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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 05/26/05:
There's no way, I don't even believe in past lives so why did I even do this?!
Result Posted on 05/20/05:
Great, I'm the psychotic weirdo!
 You have Bakura in your head! Your either psychotic, or virtually insane..hey its alright..your still mighty sexy! And you think quick too...perhaps your not crazy, but your still better off alone I bet. Expect alot of sex. -_-;;;
Which YuGiOh Male character Lives in your head? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/13/05:
Well, that settles it, third times a charm and Atemu's all mine!!!! *evillaugh*
 Yes he is urs, only the best queen deserve this hot pharaoh! Yami will give u his heart and his life to protect u. So u better be grateful. On the other hand,he intends to get bossy at times so u better know what to give him!He is , after all, pharaoh, and will always get his way!
Who's your yu-gi-oh boyfriend?(great pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/13/05:
Yami's my BF!!!! Oh yeah!!! He so fine!!! SO SEXAY!!!!
 You got Pharoe Atamu (YAMI YUGI)!!! OK,hes not the most romantic guy on earth,and hes prone to long,long rants on honor and morals,but give him a chance to warm up to you. he seems odd now,but once you get used to him,hes a really sweet guy! (Plus,hes the frikkin pharoe of egypt,who can say no to that?!)
A date with the yugioh boys (just one at a time!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/13/05:
I know my nickname is Yami cuz I've never lost a duel match and I'm a brilliant god card user!!! Woah, I'm conceited but heck I LOVE tha Pharaoh!!!
 You are Yami Yugi!! Go you! You are an awesome duelist, capable of getting out of even the toughest of situations. You are kind, caring, and friendly as well. You like to have fun, and you are friends with your more friendly side. Good! You are excellent!!
Who's Yami Might You Be? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 04/15/05:
I like to take risks sometimes and I'm more a strategical illusion person myself! Plus he's cute!
Result Posted on 04/15/05:
Kurama is defintely a representative of me! He's sweet and yet can fight when provoked.
Result Posted on 04/15/05:
Yeah, I'm Dark, I totally love this guy!
Result Posted on 03/31/05:
I'm am more like Sanzo but my second choice would have to Hakkai! He's just too cute to resist!
Result Posted on 03/31/05:
I'm afraid I'm more of an Unknown myself but hey it never hurts to be Sora! He's cute right?
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