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I've come a long way with my drawing.
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Rurouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Blood Plus, Claymore, etc. etc.
Drawing, writing, woodburning, mining, Video games, and photography
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Monday, May 14, 2007
I hurt my ankle yesterday.....It hurts pretty bad. I can't put weight on it, so I have to hobble around on crutches for a while...hope its not too long. I hate this -_-
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
Spidey 3
Well today is my parents anniversary, and even though they are supposed to spend it together, alone, they wanted all of us kids (me, my 2 brothers, and 2 sisters) to come with them to see Spiderman 3 and then after that get root beer floats. WEEEEEEEE!!!! ^.^
Ok I know this is random, but heres a funny fact real quick. Today is my parents anniversary, the 14th is Mothers day, and then my moms birthday is on the 18th..... LOL buncha clustered up holidays eh?
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
YES SO EXCITED OMIGOD! PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN 3 IS COMING OUT IN THEATRES ON MAY 25TH ok I'm done...Don't think I'm gunna be able to see it though cause we have ALOT to do nowadays. Speaking of which I won't be on as much for a while, so if I'm inactive...don't worry lol
OH yeah and about the manga...Now It's me AND my sister working on it. I'm doing the drawing she's helping with soem of the story line.
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Woo...I got the cover done in just two hours....Which is pretty good for me. I surprised myself with how well this one turned out.
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I am now officialy working on a manga....It will most likely take a long time before I post pages to it, but atleast I am working on one :P
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Friday, May 4, 2007
StoOpid test

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woo lol

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Yes I get my glasses tomorrow....AT LAST haha....
Anywho I have been watching Rurouni Kenshin. I had watched a lot of it when it came on Toonami, and I got bored so I started watching it on You can find (almost) any anime you can think of on there, haha!
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
So I got tagged....6 random facts about myself.
1)I read too much.
2)I have 20+ cats.
3)I love cold, or rainy weather.
4)I did something similar to a lemonade stand when I was little
5)I have never actually hated anyone, or had an enemy
6)Water is my favorite element, thus all shades of blue are my favorite color.
I don't really have 6 people to tag, because most ppl on my list have been tagged. But...I tag KyoShiro-Mubei....And BluntNanatsusaya.
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
Dust Storm
Today a dust storm came through town. Me, my dad, and my oldest bro were trying to cover up our pool when it hit.
The wind grabbed the pool cover and almost ripped it from our grasp, as the dust and gravel pelted our body got in our eyes. We held fast to it, trying our best to cover the rest of it. As we were struggling, the wind lifted the cover up and brought debris under the cover and it got in the pool. My dad yelled something, but I couldn't hear him. I was struggling still, when something smacked me in the head. I looked over to see a big cardboard box flying away from me in the wind. My dad yelled again, and I undterstood him this time. "The wind is too strong, just leave it!" He said. As we were dragging the cover out of the pool, an empty dogfood bag slapped across my face, shoving dirt and debris into my eyes. We finaly got the cover out of the pool and on the ground, and got inside. I still couldn't see anything for all the dirt in my eyes....Even now they hurt, and feel like gravel.
But atleast no one got injured seriously. Anyways, I'm done with my rant. Cya'll.
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