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Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving n' ...stuff!
okay so we had Thanksgiving here, mom came over, we ate, talked n' all that other good stuff... I only moderately coughed my head off.... it came off twice actually. once in the bathroom and the other in the potatos... still having to clean that outta my ear.... other than that, the time for all you MMORPG fans have come! Perfect world is BACK online! I haven't gotten back online today (just don't feel like level grinding today) but I heard there maybe be some lag due to graphic improvement, but maybe there isn't a problem for some of you?
For the rest of you... how was your Thanksgiving? Was it yummy? was it not? didju have to suffer through too much family yapping/fighting/yelling?
That reminds me... my aunt and uncle will be over tomorrow too so yeah. family thing this weekend I guess? lol
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Allergies... sickness... I don't know WHAT it is that's hit me the past couple of days, but it did, and I've been feeling crappy since than. I'm stuffy, miserable, and was running a fever the other day, though I am getting better. Been playing Paper Mario : The Thousand Year Door, which I'm already over half way through, and Okami, which is absolutely beautiful game, not to mention a really good, long one from what I'm understanding from a friend of mine. Glad to see it will be for the Wii.
Valcron sent This youtube video which I thought was cute. Reminds me of our own kitty who likes to get into our beds for no reason whatsoever. She doesn't always do it because she's hungry, she just does it to see who'll give her pettings I think.
If you ever sleep in our recliner in the living room though, she'll do one of the two things: either A. sit on the back of the chair smacking you with her tail (on purpose no doubt about it) or B. as my aunt has described many times, she'll stare at you, lightly patting the side of your face. She's not hungry xpx she just likes to play at night.
Anyways, I'll be sipping green tea, and taking medication n' all that good stuff... ran outta Ricola cough drops though T_T' oh well. I'll gets better peoples >O>!!
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
zomg I learn'd how to use images to link today!..... shoulda learned that ages ago though....
oh well! the links to One of Those Days and FreeRice makes things seem cleaner somehow n.n less text means less likely for people to ignore it, since it seems people like to ignore the text at the bottom of the pretty pictures >_>' as I often have to repeat myself many times.... Oh well. yay anyways!
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
zomg not deads!

okay so crazy weeks these past few uuh... weeks? Actually got outta the house for a bit, got some games, then over the weekend went to mom's had a good time there, ate homemade doughnuts o0o! yay! sleep cycle is messed up only slightly, gotta new coat that's actually heavy, cloud's internet is down on her own computer, and my dad is hooked on WoW via a free server.
That would be the only thing that surprised me since he doesn't like 3D wondering games, or as he calls it "zelda-final fantasy game" he grips about it, complains and whatnots, yet he still plays... go figure. At least he's not scouring the internet looking for games that were made before 1995 with the only entertainment that you got was from the text that popped up at the bottom of the screen over pixeled backdrops and weak storylines about the hero whom at one point in the game mysteriously and without any cause, turns into a dog O_o'.... let's not even go into the puzzles and riddles....
AAAnnnyways.... ciao for now!
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Saturday, November 3, 2007
Guest comic done : O
So I actually brought myself to getting Tim's guest comic done for one of those days >O>! I actually ended up making two; one was a filler page, and I didn't really like it, so I made what I considered better, and showed them both to him and turns out, he liked them both, so expect maybe to see my guest comic contribution later.
In other news, while I may not be a Mac user, I certainly think this is neat. StarWars hologram effect for webcam chatting.
On a more serious/helpful note: Valcron sent me a link to FreeRice the other day. It's a place were you can increase your vocabulary, and for each correct answer they give you, the site (or rather, the site's sponsors) will donate 10 grains of rice to help world hunger. that doesn't seem a lot, but the more you play, the more rice you donate. I managed to rack up over 1300 grains my first night playing (and noo that's not an offer to beat my score :p) Anyway, on that note, I'm off! drawings may suddenly appear, they may not, so keep your eyes peeled!
