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Monday, January 21, 2008
boing boing! the time is now 2:48 pm
 Polluted Planet Hosted By
okay so I posted up that today. Not REALLY thrilled with it, but eh, it's neat so I'm going with it.
as the caption states I had a story going along as I did this. Honestly I sometimes do that with my larger colored pieces, BUT that's a tale for another day. Anyways yeah. didn't turn out quite like I wanted it, but hey it's green and interesting. Enjoy!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Birthday ness part 2
So mom came over at noon and we ate yummy stuffs O_o which was kinda unexpected n' stuffs >O>! instead of cake, I got some kinda...fudgy... candy thingy. it was yummy! It was all carmel, pecans and like.. a crusty crumbly thing at the bottom of chocolate fudgyness.....
also gotta cute lil' asian wind chime that looks like a mini-gong, some soapy stuffs green tea bath salts, and an incense burner... thingy. And of course, the promise of SSBB when it comes out.
ANYWAYS because of this, no drawings from me! sorry!
Anyways Imma gonna go play games n' stuffs! Ciao!
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Birthday Post!
Okay so in case you haven't heard, it's my birthday today, and currently 3:51 AM at the time I start typing this and have already been given a couple of happy birthday wishes. Tim from One of those days has pulled an unexpected lil' move by posting my other guest comic up! heheh... sneaky Tim... very sneaky.... but a nice surprise nonetheless! I may and/or may not post more later today, depending on what happens throughout the day!
I ish tired right nows....
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Monday, January 14, 2008
Not Distapeared >_>!
okay so It's not that I don't have anything drawn up to post, just a lot of stuffs been happening lately-- peoples coming over, early B-day gifts (which my Birthday is 2 days away for those keeping score at home) helping out with a few projects, and have taken up a slight interest in making sprites in a particular style (which I'll explain more in a bit) Anyway....
So my dad and stepmom has given me a second wiimote... which technically doesn't go to me so much as my sister, BUT having someone to play with makes it even itself out. In case I forgot to mention... I got Super Mario Galaxy for Christmas which I must say, is excellent. So me n' Cloud's been playing some with that on the 2 player co-op, which I find both interesting and nice. Having that second player REALLY helps, and the game keeps it fairly interesting for the second player enough to where they don't get bored. (at least I don't THINK cloud got bored... we did play for several hours)
as for the visiting, Mom came over and visited for awhile, which is nice and brought back some stuff I apparently forgot to get during Christmas... oops... Including the DVD cloud got me which contained 6 episodes of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show. I watched that when I was a kid... a lot of course, and if memory serves, it was the same show that they'd double up with the old Legend of Zelda and the Caption N Cartoons. Well tonight, me n' cloud decided to watch it, and we couldn't help but laugh at some of the constant mistakes in animation that went on throughout it. (including missing crowns of both King Koopa and the Princess, as well as Missing feet of Mario) It was a good time, and cloud couldn't believe THAT was some of my favorite shows.... of course I DID show her intros to Dinosaucers and Denver the last Dinosaur...... which frightened her.... ANYWAY....
as for the Spriting ordeal, Code sent me a link to what can only be described as the ultimate Super Smash bros project made by just a buncha fans of various games, anime and manga. Apprently, (or at least from babel fish translations and friends) the original idea was to sprite their favorites into a kind of card gallery, but since than has become a project to make a fighting game using fluidly animated sprites and a rather dated fighting game engine called "MUGEN" Imagine if you will..
Link from the Zelda Series fighting Ed and Al from the FMA series against Cloud from FF7 fighting Crono from Chrono Trigger Matching up possibly against Phoenix Wright with Lloud from the Tales series with a possible chance of fighting Luffy from One Piece.... yeeah. Not saying they'll come through with ALL of them, but hey... that'd be REALLY cool. Here's the link to the official site
Unfortunately, it's in Spanish, but the FAQ has an English section. ANYWAY going back... Code n' I got to talking about how nice the sprites looked, and I've somewhat taken up the idea of trying to match the style in my own set of sprites. I MIGHT post them up here, and they MAY be animated, but I doubt it...
as for drawings, I've got a few in the list that I wanna color, so it could take a bit for those, but otherwise I'll post some sketches or something soon... Oh yes, and I forgot to mention.. I apologize for having such a LONG post.
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Friday, January 4, 2008
Badam bam!
Okay so I'm here! don't worry, and guess what?! I'm drawing stuffs again! Gonna get a buncha stuff kinda built up before I start posting again, but all is seeming to be like old times....
Christmas was great, got some neat stuff among which was a misting fountain! clothes, goodies, and monies.... cloud gotta new computer, which towers in power over mine T_T but oh well.
