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• 1986-01-16
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Feeling loads better, and I gots some interesting things to tell!
okay, a few things here. First off, Tim, creator of the "one of those days" comics (link at the top of my otaku page here) Was happy to find he had some fans to his comic! I asked him if he would like to have some of those fans make guest comics, and he said he'd love to see them. >O> so calling all otakulites! You all have been invited to make guest comics for tim's comic "one of those days!
Okay, next up in the topics, I was once a huuge fan of G4 back when it actually involved tech and video games. I was a HUUUGE fan of a show called "The Screen Savers" and was constantly watching for new goodies to check out that they showed. As G4 spiraled into a Mtv-esk Male-dominated pop culture fest, one of the last straws that happened during the time was one by the name of Kevin Rose to leave and start a internet "TV channel" if you will. Among these channels at Revision3 is one called "pixel Perfect" were a former Screensavers host Photoshop guru shows how one does verious things in photoshop. Now, I can tell ya know, that his techniques are alittle more advanced than what I do, but it's still worth watching.
Last piece if information, I must say, will probably spawn several hilarious drawings and whatnots. It's not a "challange" in a sense that I want you to tag it, and I'll check it out, so much as a "omg what am I gonna draw, I can't think of anything lawlz" When I was looking around about Zelda stuffs, I read on wiki about gorons and how they don't seem to look any different from another gender wise. So this silly lil project is this: Make a female goron! come on! be creative!
and that is that. >o> have fun with the links, the verious informations, and uuh... the gorons >p>
EDIT: okay so I got Tim's permission, and here's his Female goron in all it's crazy glory lol and this would be mine. I think she turned out kinda cute n_n! (for those that don't know what a goron is, click here and scroll down a bit.)
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