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Osu! And planets!
A nice PC version of Elite Beat Agents/Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan is out now and while it's not quite the same as the original games, It's still pretty fun. All the songs there are user created, so of course, you are gonna get some bad ones in the mix but otherwise worth trying out if you are into rythem-based games.
In other news, I've been curious about how to create certain effects on photoshop. More specifically, how to make nebulae and star fields. Among my search, I've come across a Hubble Website were I saw quite the collection of the Hubble satellite's images for references.
This Reference page covers quite a lot on how to make some really nice images. Including providing links to several tutorials, artists and other resources. Yes you have to download it, but still covers enough that I would deem worth checking out for those curious enough, or interested in making something. I've posted a few things on planets and star fields here but here's another planet tutorial that covers more things like cloud cover, and water. this place goes into depth about various aspects of planets. Interesting no?
Drawings? eh probably not. I've yet to satisfy my gaming itch, but I may post some of my planetary images up here on my site.
Edit: well I made alittle something Here not bad I think for just trying things >o>!
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Guest comic?
So Tim from One of these days is starting a pretty big arch for his comic, and asked several artists to make a guest comic to help with the arch. Of course, I'm one of the ones he's asked to make a guest comic, so you can expect something from me for that. Tim said that I can get it in within the next few months or so.
With that though Tim said he'd appreciate any fan art or even the offering of more guest comics from anyone else willing to go for it!
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Sunday, October 14, 2007
Everyone's been sick lately. Cloud's sick, code's sick, I think I'm getting sick from cloud >_>' Weee Fun..... On another note, since I mentioned my characters for PW last post, I'll show them off this post.
First off my human character Kaia
This being my first choice. When I saw cloud playing for the first time, I noticed... there was a LOT of werebeasts and winged characters! So I stick with human to go against the grain.
My other character, Alune A winged archer. I was curious in the winged characters, so I made one. First level, flying's useless, but after about lvl 3, they get to be fun to use.
Code pointed out that they both wear similar armor that I usually draw myself in, and he's right o.O they has swirls n' stuff and are all white n' gold trimmed! Note: there's a BUNCH more outfits than just those too xpx' I just happened to have them both pick the same thing at the time lol
Also Note: while the character creation does allow for one to make a character that looks exactly like the player, these do not look anything like me X3 Kaia's close, but not close enough!
Anyway, there ya go! If you're interested in PW, The Malaysian site has a english server, but it's down right now. the beta's over and it should be about a week or two before it comes back up.
If your not interested, well... sorry for waisting an entire post on it >p> lol I'll... make it up with something else in the next post o.O!
Edit: forgot to mention... xpx' do not trust my screenshots for graphics. My settings are set kinda low.
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
yeeaaah no excuses here
Yep, I've been busy playing games. what can I say? Me likes games. Tim of one of those days finally had time to make a comic. Make sure you are updated or you'll miss something :O
So while I went on my gameage, I went ahead and tried Perfect world. gotta say, it's not that bad. Winged characters are really fun to play as, but I think they are wusses. I like my human girl better. Anyway, Drawings. Yeah... haven't done those in awhile. Still don't feel like drawing. I sometimes go through these periods of time were I just don't feel like drawing for a long time. Patience, for I will one day. My TV sticks with the science channel and discovery now X3
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Okay so I'm not dead, just laying there twitching on the ground
Okay first off, I've been busy with various things, so yeah. That or I'm lazy. Either way, I haven't been drawing much xpx'
In other news though I've found some more photoshop tutorials here
and in response to those that wanted a new mmorpg, perfect world is FINALLY opening a short 2 week "open-closed beta" which means anyone can sign up for it.(and yes, it's free >.>) The Severs will open tomarrow on the 28th! Check it out here I may just sign up and try it out myself, I know Valcron and my sister will try it
Anyways, will try to sit down this week and try to draw something. It's just been crazy with different things lately.
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