My birthday's coming up soon on the 16th. Having a Birthday so close to Christmas I thought was never really that cool xpx' as no one was really fully recovered from Christmas but oh well.
Edit: oh yes... and for those interested in more information about the Dragonball movie, here is a link
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
Holiday Who-Hah
bleh bleh been busy... probably spending Christmas with mom again. Yay! Didn't do any Christmas shopping myself though T_T.....
No drawings right now.. I know I know... I've been saying I was gonna post something up, and I DO have some drawings, but I just haven't really gotten around to posting them yet.
In other news, Cutest idea came across whenever code sent me a link to a site for building your own city! The more people click on the link, the higher the population! well he's made it up to 50 now, and can increase industry, so that's my job here!

so help code's city gain industry mmk? ;3
Actually this is kinda symbolic as he's REALLY close to bring up his website AND comic again! The city in is comic is called "Murakumo" and after hearing about some of the comic, it's gonna be a good one, so let's try to get Murakumo totally awesome n.n and hope his comic launches successfully!
And anyways, how's everyone's Holidays coming? Got any special plans?
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Link Dump:
Well... not really, but just some stuff you guys might find interesting.
heromachine: this one... some of you may have already stumbled upon ages ago.. .if not.. have fun making a super hero xpx! (flash)
Temptation of Sonata: it's s youtube k-pop music video that took one too many ideas from FF7 and Square sued them for it-- and won o_O
iuniverse: company for those who wanna self-publish their books. Code sent me this link for my mom, but she wasn't interested in publishing the books herself buuuuut.... someone here may be interested, who knows.
Like space shooters? Looking for something different? (and possibly more difficult than anything you've ever played) try this! It's a demo yes, but it's a good one. it's also known as a "danmaku" shmup which means in Japanese bullet curtain. (shmup means shoot em' up or space shooter)
That's all for my link dump :O I may actually post more! oh and btw, tim from one of those days said he'd put my filler up sometime this week or next week... I forget, but he said the comic's storyline will continue in January.
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Sunday, December 9, 2007
Super Mario Galaxy!
I got Super Mario Galaxy! hurray! It's a good game... a REALLY good game. I'm not sure how to explain it other than try it for yourself.
In other news.... I've drawn a few stuff, not enough to post yet though. I like to at least try to get a good batch going due to my sluggish ways of drawing n' whatnots... anyways in other news-- nothing much really... Dad's officially addicted to WoW on a private server, and was upset at the fact that said server maybe going down soon due to arguments or whatever between the owners, but apparently since than, they are working out the problems or something and things will be peachy keen.
Also, I found a shooter maker made by the same people who made the RPG maker series! which is surprising a little, but after finding a fighting game maker from them awhile ago, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised.
Also saw the trailer for Speed Racer the live action movie..... I'm...not sure what to say about it....
That reminds me, rumors of a Voltron movie as well as Thundercats movie are in production.... why can't they leave my childhood alone ;_;?
So how's everyone's weekend?
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Monday, December 3, 2007
Beat Okami
So I beat Okami-- gotta admit I thought it'd be a little longer than it was, but it's still good. planning on doing a second play through and get all the goodies I missed. Also have to admit that I didn't do what I normally do, and play through all the mini games n' whatnots, but oh well. Artwork is beautiful, the game looks great, and if you have a chance to pick it up, I highly would suggest doing so. If you don't have a PS2, or can't find the game, have no fear! for it will be on the Wii soon, which I'd prefer you do anyway, as the game would totally benefit from the wiimote controls. Not that they didn't work well in the PS2, it'd just feel more natural.
In other news-- I've drawn some stuff on paper! now as soon as I stop being lazy and scan them I can post them up. Christmas is upon us! what do you plan on beggin-er asking for this year? Cloud got a nice computer finally. One that outdoes mine by alot T_T' I may get some upgrades myself though this year. depends....
Oh! yeah before I forget! Code said he's gonna try getting his comic out this month! Yay! I'll be sure to link it from here as soon as he does, so you guys keep a look out for it!
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Friday, November 23, 2007
lil' mini update
seemed alot to edit into the last one, so I'll just make a new post!
First off, mom's here too o.O! guess she wanted to see her big sister n' all X3 so yeah.. it's been fun today.... second of all, something for potential perfect world players:
Yes, I'm gonna go ahead and make/play a character in perfect world. since the game is fairly easy, it doesn't require too much maintenance therefore low on the need to play (for me at least) I'll be playing Delphi server, since Oracle won't work for me, and I'll be playing the same two characters I've had before, Kaia, and Alune.
okay that's done with that >O>!! now on to other things... I've started actually *gasp* drawing alittle last night o0o!!! so maybe I can draw stuffs to post up soon?? it's....too soon to tell... stay tuned =-=!
Edit: apparently Dream of mirror is available for download now
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