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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
so yeah... been scarce lately. We finally got around to trying to put in a newer/better video card into my computer, and added another GB of ram, but the video card didn't like to play nicely with my computer, so I'm back with the current video card I've been using for awhile. The extra gig though is nice owo
Anyways with this, the inevitable has happened. I promised sometime ago to mom that I'd be making her some recolors and stuff for her sims 2 game, so now Sims 2 is installed on the computer, and I've been a busy lil' worker recoloring some new clothes. (base only for right now folks zpz' not gonna bother with expansion stuff yet)
Haven't drawn in awhile though, I just haven't felt like it. I DO have a few drawings that could probably stand to get finished coloring, but I just don't feel like doing it right now.
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Thursday, July 17, 2008
Arg mouse
so my computer mouse is dieing. The left mouse button has pretty much seen it's last days, so I've resorted to the tablet's mouse. Today, the tablet mouse, nay... the tablet itself decided not to work x_x' the pen wasn't even responding. great.. so IT'S starting to show signs of not working either. FORTUNATELY after talking with code about it, it seems it's just a driver issue, so I reinstalled the drivers and it's working now.
Still I've got my old mouse set it right click instead of left click and using that, 'cause quite frankly: using the tablet mouse all the time is annoying. may end up getting a new tablet one day.
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Tuesday, July 8, 2008
So what have I been doing?
so... yeah *cough* been scarce.
this is why.
I recently got the full version of spore's creature creator. (BIG props to code on that one) and have been having a total blast with it.
For those that don't know, the creature creator has an incredibly simple, easy, and well just plain fun program in making beasties from different parts they give you. (and might I add, they give you a LOT to play with)
The game spore itself is about you the player controlling a single cell organism evolving it in any way shape or form you'd like. everything from it's first step on land, to the race's civilization building, you'll be controlling it all, and even at that point, you can fly throughout space befriending or conquering other races, or just terraforming new planets.
They've given people the creature creator earily for a few reasons: one, to tide people over, two: the game relies on player's contents to populate the game's universe. as you explore, and check out things, your game will be downloading content for you to play with, and well it just seems like it'd make sense for people to start making creatures now, so the universe is at least got some population to start off with.
Why am I explaining this? 'cause I'm gonna show off my creatures of course =3!
Fashiale (based loosely off the critters I've drawn)
While the full version DOES cost $10 to get, you can still download the free trial version
Edit: Tim from One of Those Days has finally made it to #100!! And at such a climatic ending too!
check it out
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Friday, June 27, 2008
problems o_o?
So yeah I'm apparently having problems with tutorial depot now 7_7' It's not letting the newer pages of mine show completely up. in fact, I can go back to edit it, and everything's there for the post, but when you go to the direct link OF the post, nothing shows up?
Anyways I'm really tired, and I have no idea why. Haven't been sleeping well (and by that I mean I get to bed late xpx) and I really don't want to do that.
So the school that me, my mom, and even my grandmother attended and graduated from is in some MASSIVE trouble. Seems like due to some problems and ignorance, there's only two or three teachers that may still be there come time for school later this fall. Everyone else has already left including the councilor, the tech guy that works there, and nearly ALL of the high school teachers. As far as we know, the elementary side is fine. Now to point out, this school I'm referring to is VERY small, holding about 300 students. So small it has basically one large campus. (ie high school is one side of the building, elementary is on the other side, and then the middle school side is in a building across the playground)
Due to state laws however, because of this size, it's forced to merge with other schools in other towns, thereby setting off a chain reaction of events I like to call "screw overs". This "merge" was supposed to somehow give kids more teachers to work with by using the same teachers from the merged schools to teach the same number of kids from those same schools. In actuality, it just ment that those schools would have to divide a set amount of money between each other.(basically? saves money. figures) Since then, the school here has no band, no music, no home ec. barely an art class, or well... any other extra activities. (to be fair-- my senior year had only one person in it's band class-- me --and there hasn't been a home ec teacher in years)
I think though the last straw came when the councilor here (former math teacher) was called in to "fill in temporarily" for math class when the math teacher all of the sudden quit and she didn't even get paid for her forced second job.
The school council isn't helping at all, and the fact that the state has been breathing down the backs of the school due to past histories of Math and English grades from various exams isn't helping the situation improve. In fact, from my understanding, it's the very reason why everything is falling apart. what's worse is that so far, there's not even any plans in trying to hire any new teachers, and the current plan is that the school will only have "half a day" teachers come in, while the other half of the day gets taught online.
woo-- well needless to say, cloud's upset.
New One of Those Days It's setting up to the dramatic conclusion!
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Monday, June 16, 2008
blarrg so much updating!

