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number 4 privet drive, the cupboard under the stairs
Member Since
Real Name
henrieta hen
I've had the same Ivy plan for 5 years.... and it's still alive..... *knock on wood*
Anime Fan Since
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depends on my mood.
dance on my own grave
swimming dancing with my best friend athena(yes that is her real name) drawing,taking pictures, yoga,playing with my poi (balls of fire on chains) and archery. (I like to bake bread too)
swimming, climbing trees, I'm also a good dreamer.
| Wildmoonchild
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
show me the way to the next whiskey bar....
Oh don't ask why...
another day... and no good art.. *pout* I am writing though. so it's not totally bad. I just cleaned the house and the ferrets are running a muck... messing it up again. I dunno this week is going by thankfully. I had to pay the sitters in advance so I have no money... :( So I can't go out this weekend. Maybe my brother will lend me some money. I bought him the read or die series and iria series. So he owes me! Read or dies pretty cool you should see it!
My brother has the biggest collection of anime!! He has almost every series you can think of. Allot of it I bought for him, or gave him when i was depressed *shrug* I didn't really care. Now I kind of do.. but ah well. He has all the evangalian and kenshin (me too) and excel and inuyasha (me too) slayers (me too) and others. But he spends all of his money on anime and conventions and karate. He lives at home (with my dad) yet though. Ah to be a dependant and get more taxes back....
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Monday, January 3, 2005
oh my kiss is......
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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possibly maybe..
I realized that... well I haven't put up any art lately... I get in these stages sometimes... where.. I just... can't draw... I try I try and I try... nothing turns I stop.... after a usually long and depressing period I draw something fantastic, but i hate the waiting... for that specific moment, like light shining in my head, because later i looks back at those break throughs and don't like what i see.. but every time this happens my art seems to evolve. I find it a tedious but effective metimorficous (oh no did i spell that wrong)? oh well...Perhaps someday I'll enjoy what I've drawn...I wait...antisipate the next change, the tiny light that glows from my tight knit little cuccoon... the new me..
maybe I'll give it another go..
oh man... this is gonna hurt.
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
two weeks now..
nic left to tour with his band... He'll be gone two that mean it's me and azra....alone...with the cat's the ferrets and the fish... Party!!
No....actually I'm kind of sad.. we were only home together for a day and a half. I have to do all the house work and stuff by myself now.. *sigh echos through a big lonely house*
I shall percivier!!
I'm watching full metal alchemist right now.. almost done watching the whole series really neat I think... pretty twisted..but neat.
They make alchemy seem more like magic... but hey that's okay. I likes it. ^^*
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
show me the way to go home....
no place like home... when I got here my ferrets had gotten out of their cage and they had no water... the only thing that bothers me is not that they got out but that my friend paul who came here everyday to take care of them... didn't water all. I don't know how he couldn't notice that the food from their dish wasn't disapearing... I just walked in the house and out comes shinta yawning and coming to lick me and curl up on my feet. (he's so cute ^^*) and sano tearing into the garbage. (he's kind of a hellian...but cute none-the-less) I'm kind of pissed off. they had to have been roaming the house for days. they did however poo in the cat litter box, well more like beside it. lol... so there isn't any crap or pee anywhere in the house. But all in all I'm happy they aren't dead. ^^* I cried when I saw they were out cause I couldn't find sano for a bit and was afraid he had died or something terrible. (okay I'm talking about them alot... they're my babies)
california was pretty.. it rained but it was in the sixties. I got to shoot of some arrows... not to shaby if I do say so myself. Kathy, Azreals grandma, cried when we left to get on the plane going home. Kathy is such a sweet lady, I love her lots. She's really funny, so is dave, her husband. He likes to work....allot... he's constantly doing something, he has a shop where he fixes and rebuilds british cars... pretty cool.
Jon, nics brother, lety us have his apartment down stairs, so that was nice of him.
The mountains in california are so breath taking... that's where nics mom lives. Beautiful scenery every which way you turn. I love california, the great big trees, the twisty (nausiatingly twisty) roads, the people are alright....okay maybe not lol. but I love being home in my good old freezing cold wisconsin.
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follow the yellow brick......follow it!!!
Oh look I'm back....tada?....
2005 wooo?.....
airplanes suck...
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
see ya'll later.. (yes i said ya'll... hey..I'm from wisconsin)
Dear You, (i'm putting it in letter style... hey why the hell not?...)
We had christmas at my dads already (yesterday night actually)... I got allot of stuff (including an ipod... ooo) but the best was my new bow... a recurve 50lb pull, a bear kodiac fiberglass reinforced... nice... and it's green ^^* can't wait to get measured for arrows.. and to try it out on my uncles land. not this weekend though 'causeI'm leaving tomorrow, going to CA be back in a week. Not that anyone will notice.. (hook and bait *notice me! notice me!* LOL) Just kidding. but I'll leave you with this song (or at least part of it)
"so this is christmas... i hope you had fun, the near and the dear ones the old and the young....
we wish you a merry christmas... and a happy new year... lets hope it's a good one.. without any fears..."
-John Lennons christmas (actually a very pretty song... you should listen to it. ^^* you can hear Yoko singing with the children if you listen closely)
so peace and love to you,
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Dream time... and i'm not talking commune..
oh christ... what the hell... someone please get me some coffee... I've been having nightmares.....
nightmares (anothe peom on teh spot, sorry it rymes)
Evident marks they fade with time,
the passing force that binds,
a calm warm bed that holds you tight,
whispers reasurance night after night
false in security you fall asleep,
I'm not sure you'll wake up to do the same tomorrow..
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 Reserved, quiet, wise and free spirited
You are a sprite of the Earth: You have a deep connection with the earth and all its creatures, preferring plants and animals to people you are quiet and reserved. You understand things on a different level and can often see straight through to a persons true intentions. You are mysterious to everyone even those in your family, they may live with you but that doesn't mean they 'know' the real you. Being inside the house for long periods of time can be torture, you crave the outdoors and love simply escaping up a tree or into the forest where you can be free. Although you may be smart you are easy to judge a person because you fear what they 'may' be going to do. You are wise in things that most overlook and you are very creative in many aspects like art, music, etc... Although try as they may to seek you, you are a free spirit. Just let them try to catch and put you in a cage.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
not to long now...
four more days of work and then on the plane I go... I really don't like planes. I went to my grandpa's house yesterday. I asked him how he was and he replies "waiting to die" lol he's so funny.. he didn't mean it to be funny but *shrug* he's old. he was sad cause I'm all grown up and have a kid, he said that I look kind of like grandma when she was young, she died when I was in fifth grade.. so long ago...
My grandma didn't like me.. she didn't like girls in general. always had some excuse to hit me. she even sprained my wrist once. But she had some mental problems. Despite that, I liked her, she always had stories about when she was young living on her dads farm eating watermelons in the sunshine, chasing chickens over a wooden plank, because her dad told her that that was how chickens layed eggs. lol
Now a poem on the spot (about my long past grandmother)
A summer ago,
maybe more,
there sat a girl by a watermelon vine,
she could feel the wind and through thick braids the streaming sunshine,
she'd remember this day, though she never tried to, so long from now.
to tell children the wonderous feeling of cool melon under trees in the yard.
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