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Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Doing some coloring!
So yeah, I've been doing some colored images for a few days! yay me! I'll show them off in a bit, but that's pretty much the reason why I haven't been posting any drawings lately. Don't worry, I will >O>!
So a few things to mention.. first off, Valcron had a crazy urge to start a roleplay forum not a lot there yet, but if you're ever bored and need something to do, why not drop by and do a little RPing?
Second thing, Me and Code were talking about how much exercise we've both lacked for awhile, and decided that we would play Wii sports for 30 minutes every day (two Wii sports games, 15 minutes each then the Wii fitness test.) He decided that he'd make a thread about it in his own forum letting others with Wiis to try it out themselves.
So there ya have it >O>! The past few days of my life summed up!
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
A treat for the day!
Okay so me and Code were talking on MSN not long ago, and he needed to redesign my character for his comic anyways, so I gave him the go ahead to resign and play around with it. Weeeelll Valcron heard, and I desided to let him try his hand at it too, and well.. he's posted it up! yay! You all get to lookie at it!
 White Dragon Revamp Hosted By
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Friday, August 3, 2007
600th up AND new colors!
 600th Drawing Hosted By
So as you can see, I have thing going on. (hope CosmicSailor doesn't think I'm stealing his look by having more of a green theme Xp) Also, I've got meh 600th uup!! wooo! It's of Oni-Wht in case no one figured that out >p> I figured she needed to be drawn at least one more time. I also tried a plugin for the moon lighting effect... I've never used the plugin before, and felt it was kinda silly to have it if I never used it... turned out well, and I might just use it again sometime.
I sometimes think back on when I first popped up on the otaku. It was back not long after I got my tablet, and was still learning to use it properly. I figured of all the things I drew, Sesshomaru turned out the best, and seemed like the best option to have as my first drawing. It was also my first time ever drawing him. That was kinda the reason why I held off on coloring stuff, because I wasn't really familiar with photoshop at the time. (I was a Paintshop pro user from my mouse drawing days, leary about photoshop) Anyways, If people like it enough, I'll go ahead and make the wallpaper. (and by enough I mean just one :3) Enjoy everyone!
Wallpaper's done!
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Woo! Link dump time!
Alittle link dumping today! for those who don't know, Link dump is were someone just throw links into the post in the hopes that they will be helpful to someone else. Pay attention to the underlined words kids!
I've found several Photoshop tutorials that are bound to help people, including anime specific photoshop tutorials, that I highly recommand checking out.
Oh yes, also, I finished the 600th drawing, and will totally be posting drawings n' stuff in a bit working my way to the 600th. I think I did really well myself. On a side note, I've been thinking about spousing up the otaku page of mine to some ACTUAL COLORS! ZOMG! Naah really, it's probably not gonna be THAT big a change, but I'm tired of looking at that plain grey color bar on the side. Still not sure about a background yet though
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
yay shopping xox''
Well I've said it once, I'll say it again: I am NOT one of those people that likes to go shopping. I just can't see how anyone can stand to be out of the house all day wondering around a store looking and trying on clothings, and calling it 'fun'
Okay, so here's what's been up the past few days... I was Told Friday, that we'd be going shopping on Saturday, which I was already upset about because this news didn't really reach me 'til THAT NIGHT. Usually what happens, is I get told that we will be going somewere and turns out we don't, but I was assured time and time again that we'd be going Saturday...
weeeelll Saturday morning comes around, I get ready n' everything, and I find out from mother that we're going Sunday with her (today) not Saturday. W-T-F? I ask about this and turns out they changed on me AGAIN and I got ready for nothing.
Well, Today, I get woken up waaay earlier than I think I should have, got ready, and everything, and off we went taking mother with us to the various shops around. WalMart being the first and probably most tiring, since they built a larger and, if you ask me, less manageable place.
