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myOtaku.com: WiccanHeart17

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O.O Pretty site. ^^
If you can't stand hyper crazy ass people please leave, the exit's to your right *points to the left*

Name's Emily...but please feel free to call me emi or emi-chan. I'm 15 and very very hyper!

I can get hyper off of just about anything. The things that can send me into laughing fits might really surprise you. I'm known among my friends to have a perverted mind (no less then them themselves!).

I love talking and learning new things about people. I'm Wiccan and Bi and very proud of both. I welcome anyone to message me and ask questions about my religion. Just please...no messages saying that my beliefs are wrong. I hate people like that and my patience for them is very very thin. Other then that I'm a very cheery hyper person!


^===made by my wonderful friendy Sammie-chan!