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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

woot! uploaded!
uploaded the two I mintioned in yesterday's post. I thought I did really good on them both.

In other news, my sister <.<' has a radio show online now... meeh, that's cool I guess.. if anyone's interested, I'll post the link to the site with the broadcasting.
Oh yeah n' I also felt like I should show 4 posts instead of 5. >p> may help keep the screen from being all stretchy lol

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

o.O well that was unexpected....
This morning, I was sleeping in my bed, dreaming who knows what. I kept thinking I was hearing a banging or somthing... thinking it was nothing but granny moving things around, I got up to see what it was all about...eventually... lol >p> turns out a friend of mine was knocking at the door. O.o which was weird, 'cause he's usually working at that time. When I opened the door he was like "Your STILL in bed?!" and I was like "-.=.... what are YOU doin' here" anyways, turns out he had the day off or somthing.. I dunno.. I was still half asleep and all I heard was "blah blah blah.."anyways, he comes in, checks his myspace (.. not sure why, but whatever) and then we started talking about weird al, and ended up watching my dual disc's DVD side of his latist album... oh well.. anyways, the moral of that story kids, don't try to talk to me until AFTER I'm over the wakey-up part.

In other news-- wow.. I have been on such an awsome role with colored pics, but one of them, I can't show off quite yet... not yet at least >p> but I really liked how it turned out. The other I'll upload, and it looks good n' all, but I think I went a taaad overboard with the effects on it. >p> I'll show it off tomarrow. I'll try to get more in too.

Edit: >p> I just got the okay to post the other drawing-- I'll explain why I needed to ask when I post it up tomarrow

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

x__x gaah!! Tablet's finally
okay, so I finally "fixed" my tablet. x_x' though I'm not sure how long it will last (lets just say... it involves tape) but at least the cord isn't moving a whole lot so the wire won't move, and I can use it without any problems for the moment. Also, I scanned some of my paper drawings, and I really don't like how the scanner does the job..lol oh well...
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-.- oops...
Okay, so I haven't exactally been drawing lately. x_x' I mean, my best electronic divice the tablet is all on the fritz, and while I DO have a scanner, drawing on paper and pencil just seems... odd to be or somthing. Anyways, I'd figure I'd just like... take a few days off or somthing until I do get into the mood to draw on paper again.

In other news, I totally had to uninstall my sims 2 the other day. I just can't play it anymore. Oh sure, I can play the sim 2 without expansions just fine, but once university is installed, the game locks up as if the memory has been taken up or somthing... Oh well... that game and the expansions just took up like what? 5 gbs of space? I can use that space for other stuffs right now. I've been thinking about upgrading my computer anyways. I'd figure Spores would have requirements that my computer probably doesn't have anyways, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be getting that game-- it's just too awsome to pass up.

And as usual, my dad still thinks anything that doesn't have some form of 2D-esk side scrolling games avaiable in the console, that's not a handheld OR has an annolog stick is completely worthless and unintertaining. >_> and when I pointed out that the Wii had the virtual consoles were you can play all the good ol' games, he STILL thought the system sucks because you have to buy them. *sigh* there's just no pleasing some people. btw, for those that points out emulations- he doesn't like those either because you don't have a controller, so yeah.. he's just being picky.

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

o.o the link is back up!
Okay.. so the other day, I was looking through my bookmarks, and noticed one of my all time favorite links to be is working again! I was really bummed out when it wasn't working, because the creator of the thread had some uber awsome sites for nearly eveything art-related! There's alot there both computer and non-computer, with everything from tutorials, brushes, fonts, flash-related stuff, all sorta goodies!
Graphic resorces
Oh yeah.. one downside; the post dates back to 2004, meaning alot of links are out of date, broken, or dead, but the ones that are still around, are still awsome and helpful.
I really need to take the time to pull some of my favorite links onto my own bookmark and stop relying on this link-- >.>' you know.. in case it ever goes down again... Still worth the time to check out!

TT_TT and a sad sad day I might add... my tablet's no longer seeming to want to work now (a short in the wires it seems to be the tablet's fate) and while I can somewhat get it to work... maybe, but I can already tell that it's only a matter of time before it won't even respond at all. TnT so with a heavy heart, all I can say is, expect scanned drawings whenever, but most likely very VERY few colored versions IF any at all.

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

bordom-- yay >.>
okay, so I've been in a little slump, but at least I'm still posting drawings up... that's a plus.. Oh and Tim (creator of "one of those days") said that Saturday marked the first year of the comic's creation, and to celebrate, 2 wallpapers are available for download in the archives!

Okay, so other than all that, I have a program to offer! Atmosphere Lite basically, it creates an atmosphere at your computer. I've directed friends to it before, and they all say that it's very relaxing. Great for when working on projects and whatnots. It's a very small program of about 9 mbs, free, and can run on most computers. (not sure about linex or macs though) >.> and uhh.. I'll try to get some more stuffs uploaded sometime...lol

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Friday, October 13, 2006

Yay postings! and lookie! Cheap advertisment at the top!
So yeah, I feel really good n' feel a drawing spree coming on, so expect drawings, n' colored drawings, n' stuffs!

Okay so allow me to point out the comic up at the top of my page: see a friend o' mine started a comic not long ago, n' well... I thought "why not?" So whenever you guys get time, I'd like you to check out "One of Those Days" It's about a girl who basicaly on a day to day basis, somthing really weird happens to her, like raining toasters day, or Intercontinental ballistic monkeys day.
In short, it's crazy stuff, but good. It's still in the earily stages, so there's really not that many, but hey.. at least you get in on it earily rather than reading a bajillion comics like most.

oh yeah.. and expect several comics to be up there sometime- maybe banners even!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

rar.. defraging -_-'
well, I spent the past few days cleaning up the computer alittle-- reason why I haven't exactally been on in the past few days or posting anything. x_X defragging takes nearly all day with as much junk as I have! >.>' thinking about uninstalling a few of my games T_T to save up on space.... <_<" oh well...
I have been drawing some on the OC-- I'll probably post somthing soon-- also been working on some colored images which aren't done quite yet >p> so no posting on colors for now! lol

In other news.. the PS3's preorders were aviable-- I say "were" because... well, PS3s are already sold out! The reason? probably because there's alot of people that's capitlizing on the shortage, by buying them and then selling them on Ebay. >.> 1000 for the xbox when it came out-- wonder what it's gonna be for the PS3...

Anyways, challange is still up for anyone who wants to get in on it! here's the information for anyone still interested.

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Saturday, October 7, 2006

Challange still continuing!
yay! Sage got her's done! looks awsome. o.O I've noticed a pattern though.. seems whtdragon as a human is the popular choice... any reason for that? >p> oh well...

In other news, uhhh.. I've been working on sprites n' monsters n' stuffs... I've been taking a break on the drawings alittle, but will maybe post somthing soon. Dunno.. haven't been able to focus lately. Oh well. and to cosmic sailor >>' no I didn't get a chance to apply for the new art of otaku book. but that's okay-- >p> I don't need to be in a book for you guys to like me right? >O> so maybe now I can get some ideas flowing-- you guys got any requests or maybe some drawing refrances? haven't done a ref in awhile

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Tuesday, October 3, 2006

yay new drawings!
okay, so I've been doing more colored drawings, and using interesting techniques, and frankly I can't belive I've done some of the stuff I've been doing lately. I finished one drawing that I thought was really awsome, and I may post it up later.. >.> not sure yet. now for some cheap advertisement! tenshihoshino
he's a friend of mine, who wishes to make otaku friends >p> give him a visit yes?

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