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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
tax returns
last week I got my taxes back... nic and I split it so 1200 each... most of it went to bills but the rest I've been wasting on animes and yoga vidios.... and memorization books...impulse buys. it's still fantastic outside, I love it, really.
I can't wait to go swimming, I finally lost that damned baby fat, so I can wear a bikini again, and take azra swimming..
I'm pretty happy about it.
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Friday, April 8, 2005
path grows fast
under lengthened hopes
flys a solitary soul
and with it is cramped with doubt and fear
a venturous heart trapped with red tape
and a fruitful mind boxed till a later date.....
I added another pic, I'm thinking about drawing another...
maybe one a little more anime styled.... I can't get over how fantastic it is outside!! tomorrow it's supposed to be around 70 degrees. ^^* teriific!! I'm going to go hiking with nic at devisl lake, and maybe I'll take some pics, maybe I'll post them. ^^* oooohhh... it's a sundae
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
testing 1 2 3.....
ah.... yes, I'd just like to say hello. ^^* I'm checking through peoples sites right now... maybe I'll check more tomorrow if i decide to return tomorrow... who knows... it's all a whim... I'm thinking it might not be a waste of time to submit my art since it's on my computer anyway...
how 'bout this weather!? fantastic, tshirt worthy, fantastic rain storms no thunder but *shrug* can't force it..... It feels so good to be released from the frosty shackles of winter.....
I've been writing a book... maybe I'll finish it.... maybe I'll animate it.... maybe I came in through the bathroom window...
albeit suprised she turned to face the sun,
a tear briming the lid of her placid eyes,
a sound of pitty trapped in her throat,
and a silent vengence that had till now lay dorment in her fists.
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
no more confetteii to throw,
Hey... I haven't been here very much lately... sorry, I've been busy. I hope everyone is doing alright... and I'll stop by everyones sites, and check out art and posts. Maybe post up my own art. ^^* I have alot. I've been drawing more and more... and I seem obsessed with details. So it takes me days to finish one picture... but ah... they turn out really nice... even I think so.
misery waits in vauge hotels....
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Monday, January 31, 2005
I broke my door....
because it wouldn't let my key turn.... so I kicked the damn thing in! Now I regret it... because I have to buy a new door handle... damn it.... I'll just have to duct tape it till I go to the
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
So... this is tuesday....

another work day dead and gone...but another shall rise to takes it's place.... in 18 hours?...oh god.. *shrugs* bring it on... I think maybe winter isn't so bad... The snow is melting right now... it's 38 degrees... oh paradise! It will freeze again tonight... I'm awaiting spring...
Tattered flakes (oh my god... I titled a poem..)
The lazy rays will catch your eye..
as the white withers around you,
it's common place a yearly festival..
no word to descibe it,
no taste to put your finger to,
just the instinctual thought,
hope, desire...
albeit in vain..
for it shall be months 'till
the coming of spring..
let us think green..
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Hey! Haven't stopped by in a while... I quit smoking... ^^* I think I'm doind alright considering... I used to smoke a pack a day... I get headaches sometimes... but it's worth it because well.... I can taste things and smell things... It's refreshing... I drew a new pic.. I think it's alright... it need a bg or something... or maybe color.. So how's everyone been?...
and a poem...
I'll swallow it,
and make the grass grow,
to the simplest motion,
a thought to be known,
I can read you,
and you are my every move,
so be ready for retribution...
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
weathered willow
a desperate run as the tall grass slashes at your bare legs,
tearing drops of blood from the precious stream beneath flesh,
create your heart from leaves and twigs,
and place it by the weathered willows trunk,
a blessing from your own drying limbs.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
sinus infection...
oh man.. this sucks... My sinus's are about to burst... pop my eyeballs right out of my head...And Azreal has to go to the hospital to get his shots tomorrow... *wines* I've been taking nasal decongestants but... they don't work.. and my ears are all plugged up... I feel gross..
On the brighter side Nic's coming home soon... maybe tonight or tomorrow night, or friday... or saturday.. damn it... I want to snuggle!!
Apropriate distance please,
count the inches from my face,
I'll have to remember your place,
once I've closed my eyes,
plant it deeply in my mind,
the image of shared love and lost time,
I'll have a dear memory for you
if you ever wake to find me gone...
tomorrow will be another empty promise,
and I'll be waiting for another dawn..
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Led Zepplin
You know what I just found out? My son has the same birthday as Robert Plant. The 20th of August!! Rock on.. Sing it azra!
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