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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Link dump day!
Decided I'd do a link dump on random stuff. Enjoy!
Gimp: looks nearly identical to Photoshop! Totally free, and according to the site, most photoshop tutorials will be easy to follow cept for a few small modifications
Disposable Email addresses: now I've used trashmail for awhile, and it's wonderful. Basically, a disposable email address is, is a throw away email account that you can temporarily check. This is helpful for whenever you have to sign up for something, but are afraid to get spam from the place you signed up for.
DBZ tributes: DBZ is apparently going for a revival.. more specifically, the old dragonball series. As a Tribute that link has several other artists drawing DBZ characters, including artists from naruto, bleach, bobobo, one piece, and a few others. Really it's just interesting to see the different styles applied to dragonball.
Speaking of Dragonball Z.... I'm not sure how many of you heard about it, but it's been confirmed that there WILL be a Live action American adaptation of DBZ the movie. I'm not sure the world is ready for an Americanized DBZ....
News articles:
Most successful pirate in history
Giant Spiderweb
Annd that's all I have for the link dump today! btw I'm feeling better today! yay me!
Edit: I'm linking my gimpshop link to the offical gimp site. Thanks CS for pointing out the gimpshop website I was linking before.
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Monday, September 17, 2007
I haven't died O_o''!!
No really I haven't o_o' just that lots o' junk's been going on lately. On the plus side though n_n I has planet puzzle league for the DS! :3 anyone wants to challange me I'm always up for that. I loooves me some tetris attack.
As for drawing: I can officially say I'm in a slump. I have absolutely no umph to draw or finish the 500 drawings I started, nor do I really feel like I should try to finish anything
side note: this probably has something to do with it xpx but I don't feel so good right now either lol
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Thursday, September 6, 2007
Yay upgrades!....sorta...
Okay so for awhile, we've been getting Satellite for a few years now. Lately however, we've been experiencing problems with some channels cutting off every now and than. Well, as the days went by it got worse and worse. So much to the point, that well.. nearly all the channels weren't coming up cept for the locals. At first I dismissed it as sunspots or wind, but it became more apparent that we'd have to call someone down to fix something. Granny wouldn't stand for any more outrageous prices, so we've switched to cable.
You'd think that's a bad thing, however, since we got a triple pack of cable, phone, and internet (phone and internet lines were already with this same company) My internet speed is higher (not by much but enough to make me happier) and we're pretty much getting every channel we liked before, plus some.
PLUS I has cable in my room :D yay me! Now I have more reason to procrastinate!
In other news, I got several requests of people who play WoW and other mmos asking for free mmos that maybe worth playing, due to monthy fees or whatevers and I've found a few that maybe worth checking out.
-Note: these are NOT YOUR RUNESCAPE OR MAPLE STORY! These are full 3D games, free to play-
Dream of Mirror online: If you subscribe now, you may be able to get into the closed beta here which should be out about the 12th of this month.(they also say they'll add new people into the beta as it goes along) Gameplay wise, it looks nice, Character creation I hear is very good, classes are diverse and can be changable anytime you want like in FFXI, AND you can actually team up with other players to pull off special combo attacks through relationships you create with them.
Space Cowboy: If you're wanting something alittle less sword slinging, and more.. I dunno.. space shooting starfox/starwars action, Space Cowboy is for you! No real customization on your "character" however, ship specs are varied enough, you can't complain.
Check the links, and see if you like it. I'll post up some more later If you guys like, and I'll keep my eye out for Perfect world's updates. It's the china equivalent to WoW without the monthly fee xpx
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Lots of interesting things!
first off this youtube video.... it's...pure genius.
In other news, I got to HARD ROCK (hardest mode) on Elite Beat Agents >O>!!!! I feel awesome. I DO have some drawings! I'm not procrastinating! Seriously! In fact, I was messing around and decided to try some of the screentones for photoshop that I downloaded a few days ago on one of my drawings! er.. not that I'd use them really for much of anything else >>.... they're still nice to have around though.
I'll show it off a little later after I finish the colored version.
I've also been looking around for some RGSS tutorials xox but I think I'll hold off on that for awhile. scripting and programming have never been my forte. it hurts my brain.
I found ants in my room AGAIN! gaauuh.....
Also this comic is worth reading
Edit: Lawlz.. some of my message got cut off.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
ungrateful I sware.....
