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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Slumpity slump slump
-___- the slump strikes again.
actually >o> I've been more in the mood for gaming than anything. Been playing Soul Calibur 2, and The Frozen Throne, and well... >p> the will to draw is just low right now. They shall come one day.. lol
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
Wooo! I ish back! x_o
Okay, so I was away at my mom's for a few days... in fact, a few days more than I thought I would be, but that's okay-- Cloud (sesshomaru09)
B-day is tomarrow >o> and I gots her diddy kong racing for the DS, which is like one of her favorite games ever. I also Finally got Soul Calibur 2 for the GCN >o> couldn't find 3, but oh well, as well as another GCN game called Mystic Heros, which was one of the earlier games that seemed to have a very nice look to it... Never tried it, and I can't recall what was said about it, but at least it's another game.... I also gots WarCraft3: Frozen Throne expansion >w< which I've been eying for awhile. I've been told before from the old WC2 games and even WC3, that my mapping is pretty good, so I can't wait to play with frozen throne's stuff.
Okay, enough of that. >o> I ish tired from playing Sims2 seasons (mom's a huge sim nut) and if you could get just ONE expansion for sims2, >o> it's season. It's got so many things that the first sims needed, it's not even funny.
Anyways, there be a party goin' on, >p< n' I gotsta at least pop up every once in awhile in front of people right? lol
Edit: On a side note- I'll get to drawing more sometime... I dunno when >p> one of these days I will >O>!
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Woot! Feels like I'm home again!
So We got the power supply and the computer running again. Feels like home being back on my own computer >o>! We had to relocate one of the fans because the power supply is bigger than expected though >>'
In other news, I will now go off and drown myself in Zelday goodness for awhile. 83 TP is finally in my grasp, and I so totally can't wait!.... why I'm not on it now?.... >>..... good question.....
lol >O> Hope everyone's day is as awsome as mine's shaping up to be!!
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
T_T whhhhy...
Well, the power supply on my computer went out....AGAIN. which means, no new drawings for awhile. Talked to mom today- I may get a replacement sooner than i thought. Also.. 8D I gots twilight princess! >-> all I need now is for it to actually be here.
Tim's getting his comic started up again >o> so keep an eye on that...
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Monday, February 19, 2007
X_X aack! Project one done!
On of my projects is over with.. finally. I haven't posted it up, but will do so sometime later. Quality's gone down just because of otaku restrents, but this project has tought me a few things....
1. when you have patience, time and motivation, you can do some pretty awsome stuff.
2. When you show people something awsome that you've done (especially boys) they will want to try to outdo you >p>
3. my computer can't really handle an image that's nearly 50 mb that also has about 30 layers to it without some kinda lagging, and small risks of locking up.
Now before I do post it up, I will say that it is based on the godmod challange. I don't expect anyone to even try to do anything similar to what I'm going to be posting up, much less recomand it. It was a challange to myself, to try and do somthing far bigger than anything I've ever done, and I belive I've pulled it off very well, and am pleased with the results.
Edit: yeah just so you know >o> the drawing is up. go check it out >o>!!
T_T' quality unfortunatlly isn't the best in the world however... >_> if it was at it's highest in a .jpg format it'd still be over a mb at least...
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
woooo~~ secret projects!
>o> there's some projects coming up, but I can't tell ya what they are about yet! One in particular I'm working on now, that I kinda wanna keep under wraps until I'm closer to being done. until than however....
Name Generator! Ever have problems coming up with names to just about everything? Yeah... this site pretty much covers them all... everything from Greek , Chinese, Japanese, and even mushy names can be randomly generated here! O.o just don't expect all of them to be gems of course...and you can use more advanced features of the site to generate things your specifically if your not injoying the random stuff.
>O> don't forget the Challange!
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
cool! two entries in one day!
>o> okay so the Challange
is still going on, if anyone wants to take a shot at it. I know there's at least two or three that are working on theirs >o> Don't worry about getting it done before the deadline. It's not really important.
But since I know Code and Steve, and since I promised I'd do this anyways:
 Boss Code Hosted By theOtaku.com
 Katie God Moded Hosted By theOtaku.com.
>o> there! check their entries out! and while your at it, check out the other entries too!
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
new drawing! and uuhh.. other things:
>o> okay so lots o' things been happening!
First off, Sesshomaru09 aka cloud: my syster, has posted her first otaku artwork up >O>! woot! Second, I posted my own artwork:  Black Dragon Hosted By theOtaku.com.
I basically got tired of looking at it, desided to finish it up and just post it, because it was a headache mostly >p>
Okay in other older news, Challange still up if anyone wants to tackle it. I've gotten two submissions so far, and several have already said that they were close to finishing up, or have finished just needs to upload. n.n can't wait to see the new subbmissions for godmods!
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Sunday, February 4, 2007
>o> WOOT! lots of stuffs!!
okay first off, yay! peoples are starting to confirm that they will work on their entrees for my challange Which is awsome, 'cause I was starting to think no one would... Second, code posted his first artwork! n_n please check it out, 'cause it's part of the long running joke of him wearing a dress. Thirdly, I have posted my first "Manga" >o>'' which isn't really manga... it's just a comic :D so all you that wanted a space kangaroo thing, can just keep dreaming! lol
And fourthly, if any of you have been checking out the "one of those days" comics that I have linked at the top of my otaku page >o> you will have already learned that Tim's back and making more as we speak.
woo.. >o> more drawings will be uploaded later though. I have some sketches, already, but I'll post them laters.
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
>O> Woot! As I look at my window, I can see a nice soft blanket of snow, and the flakes twisting and turning in every which way as they fall down...
...mmk, so it's not really a blanket so much as a thin lil' pathedic layer of snow >o> but we are still getting some, and that makes me happys. I would show you guys some pictures, but ;__; my camera doesn't like to work half the time, and even if it does, the quality is so bad you can't even tell that it's still snowing. I had to like stick the camera right next to the window to even get any kinda quality at all. (which isn't much in the first place >~>) baah.. T_T'' I wants a better digital camera than this thing... *tosses camera*
oh yeah and the Challange is still going on peoples >o>! I'd like to see more peoples getting into it ;_;
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