For you future store owners, hoping to one day run a large store outlet or maybe even a modest little shop in the corner of a nice little neighborhood, let me give you some advice:
2. Shoes should be categorized by size, not style
3. There ARE females with size 11 shoe size.
4. Just because the latest styles are in pink and horizontal stripes are assumed to be the latest fashion, doesn't mean they work for EVERYONE. *refer to #1*
5. In larger stores, it shouldn't be assumed that seats are only going to be used in the front of the store and in the shoe isle. Specially when you have a grandmother who just can't keep up with everyone else as well.

Needless to say, other than the early bickering, complaints on the clothing, shoe varieties, comments on the tackier bits of clothing, the squabbling, the gripping, the complaining, annoyance, And in one store, the prices, it wasn't really that bad I guess. Hey, at least I got away from it all with a pair of pants and shirt, which is actually more than I normally get under similar circumstances. I'm also extremely tired from all this, so It'll probably take a little longer to get the 600th drawing up, but that's to be expected after all I've been through.
*oh btw, I'm gonna try alittle something and add lil' quickie images to my posts whenever I can : D
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Friday, July 27, 2007
woo! #600 is going well!
So I'm still working on the 600, and hopefully I'll have it done sooner then I need it. All I really need is to make a background, and tweak stuff a little. The drawing from yesterday, I may actually color I dunno yet... probably make it into a background. Then again, I'm tempted into making the 600th drawing a background too, it's just really nice.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
well well... something interesting
Well let me get the good news out of the way first: I've come up with a drawing for #600 and am currently working on it! go me!
as for the disturbing, well.. bad news, apparently I'm on some kind of "artistic hit-list" someone seems to have a grudge against me and a few other artists for seemingly no reason whatsoever. What I find so strange, is that there seems to be no real connection between the people. What this person does is basically deface artwork from said artists and post it on her site calling the artist a few "choice" names.
I knew I was going to get haters at one point or another, and this behavior is nothing new to me, so I'm going to shrug it off and walk on ignoring this, but I'm sure there's some of you that won't stand for it.
What really disturbs me the most about this, is that she's from Arkansas. I'll let you in on a little secret: I am too. It bothers me so much because this is the second person I got into a scruff with from Arkansas. I've seem to have no problems with anyone else from any other state, or even country which leaves me to wondering about the well being of the state. I've never felt "in" with the people here, so it would make sense, but it still erks me
Edit: btw, I thought I'd add this. A responce to her acts, and for those on that list
 Don't Ph3@r Me Hosted By
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Monday, July 23, 2007
588 images huh?
Well I should probably start thinking about what I'm gonna do for my 600th. 600 is a LOT of images for someone that's only been here for two years I think.
and now for something completely different....
Random thoughts*
Anyways yeah... totally gonna be thinking about what to draw for the 600th, like always.
*I did not create nor endorse any of these of "random thoughts". They are there only to make you laugh at which point I can totally take responsibility for :3
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
BAM! Back Yo!
Okay I can totally say that I'm totally back for now >O>! I'll be posting stuff up n' junk again! yay! I've already submitted two drawings so woo for me!
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
GAAH >_< sleep time nows!
Okay so I've been back for a few days, and I gotta say.. my sleeping cycle is so messed up right now T_T! Being at mom's is like being in a totally different timezone. Everyone seems to be most active at night, and of course, since I stay up late anyways, I pretty much adapted quickly... after about a week of this, I began to goto sleep at about 6-7ish in the morning and wouldn't wake up 'til around noon. Well.. During those last few days, I tried to get back on my cycle but for some reason, everyone seemed to be more active during that time than usual, meaning I wasn't gonna get my full sleep. I thought when I get back here, I'd be okey-dokey since I wouldn't have the noise, TV, or lights on, but for some reason, I can't seem to get much sleep... Last night was the worst though with only about 2-3 hours of sleep... guuh -__-'' I'm sooo tired.. I hope I'll just pass out from exhaustion at around 10 tonight
Why can't I get this treatment T_T'''
btw: I DO have some drawings that I'll post up in a bit. As soon as I get over this thing x_x''
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