange and black. Halloween colors! Not because of Halloween though, just because I like those colors.
Well, I think I've rambled enough. I'll visit sites!
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello everyone! Not much happened today, just normal school stuff.. >.<
XD, but only two days 'till Friday! I think I like Thursdays better though, I'm not sure why. XD Donnerstag is Thursday in German.
o.o Random.
I have no idea what to post! I was thinking about changeing my music though. I'm not sure weather to make it auto play or not, I know that can be annoying, but some sites I go to that have auto starting music are really cool! It seems like the song playing really adds to their site. So I was just wondering what any of you might think if I had auto starting music! The last thing I wanna do is annoy anybody.
I have to find a good song before I do anything though!
Well, I guess that's all I have to say. I'm surprised this post lasted as long as it did! XD
I'll visit sites!!
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! So sorry I didn't post yesterday!
By the time I finished my crap load of homework I didn't feel like typing or anything. >.<
I know, it's a lame excuse.
XD Well, not much has happened, just school. >.<
At the end of today I went to the Library for this cool anime club thing a couple of my friends started. It was awesome! XD And it's every week too, so that's something to look forward to!
I'm sorry I don't have much to post about. >.< I'm having a hard time thinking right now. >.<
XD well, I'll visit sites!!
Oh! I was Tagged! XD
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling them they're tagged.
1. My favorite color is brown.
2. I'm allergic to honey.
3. My greatest ambition is to go to Italy.
4. My ring finger on my right hand is crooked
5. I love iced tea.
6. I can draw OK.
7. I love pasta.
8. I can Water ski!
I tag:
Gogyou Inu
Magnus Lensherr
master hiko
I just chose first 8 people on my friend's list! XD
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! Happy Sunday!
XD I personally don't like Sundays. o.o Because you just know Monday is coming soon.
As you might've been able to tell I don't have much to post about.
Oh! Things went well with my dad yesterday, though there were a few awkward moments. >.< All we did was go out to lunch, my brother was there to, and talked about how soon humans weren't going to have canine teeth or pinky toes anymore. o.o
XD Then we went to a mall and my brother ran off and my dad and I walked around. My dad ended up buying my two CDs! So that was cool. XD I felt kinda bad that he spent his money on me though. >.<
Later on today I get to go to the movies with my mom and brother, which I guess is okay. I'm not sure what we're going to see. o.o
XD Well I guess that's good enough for a post, sorry it was so dull.
Oh! And thanks for all of the comments saying that my site looked good!
Have a good rest of the day!
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
I don't know how much time I have because my dad is coming by to pick me and my brother up soon.
It's always so awkward with my dad!
DX I'm kinda nervous about going, I don't even know where we're going. o.o
XD anyway, I visited sites before I updated so that I was sure I got to them all!! So it's all good. o.o
You might've already noticed but I changed my site a bit! The Layout is still basically the same, I just changed the colors and music.
Oh! And the pic in the intro too! It's Lavi from D.gray-man! He's so awesome. XD
Well, I'm gonna go now! I hope everyone has an awesome rest of the day!!!!
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