Thanks guy you made me feel better. Thanks! *hug*
Just some things...
1) I won an award form one of the contest I was in:
2) I'm in two new clubs. The first one is Naruto Kult. PM mooshu to join!:

Second is Tagging Along. PM Knox to join!:
3) Does anyone want a Seto, Yami Yugi or Yugi clone?
4) Lol, vote for me please! It came back to haunts us! lol ^_^
Here please:
Click here to Vote for Me!
5) um oh the questions!
Last post:
311: lol a little to late but nope. The no I have down there wasn't the one I put for the contest.
Saturday Post:
samtheturk65- sorry but XxcloudstrifexX is just my online bro. He not really my bro. Sorry for the confusion.
MiasmaMoon- yea jamming it with some much H.W. lol
Evil Akito- it's ok if you laugh at me signing my teacher letter with 'WM'. I think it kina funny now...and very good lesson! ^-^'
star~wolf- Thank you! I'll do the same. If you need help wing moon is always there!
6) Hug me?
give wingmoon more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own
7) I not with a this way...
Certificate of MarriageThis is to certify that
A profile of Len Tao from the anime Shaman King. . &
Wing Moonwere married on
November 01, 2005Marry Your Favorite Character
8) um you can ask me any questions if you want to. I like answering them! ^_^
Thanks for 19 comments! You guys are so nice! I got make you guys an award!
~~~Wing Moon~~~~~
Vist my sister, brothers, best friends and friends!

Click here to visit My Bro.XxCloud StrifexX!
Click here to visit My another Bro. Fallen_angel_x__2!