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Saturday, March 8, 2008
Won't be here for a few days at least folks o_o'
yeah so we canceled our trip to mom's Today, due to there being so much snow, (and apparently a so-called snow storm-- which turned out to be just freezing rain.) pheh. I was expecting a blizzard.
Well tomorrow, we'll be going there. since the weather has been above freezing point since yesterday 7_7' we shouldn't have too much trouble traveling. *knocks on wood* This means that I can be assured a copy of SSBB xwx
I've also become so frustrated with my current state of the video card that I did finally chance it and reloaded it. After about 15 minutes of fighting it with jerkiness, and slow movements, I finally had it finished. Graphic wise, nothing's changed. no surprise there, but it DOES seem to stop restarting when the graphics become too much, bring up a blue screen and do a memory dump.... That I can see at least.
For those that didn't know, I've been having quite a bit of trouble with my computer's video card. I can only assume that's what it was, as nothing else seemed to mess it up unless I was playing ANY PC games, including most if not all indie games I tried, Perfect World or even ANY of my other games like Warcraft3, or even games that where older. There where even SOME flash games I couldn't play because of this problem. It HAD to be a graphical issue.
We're already discussing different options for a new video card. Dispite the fact that it does seem to work for the time being, I should probably get a new card anyway. We're even talking about the option of just upgrading the whole system.. motherboard and all.
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Thursday, March 6, 2008
Snowing again X_X!
We've never had so much snow like this all at once xox! If it keeps this up, I won't get my SSBB game this weekend T_T!
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Aaaaah! Finally!
No idea what the problem was, but I can finally get back to the old myotaku n_n! yay!
Anyways snowed here the day before, and got up to 6 inches yesterday o_o! that's like... alot for around here! but it's already mostly melted today x_x' wtf. Snow's not supposed to melt that quickly... what's wrong with this place? didn't it get the memo!?
Weird thing though, everywhere else outside of town seems to retain their snow for awhile, but once you hit city limits, BAM! no snow!
Drawings? uuh.. uummm..... how about a sprite instead O_o'?

isn't it cute? I did it with three frames of animation, and size restraints of RPG maker 2003. No idea if I'll ever use it though.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Okay Finally came online to read Sage's comic for my birthday, BUT gotta problem. won't let me sign into The Otaku, so I can't vote and I can't comment on it right now. And yes... I am quite aware that you have to sign in twice... once for "my otaku" and another for "the otaku" but for whatever reason it's not letting me sign into the otaku right now, much less leave a comment on Sage's page. (this has happened before.. I'm sure it'll start working somehow again...)
Good comic sage! totally love it.. and yes I AM still finding warts.
In other news, I've been talking to mom about upgrading my computer, as it's badly in need. new hardrive, more ram, and a new graphics card is all I ask, (ram maybe even can be taken off the list) but my mother thinks I could also stand to gain a new motherboard and CPU to make it easier for upgrades later on, since most of the parts in my computer are on the verge of being completely obsolete. Not that they are old and we simply want something new, but that they don't really make many components for my motherboard anymore.
I sware though the hardrive is what I really need. I'm down to my last 10 GB. mother believes a half terabite will be good enough....
Oh yeah and Tim of "One of those Days" are updating comics again.
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Woot colors!
 Madien Of The Lake Hosted By
So yeah... finally did some colors hurray! and I tried a new technique for making water effects. I always seemed to have trouble with it....
anyways yeah drawing some, just not as much as I normally do lol
Edit: yeah not much here other than I just posted a comic too based on events that happen in my room nearly every day whenever it gets warm enough >>......
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Friday, February 8, 2008
Sooo..... dieting...?
so yeah, Decided I'd start dieting. Mostly just watching how much I eat and what I eat, and yes.. counting calories 7p7' which helps me to kinda stop eating so much snack foods. See I figure the big problem is my snacking on too much, and having seconds. Not necessarily having too much fatty foods, just their needs to be a limit, and it does seem to be working right now, so yay!
Also, the past week, has been interesting. The nasty storm that ripped through alot of the southern states went through here, fortunately, it just Rained here in town. A tornado didn't form and touch down 'til North of the town next to us, but that's still a scary thought... had it touched down about 5 minutes sooner, I dunno if I'd still have a computer much less internet xpx'' lol. I heard it was apparently an EF4 too. I hope all of you didn't get effected by it?
In other news: meh. drawings whenever. You guys should know by now it's questionable when I do post things up lol
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Monday, February 4, 2008
More SSBB stuff!
Apprently someone's ripped the complete music for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. 314 tracks, and about 1.1 GB worth of remix'd (and original) musical bliss.
1 - 25
25 - 91
92 - 125
126 - 176
177 - 201
202 - 247
248 - 314
for those who don't wanna bother with downloading all that to find your favorites, Mario and DKC music on first download Zelda music can be found on the second download, and fire emblem should be on third as well on the last file. (edit: one that I know of is on last file- it's from SSBM) sonic music SHOULD be on either last download or second to last. I haven't even downloaded them all so I can't tell you exactly were ALL the music is lol xpx sorry
It takes a lot longer to download things than what most people download it seems, so it could be awhile for me lol
Also Tim from One of those Days Said he should be starting up his comic again next week hurray!
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
SSBB stuff
So yeah apparently some peoples have already gotten ahold of SSBB in Japan and leaks and videos gallore o_o! Here's a Video about one of the unlockables and I think Sage_of_magic is gonna be happy with it! I won't spoil it for everyone else, because I've known some people to refuse the information, not wanting the rest of the game spoiled for them, but let's just say, the character roaster for SSBB is far from being completely revealed and that video proves it.
In other news, been shopping for the main ammount of foods, and was kinda tired from it yesterday having to get up early n' all, but at least we got our food... It's estimated we get alittle over $170 worth of food every month, which all things considering I don't think is really too bad
Also for the not-so-interested in SSBB, here's an Article about a prototype contact lens that could be way for how we use computers and maybe even the internet. As I read the article, I couldn't help but think about those neat screen things that are used in Anime and games that appear out of no were.
Edit: some SSBB music yes they are full songs, but it's only got music from Legend of Zelda, Kirby series, and Fire Emblem. Still sounds great! the Fire Emblem's a bit quiet though I think....
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
okay so a bit of information... our stove went out a few weeks ago which wasn't really that big a deal, but we haven't exactly gotten anyone to fix it yet... well this morning, my grandmother thought she could cook eggs in the microwave in water >_>' apprently you can't as the eggs in usual fashion esploded and went everywhere. The microwave still worked... at the time but now it's gone out. hurray. x_x' now we are without stove or microwave. fortunatly mom had let us borrow a few lil' devices that can work for now.
Edit: Granny called a friend down and everything -seeems- to be working >_x' *knocks on wood*
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har birthday comic by me
righ here with guest otakulites and jokes abound!
yeah that's about the highlight of the day xpx..... my post more later
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