I've been doing some major updates O_o! First off, I have Tutorial Depot which is the tutorial world that I hope can get big. So much so I even made a photobucket account for when images that don't embed right >_>' specifically for it, I updated my personal world place, updated this, THEN While making a few tutorials o_o! Granny (as usual) came in at the worst time to ask me n' cloud to start shoveling gravel for the new driveway (see image above) but I still kept on at the tutorials even after my arms went noodly.
Regardless! We got the driveway mostly shoveled, still need alittle more done but no biggie.
I can't wait for spore. Plain and simple.
side note: I officially do not like the color scheme of green. It's been difficult to coordinate the colors right.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
So you wanna know HOW huh....
Okay I've been getting a lot of emails and questions lately on how I do rain effects.
Do you REALLY wanna know how?
here it works for both photoshop and paintshop pro. Comes with smoke effects, bubbles, fire effects, and you guessed it--rain. I didn't point it out for awhile 'cause it was a plugin you had to pay for. (mine was given to me so I have no idea where it came from) So apprently it's free now, so if you're REALLY wanting that rain effect, go for it, otherwise I'll just slap a tutorial up on how to get something close.
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Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Back from mom's! it was fun, got to play Sims and make pretty houses n' stuff. I make happy houses that are unique.
On Friday we actually got to eat Chinese food from a restrant that was ACTUALLY sushi o_o! you just don't see that here. Normally it's chicken in rice, or cabbage stuffed eggrolls that you get at a deli or something.
Having said that: I don't like fish. At all. I'll eat Shrimp but only if it's breaded like popcorn shrimp or butterfly wing shrimp. Otherwise it feels like I'm munching on a grub worm. I can tolerate canned tuna, but outside of those, I can't really stand the sight, smell or taste of fish. Now I will admit I've only had a few types of fish over the years, and have been neglectful in actually trying different kinds until recently. Salmon seems to be the "best" candidate though the taste still bothers me, but I can tolerate it enough to eat it if I REALLY had to. But it'd better have something else on it like Lemon juice or some kinda spice to help cover up the mysterious flavoring I'm seeming to have trouble pinpointing.
See the thing is that I get a "oh it doesn't have a fishy taste at ALL!" responses when I ask about the seafood in question, and I'd certainly would like to know WHAT that flavoring is then. I could clearly taste it on my sushi the other night. Even in the Squid with the strong BBQ-esk seasoning it had over it.
Aside from that though I had a good time. Lovelywolf came over during that time and we got to chat n' stuff. she bought me two paper lanterns and a wind chime >O>! speaking of which she wants me to scan some things she drew, so keep an eye on that 'cause I'll be collabing some of it. Oh yeah and a new one of those days. Don't forget to check up Aptitude Test too!
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
heading to mom's for the week!
So cloud's gonna be off this whole week before taking some summer classes, so this week will be the week we'll stay at mom's. So starting Monday morning we'll be heading over there! Alas, no drawings, or much of anything really aside from what we normally do there (goof around) though I do need some new clothing-- since my weight loosing, clothes have fit much looser on me xpx' to the point of almost falling off! lol 'tis a good sign though
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Sunday, May 25, 2008
So yeah I might as well say something about this o.O I've been trying to loose weight and I've been doing pretty well lately, but I've been thinking about trying some kinda exercises, and what better exercise than something that can actually be fun!
Soo.. I've thought about trying to dance--even though I'm kinda clumsy, my rhythmic timing is sometimes off, and I've never danced before in my life... What's more is that the dance of choice that I'm looking into is belly dancing.
Reason for my picking it is quite a few. For starters, it's surprisingly easy on the body and back (which I would very likely need to watch anyway) second off it targets the very places that I need to get toned up. Through my reading on it from various sites, it's actually not as suggestive as the general knowledge and movies tends to lead us believe and is in fact quite useful in strengthening muscles that target the female body, which apparently was it's original intent anyway.
The big problem though is that there is absolutely no classes of any kind anywhere near me let alone driving distance (I DO live in the middle of nowhere after all) and have been forced to videos, practices, and just plain reading. Oh well xpx that's life, and I'll just have to get used to it. lol
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
omg not dead o_O
okay so yes, I've been scarce lately (sorry 'bout that!) but I've been doing other stuff lately. have a couple of drawings that are finished for posting, buuuut I'll wait alittle bit xpx before actually posting them up.
What I DO want to post up here about is the new surfacing point forums that just came out a couple of days ago. You might know surfacing point's webcomics such as One of Those Days and Aptitude Test This means that there is now a forum for said webcomics, so now you can all go Bug Tim n' Andrew personally without any awkward email introductions, and chat with other fans of the comics as well! And yes... I've signed onto the forums too, although I'm terrible about being a forum lurker or simply not being very active ay all, but I may de-lurk if someone offers cookies....
Anyway! There you have it! big news of the day! *hides under the blankets and begins the lurking*
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