Thanks you guys for voting for me! At least I got 2 votes on one and 3 on the other. Lol, I kind of feel like a rookie when I look at those people work. Anyways I forgot yesterday but I made this bet with this guy that if I get more friends then him he well leave me alone. Well, can I put you guys on the list? Please I could I want to see his eyes go blank and say "SHE GOT THAT MUCH FREINDS!"
Please? I'll put your nickname on not your name. Also I just have two friends in school and if I just put just those two. He such to make this really stupid comment and everyone well laugh at me. Then I feel stupid! Then I won't hear the end of it! PLEASE! LET ME WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE PAPER SO I COULD SHUT THAT GUY UP! ^^
Well. on other news I made this update pic. up there ^ is it good. How is it? Do you like it?
Oh I almost forgot I wrote this memoir for school can you guys tell me if you like it.
~ Memoir ~
I remember the time that first I walked into that old and creepy school. I opened that door and the noise of all the second graders lowered. My teacher turned her face towards me and without another look, she frowned. I sat front of my class. It was the middle of the month and I could feel my teacher's hawk eyes hit my back. Whenever I made a small mistake she would look at me oddly.
Once I was leaving the room and I saw her. Then I didn't know, but she was ESL (English as a second language). She just looked like another teacher at that time. The teacher's eyes were nice, but her smile was fake. I first thought something bad had happen, like my house had been called. At first she didn't do anything, but when I started to move. She asked where my notebook, pen/pencil and folder. I told her I didn't know what she was saying. She told me that I was chosen for the ESL program. At first I didn't know what it was so I went with it but when I found out what it was I talked to my parents.
I first told them about my mean second grade teacher and then about the ESL teacher. They didn't do anything at first, but then they were called up to the office. I was in the classroom doing my work. Someone called my teacher and me into the principal office. When I took my fist step in there I saw. My dad's hair. It looked like flames; it nearly standing straight up. I also noticed that his hand was curled into a fist. My mother on the other hand was looked at my teacher. Her eyes bored holes into my teacher's back, making a target. Her face was blank but if you looked closely you could tell that she was angry, like unfeed lion. She was about to jump into action.
My teacher, however, wore the same greeting as she did for me.unfriendly. My principal was the only calm one there. I was also calm, but I didn't know what was happened. As the heat between my parents and my teacher went on, the principal gave me a small smile and asked, "Do you want to go to next grade."
Everything went silent.even the small staring war between my parents and my teacher.
"Yes," I said speaking up for the first time.
My principal face changed into a soft face. His eyes and voice became nice, too.
"Is that so? Well, you'll have to work hard as a third grader," he replied with a smile.
"OK," I said smiling back.
My principal was growing more and more impressed by the way I was answering. However, my teacher wasn't favoring my side at all. She was the opposite of impressed, but luckily, she wasn't my principal! He let me pass the next year, but I knew I needed to improve.
Seven years later, I'm in eighth grade, laughing back at this little memory that charged my whole life. If he didn't push me up a grade and didn't believe in me. I think I would never come up this high. Now I'm better in English and I learn with a smile. Also, everyone treats me with respect. My parents were never called up again. That was then as this is Now.
~ End of Memoir ~
Well, I just going to put the voteing button so if you guy well still vote for me. Then there the button and THANK YOU!

Vist my sister, brothers, best friends and friends!