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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, August 24, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
It's the weekend!!!
I'm so glad I can finally sleep in tomorrow! Though I might not be able to. o.o I'm too used to waking up early now.
I hope all of your Friday's were good!!
Nothing really happened for me today, just normal stuff. Though I got drenched on my way home today from a thunderstorm that seemed to spring up outta nowhere! XD I was kinda fun though. o.o
Sorry this post is going to be sorta short...I can't think of anything else to say!
I feel like I always talk too much about myself when I post. I know that's kinda the point of posting but it still feels weird. >.<
I'll go comment on sites!!
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! This post might not be long because I have to leave soon to help my mom take my dog to the vet. Nothings wrong with my dog, we just got a letter saying she was due for a checkup.
But I like going because the vet guy who runs the place loves cats so he always has a lot of then running around.
Cat's are so cool! My dog doesn't bother them though, I think she's afraid. o.o My cat here at home has her trained well!
Sorry, that was kind of a pointless story.
Anyway, that's about the only thing that's going on. School was okay, just boreing. >.<
And I felt really bad for my friend today who had to carry everything with her all day long, up and down the stairs and everything.
I know I couldn't do it! I would have a hernia or something. DX
So, I guess that's it! I'll visit sites before I go!!
Have a good rest of the day!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
I wanna apologize for all the complaining I did in my last post! I reread it and realized that I did nothing but gripe. Dx
(quick subject change. o.o)
Not much has happened today. School was good except for a few times when I embarrassed myself. >.<
The first thing I did was go to the wrong floor. I was walking up the steps with my friends when they started heading onto the fourth floor, I thought it was weird because I never get off on the same floor as them and I was sure my next class was on the fourth. So I just followed them and soon one of my friends said:
"What are you doing?" And only then did I realize my class was on the fifth floor. >.< I don't see those friends enough for that to be one big joke so it was rather embarrassing.
I hope that story made sense. o.o I'm not the best at story-telling. XD
Anyway, other than that everything went well!
And what's even cooler is that I don't have any homework!! X3
That's all I have to say I guess! I'm gonna go comment on sites!!
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Gun's and Roses
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Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
So sorry!! I feel like I haven't posted in forever! Even though it's only been one day. XD
School started yesterday and it was total chaos! It was really tiering too. >.< The building is huge and I have to run up a down two or more flights of stairs in between every class. The worst part is between second a third hour, I have to go from the 2nd floor to the 5th with 3 text books in my back pack... Who ever drew up the blue prints for that school must have been high. >.<
But the one good thing about school is that I'm not a Freshmen anymore! XD
Other than that nothing much has happened.
I'm really sorry I didn't comment on any sites yesterday! I'm gonna go comment on them now!! X3
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! I'm not sure how good this post is going to be. >.<
I have no idea how my site turned out like this. o.o It just kind of happened.
XD The intro up there looks very crappy, so I'll have to do something with that. *sigh* O'well it could be a lot worse. X3
Blah. I start school tomorrow!
The suspense is torture! And what's even worse is I have to spend my last morning of freedom at a Mexican restaurant. >.<
Me and Mexican food don't mix. o.o
But I'm going because it's my cousin's birthday so there's not much I can do about it.
It might be fun though!! I guess going is better than sitting around here sulking about the end of summer. XD
I read Vol. 1 of D. gray-man just recently and it was awesome!!! If you haven't started reading it yet, do! It's very entertaining and the art is great!
XD That sounded like an advertisement.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say.
Have a good day, and thanks for reading!
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Hello! I don't think I have much to post today, so sorry if this update is dull. >.<
I'm going to continue working on my site, because I'm really not happy with it. >.<
I want to change my theme even though I just put the Wolf's Rain one up, and I'm thinking about maybe just going back to simple colors instead of a background. When I have a background the text is hard to read in some spots and that bothers me. XD
I think I just need more HTML knowledge and that would really open up my options. O'well I'll get something going!
In other news yesterday went really well with touring my school and everything. I got to go with my friend too! So it was pretty fun! Afterwards I went to my aunts house and stayed until 1 am! It was fun too though. X3
I got to watch the movie, Click over there.
TWO more days of freedom before school begins. D: I'm not ready for it at all! Even after touring the building (which is huge) I'm still lost. Though I like this new high school a lot more than the old one I went to! So it might not be so bad!, this post turned out to be long after all. o.o
Thanks for reading!!!

Cute. XD
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
This is technically my first post here. I made this site a while ago but kind of forgot about it. >.<
I hope everybody who comes likes it!! I know it's not the best, and I don't really like how my post styles turned out. >.< O'well
So anyway, I can't make this post much longer because I've got to get ready to go up to my school. *shudders* It's some kind of tour of the building thing.
You see, on registration day when you would normally take the tour, the building was still partly under construction so I guess it's done now?
All I know is that my first day is Monday, and I don't think I'm ready. XD Of course, I don't think anyone is...
That's basically all I have to say.
Sorry this post was so dull!! Hopefully I'll more to say next time!
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
Gun's and Roses
( Add me as a friend! ) ( Private message me! )
Welcome to MyO!!
I really suck at intros so I'm not going to type much here. You can find out most of the stuff about me by reading my post and talking to me and junk! I enjoy making friends so feel free to PM me and everything! Oh, and sign the Guestbook too!
The Poetry Union,The SasuNaru FC
Just testing out my post styles!
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