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• 1986-01-16
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• 2005-09-24
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• Drawing, computer/tech stuff, anime, gaming
• drawing, being slightly odd
Thursday, March 22, 2007
-.- no motivation whatsoever....
Okay, so I haven't exactally been in a drawing mood lately. I've been doing some sprites for RPG maker XP though >.> If ya wanna see one, here she was one of the default characters for the older rpg makers that I just remixed into the new style of XP.
In other news, I'm pretty sure my back problem is more serious than just my pulling somthing. It still hurts, and I tried sleeping in my own bed with terrible results. Granted, my bed is no were near a comfertable object to lay on-- springs have begone to peek through the materals and my sibbling's friends abusivness towards my bed (why always MY bed...?) I'm sure hasn't improved the situation at all. Could it be just the bed? No, with my luck, it probably isn't, and I'll have to get surgery or something on it, or find out there's an alien nawing on my bones or something causing it >_>' I've been told that we will go have it checked out, but I've heard that story before....
anyways, yeah no drawings, so I'm gonna be up for requests. This includes any kinda tutorial, wether they be Photoshop tips n' tricks or just plain old drawings....I WILL NOT however draw anything naruto, nor anything from FF7. :3 I have my reasons. thanks!
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