Here's a little known fact- Many years ago, I started calling myself whtdragon back on neopets.. I owned a guild, and took care of it, allowing me to meet many interesting peoples.... I still own that guild, and it's nothing like the glory days. I just spent more than 3 hours last night revamping the Website for said guild, even though my html skills are horrible and I was only able to do this much via another member and friend's efforts. But Oh well... I'm the only one that knows anything it seems sometimes. 2 of 5 council members aren't active, the 5th one doesn't read posts at all, and the council guy that is active can be such a pain in the tail sometimes, arguing about nearly everything claiming he can help, but never really does. >_> *sigh* I sometimes wonder why I even try... and I STILL can't figure out how to keep the side icons from stretching out at the site >_O! Anyone willing to help? Even if it IS just a guild website :p
In other news, more photoshop stuff!
Lots o' goodies!
CG art tutorial(helpful!)
Using dodge and burn to shade
another hair tutorial
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
blah blah boring
Sooo I don't feel like getting the ice elemental done right away. I've got a few other drawings that I might post up later, but meh. We'll see.
Nothing much going on here, just same ol' same ol'. Cloud wants me to draw the Elite beat Agents on her calculator so people at school will stop getting it confused with the ones at school, however I'm not used to drawing in that style xpx' and cloud expects nothing less THAN the original style. Not that that's difficult or anything, just need to work with it for awhile.
In other news, we have ants again >_>' Not in my room this time for the moment *knock on wood* Not so many right now, but I'm sure it'll get worse before the month's over -_-'
Still kinda keeping my eye out on an MMORPG. you know...something that's NOT Runescape, Maple story, second life,tibia, or even Gaia online (which imo isn't EVEN a mmorpg) I've actually found some that look interesting, and I may post later if people are curious about them.
edit: I failed to explain that I'm looking for FREE MMORPGs, this means I'm not interested in WoW or Ragnarok online.
Here's some art links though that maybe helpful! :D
OniKimono a page with a list of comic making stuffs! There's a BUNCHA goodies for photoshop and the likes everything from tones to tutorials!
Neat tutorial on fur Justa tutorial I stumbled apon sometime ago. Worth at least looking.
Basic Photo Edit This can actually be pretty useful. Not only would you be learning how to clean up a photo, but you can also begin to understand better how to clean up your own scanned drawings.
oh yeah and btw: Diddy Kong, Yoshi's final smash, and petey piranha in SSBB awsome.
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Monday, August 20, 2007
It's Frist day of School here!
And... that has absolutely nothing to do with me >p> but my sister certainly is having a heck of a freak-out lately due to it. So what about the poor otakulites who have to goto school? How's everyone's day been today?
I'm sure it's not first day EVERYWHERE but I'm also certain that some of you are gonna have school soon. :D or are you excited, or just going nuts trying to get everything in order?
side note: I'm working on a remix of the ice elemental I did a while back.
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
so yeah... uuuh there's no excuse this time, I've just been a lazy dragon not doing anything.

so yeeeah >.>' not much drawings been done lately. I just haven't been in the mood. I did beat Elite Beat Agents for the DS though :D (on breezin' -cough-) I totally recommend that game to ANYONE looking for a game on the DS. Heck, I'd recommend to anyone who's looking for a good time! Except for those that want to get perfect scoring on everything xpx'' good luck doing that on EBA.
Anyways drawings whenever I feel like it... I've got several that I never finished. I will eventually though.
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
a few minor changes!
so first off, Valcron wanted to make a new sprite : O which is awsome looking and is shown now. He actually made it sometime ago, but never got around to finishing it. Second, my Avatar is changed! I've decided to use the newer one 'cause it looks betters xpx and Third: My comic's been up for like two or three days now o_O' which is surprising to me.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
made a quick comic!
So I made a quick comic based on people's wanting a comic about my doing wii sports stuffs :3
speaking of comics... I was messing around, and drew something space kangaroo based... (boy do I love taunting everyone about SK X3) anyways I showed valcron the image just for the heck of it, and he said I should post it up >w< which I'm not gonna! lol o_O apparently though, he's with the majority on my posting SK comics up too now. A friend of mine who's ACTUALLY read some of them has been begging me to do it too...I'm still not sure about it though....
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