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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Goin' to California with an aching in my heart
I have a few thoughts...
one I like the color green I think it's because I assosiate it with summer. (well of course i do, who wouldn't)
two I miss summer
three I hate winter (although it's not technicaly winter at this moment)
But I get to go to california this christmas... for a week.. a week away from reality. leaving on the twenty fourth. I hate planes...
I get motion sick from escalators (not kidding I really do) imagine what happens when i'm on a plane. and If I take dramamine I just get loopy and think EVERYTHING is funny.. @@* And azrael will be on the plane with nic and I (of course) so that's one screaming baby, one freaked out dad, and one really wigged out mom....
So everyone on the plane will hate us.
But I get to sit around in the mountains, maybe go to yosemity again, and the mine (this place we went camping) it's right next to this river, the water is crystal CLEAR and there's fools gold on the sand so when you kick up any of the sediment on the bottom of the river gold flakes are flying everywhere.
My god is it beautiful.
when i say the water was crystal clear I mean it. It was breathtaking and refreshing. (all of the rivers and streams (and lakes) in wisconsin are brown... not to say they aren't pretty.. but you can't see the bottom.
I loved it.
despite the airsickness I will experience for days it will be worth it to see that river agian.
I love Led Zepplin (listen to them sometime)
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
July Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood.Quiet unless excited or tensed. Takes pride in oneself (oh my). Has reputation (uh.. reputation..*chirp*). Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful. Friendly. Approachable. Emotional temperamental and unpredictable. Moody and easily hurt. Witty and sparkly. Not revengeful. Forgiving but never forgets.Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things( hey wait I'M nonsensical and unnecessary!!). Guides others physically and mentally. Sensitive and forms impressions carefully. Caring and loving. Treats others equally. Strong sense of sympathy. Wary and sharp. Judges people through observations. Hardworking. No difficulties in studyin (unless it's math)
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No ultimate truth but everones truth.
I would love to be a great artist.(wouldn't we all) I'd like to earn it (sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get there) If you see a problem with the pic. Tell me!! tell me how to improve I don't care. The likelyhood is that we'll still be friends(providing it's a constructive critisim and that a goal of yours is to be my friend ^^*) *yay! Friends!!*
one of our balances ( the whole chaos ying/yang idea) has left for awhile. maybe to improve himself *shrugs* maybe he'll just come back and feel like he did before. (which would be fine with me.) I just want people to think out this balence and realize you aren't the bad guy for saying what you feel about something, especaily when this site is to help you improve on how you draw,(or even how you perceive your own art.) Which would be nice, because sometimes, you can't get out of your own mindset.
So being one of those who sent him off the deep edge I must say. "to thine ownself be true"
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
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W | Warm | I | Industrious | L | Lucky | D | Desperate | M | Mischievous | O | Organic | O | Overwhelming | N | Naive | C | Cool | H | Handsome | I | Intense | L | Light | D | Delicious |
Name Acronym Generator From
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 Love Interest
What is your anime occupation? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, December 3, 2004
yeah, it's friday... what does that mean to me? no work tomorrow thats what it means...
Isn't that sad? You work to live and it seems that you live to work.I plan on someday becoming a hermit (maybe not a hermit as much as a social intravert). I'll just sit in my dark little den and read poetry. or manga. or draw, do anything I want to do. Maybe i'll live next to a lake. Watch a hot fire dance inside my quiet hut. I might have visitors at some point. by that time maybe I'll have forgotten how to speak, or understand words. they're really just a barrier you know (words) people think that there is this perfect word to define any one feeling. But how could you possibly know that what you define as sad ( or the color blue for that matter) is how the other individual(s) perceive it? I mean think about it. there are so many colors out there and we can only see a small range of them, I'm thirsty for more, but untill I'm reincarnated into a bee that's not going to happen...
okay.. enough of the metaphysical, and on to the astrological. i'm cancer, which is alright, my husband is leo, my brother is gemini athena is scorpio, my dad is scorpio, my mom is libra, mandy leo..... hmmm. I don't know why I'm typing this..
ebony trees
sway to the stars
a troubled soul
who in despiration come
circle of those meek and kind
to a collection of diverse
peoples devine.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Aunt is a pate
I've been playing around a bit with know it's not so hard?... Well sometimes the layers get confusing, but I hope to make some really terrific picture to submit... maybe that will happen soon...
(will that keep you hanging in antisipation?)
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Monday, November 29, 2004
 What Anime Emoticon Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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monday monday
So I woke up at 4am this morning. typical wake up time for a worker. I've decided that I need to get my ass to college... I've been putting it off for oh I don't know 4 yrs. which was good(except now I have a son and I'm married), I didn't know rightly what I wanted to do... vet or architect, writer? Maybe I'm the next frank loyd wright? Maybe alittle different.. Except for the low ceiling Idea.. cozy. anyway. here's to a fantastic day to you!!! *gulp* and me?
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