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I've come a long way with my drawing.
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Drawing, writing, woodburning, mining, Video games, and photography
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ok I found the source of my headache......
I need glasses. Full time glasses. Waaa I don't want glasses. OH well atleast it will stop my headaches, but I have to wait till next thursday to get them, so I have to deal with another week of everyday headaches. That will make a whole month with everyday headahces.....Wow I'm gunna go grazy. I mean, these headaches are the type where it hurts so bad that I can't even think straight. Where I can't do anything but hide in my room with all the lights off and do nothing but wait till it's over.....
But....atleast there is relief in the future, so I can get through it, I hope. Wish me luck guys, I'll need it lol.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
OK guys I know this is completely random, but I had to post it.
My dog Nook just ate a Jelly Belly....If you don't know what that is, it's bunch of randomly flavored jelly beans. I thought hed just spit it out but he chewed it up and ate it. Now hes staring avidly at me like he wants more...don't think that would be good for him hahaha
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Monday, April 23, 2007
I'll miss you Orangie
Last night I was almost asleep when I heard a car go speeding past our house at about 90 mph.....And I heard a thunk, like they ran over something. Then I heard the meow of my kitty....I ran outside to look for him....and there he lay under one of our cars where he had drug himself......gasping for air, not even able to meow again.
The person that did it didn't even appolagize.....But hey, where I live, what do ya expect?
When he was a kitten, his mother brought him up to our house, so he could have a better life than as a stray. No one else could catch him but me. I kept him in a cage at first, so he wouldn't run away. I just sat there day after day with my hand up to the cage so he would get used to me. After a while he would let me touch his head slightly, but then he would get nervous and back away. And so it went until He would let me pick him up and pet him. Even then, he was nervous around other people, but completely relaxed with me. He was my shadow. Everytime I went outside, There he was behind me. Everytime I went for a walk, there he was waiting for me at the fence. Every time I felt bad, or depressed, there he was, ready to comfort me in my time of need. He wasn't my pet. He was my best friend. I know it seems silly, but I don't really care.
I just hope he is in a happier place now.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Ok I'm sorta happy (but impatient) with the way things are working out with my photography. I got a new program called "Photoshop Elements 5.0" and I got a manual from a book store. So now I've got a good editing program.... I just have to wait for my birthday so I can get a better camera (that isn't broken).
The down side.....
I have to get places to take pictures right?.... How do I do that when I can't drive yet and my parents run a home-based business?.....Yeah it's sorta frustrating yet I understand that my parents don't have time. I just really wish there were an easier way to do things where it worked out for everyone...
Anyhoo.. Atleast the painkillers helped my headache. I can actually think! :D
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Saturday, April 21, 2007
Been pretty sick lately...headache everyday....nausea...The works.
Gunna go to the eye doctor thursday to see if my eyes are causing my constant headaches. I dunno how I feel about getting glasses if I have to. Sorta feel un-attached from everything right now lol..Not sure if my mood is from being sick or what....It's a really odd feeling
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Monday, April 16, 2007
new art
got some new art up....i really think im doing better with my drawing :D
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Sunday, April 8, 2007

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Saturday, April 7, 2007
My site has a new look
WOO i got a new layout for my site......Plus I have new music......Since I saw Tartanic last weekend at the festival, and got a picture with the musician, EJ Jones, It got me looking into more of his music, and others like him......
I always liked bagpipe music when I was little but as I got older I kinda veered towards modern rock......But now I have to say I have found a long lost love. When I listen to this kind of music it almost makes me feel like I'm home. Call me weird, sappy, or whatever, but thats the way I feel :P
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Sunday, April 1, 2007
Pics from the festivfal
Here we go guys! Heres a slide show of pictures from the renaissance festival. My dad had to take them cause my camera got screwed up somehow..... Anywho enjoy!
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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Tomorrow we are FINALY going to the renaissance festival. I'm EXTREMELY EXCITED....* if you can't tell already ;) *
Anyway...I will take many many pictures and post them on my site "" so you all can see them ^_^ I'll add a post when I do put them on my site.
Wish me luck with my costume. I'm going to be a gypsy or some such. Which means lots and lots of jewelry....but I'm not overdoing it....just earings a necklace and a few bracelets on each wrist. As for my clothing, I'll be wearing a burgundy skirt, a white shirt with long sleeves that flair out at the end, and a black corset(I made the corset myself ^__^)
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