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uh...finally becoming a senior, and getting my car!!! ^^
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there's a lot of them, and i haven't seen much of anything in a really long time =( but last i checked, a couple were Inuyasha and Trigun
make it through college ^^
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depends on what u call talented...
| WingsOfTheNight
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
i'm back!! ^^
hey everyone!! *hear crickets* -_- ok i'm sooooooo so sry i deserted u all =( but it was circumstances beyond my control =( =( =( i'm sry =(
but i'm back now...and going through all my messages and such (there's a lot of em *feels loved*) and i'll get back to ya'll, but if i miss you please let me kno and i'll fix it!! and i'm trying to get around and update myself..this whole place has changed...guess i was gone longer than i thought =(
in any case, just thought i'd let people kno i was back, and i'm really really really sry for being gone so long =( =( =( not that any of you are going to be around to read this anyway, but it's here for the record. I'll stop by and say hi later this afternoon ^^ |
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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! hi everyone ^^ so sry i haven't been aroudn in SOOO LONG!!! >< omg life has been so busy...but quick update (even if ya'll don't really care) i just bought two tickets to the Celtics Wizard game on December 31st for benny's birthday/christmas present. They aren't the best seats, but good enough as far as i'm concerned...and about the only ones left -_- lol here's a pic:

so i'm WICKED excited (even though i've never seen a basketball game in my life) but i thought he'd enjot it, but he doesn't know yet i'm not plannin on tellin him till we actually get there (i already told him we were gonna take the train in one of those days and buy him a christmas present ^^;;) lol! i have a horse show this sunday and i'm wicked excited ^^ we're doing walk trot, walk trot canter, costume, cross rails, 2', 2'3", and 2'6" (jump heights) it's only a barn show at the barn i ride at but it's still wicked fun ^^
and i've got a homecoming dance this saturday that is going to be AWSOME!!! apparently we have a real expensive DJ coming in and he's got big screen tv's and music videos and camera's and stuff *shrugs* i'm just excited cause we know how to throw one hell of a party ^^
but yeah, other than that i've been working on my short story for creative writing, and another article in journalism...(which i haven't handed in yet -_-) and tomorrow i've got a beaf wit my damn chem teacher who gave me a c when i didn't get anything lower than one F, and all the rest were A's and B's and i did almost all my hw so it's a bunch of bull shit and kinda made me angry!!! ><
do this is more than long enough and i'm not going to make it any longer, but i'll try to get around, and to all those who've signed my gb recently, sry i haven't gotten back to you yet, that's first on my list tonight, and sry if i miss someone...just remind me or something
well i hope all of ya'll have been havin fun, what's been up?? |
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Pazko has left the building!
hey all, sry i haven't been around in so long, and i really do apalogize for it, i've just been so bogged down with school, and everything else i do that i've literally had no time!!! TT_TT but i'm not gonna sit here and complain to ya'll, just hoping you'll understand...
anyways, my math teacher left the school crying during last period (and no, it's not the first time someone from my year has made a teacher go home crying, actually i think the worse thing we did was go through three spanish teachers our first year there OO) but point is, is the kid who started it. Ben (not gonna say his last name, sry guys) who's a normal A student, real popular, already has some kind of a column in a newspaper, nice attitude etc. but he just blew up yesterday. it started because like the entire grade cheeted on her math test (well maybe if they weren't so hard and she did a better job of teaching ><) anyway, about fifty copies of it were floating around one of our three lunches, which means there was prob enough copies for each student to have one concidering how many people are in algebra II, and how many more copies were seen lying around the hallway. So she was real upset about that, and i think ben got accused of cheating (which he didn't) and a couple other things. (he had gotten called out of class) so in the end, when he came back, he was talking to this girl and when pazko (math teacher) told him to sit down he said that if he didn't get to talk to this girl about this right now he was leaving the class and we were all like OO cause that's not something he does, and they argued about it for a bit, then he ended up walking right out of class!! she of course followed and they ended up having a screaming fit in the hallway and we were like OO um...and they went into a different room so we couldn't really hear what was going on, but she came back in tears, grabbed her bags, and left, as another math teacher litterally shooed ben away, then came in and finished teachin our class like nothign happened!!! (but at least he made sence -_-) so that was the entertaining point of my day yesterday, adn since it was last period, it shoudl be interesting to see what happens today...*playts x-files tune*
anywho...i'm late for school now so i'm gonna go, and i'll try to talk to ya'll later
byes!! *waves* |
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Monday, November 8, 2004
I'M SRY A MILLION TIMES!!! for not gettin on thursday *bows and begs forgiveness* my week just all of a sudden went non stop and i couldn't even really get on!!! *sighs* hope ya'll aren't too mad, but without further delay, i give you the contest winner!!! with:
Kitty: I see you mister Squeaks. Don't think you can escape my feline wrath! You think you're smart. Take this!
*Pulls trigger and out comes a little white flag that says, "Mr. Squeaks owns you!"

thnx so much to everyone who entered ^^ and congrats to Perknup!!! |
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
one more day
hey everyone!!!
ya'll have until thursday afternoon to pm me with a caption for this pic...

and then i'll pic a winner ^^
in other news...*thinks* meh...not much to say today...other than i went to the wrong lunch...again -__- o! and i et to go into boston for the day wit benny ^^ sometime saturday so i was kinda excited ^^
well...i really don't have much to say today so i'm just gonna go...ttyl!
EDIT: and o yeah...presidential election...time to leave the country??? |
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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
mornin *yawns*
hey ya'll,
so i'm writting this before school, but i wanted first off to say hi cause i might not have time to later -_- and second, i forgot to mention to just pm me with your caption entries. just makes it easier, and the prizes for first through third are going to be your very own banner, or a button ^^(assuming i can figure out how to make my links work -_-). i think that's all for now, but i'll try and get back on later
bye guys!! |
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Monday, November 1, 2004
hiya peeps!! wOOt i'm back again!!! and before anything else...HAPPY BELATED HALLOWEEN!!! i'd have somethign "festive" up but unfortunatly i'm FAR to lazy so moving onwards!!! ^^ hope ya'll had a nice halloween!! so wat did ya'll do for fun?? I ended up takin my lil sis and her friend trick or treatin wit benny ^^ (cause he had never been before so we just kinda followed them around...but i did make him go up to one house ^^;; lol yeah i think we scared the poor person lol) but anyways...we wandered around town all lost cause we weren't paying attention, and made it back about an hr late ^^
and i finished coloring in a pic i'd previously posted uncolored...but there's no background...u guys wanna see it before i put the background in? or do ya wanna wait?
alright i'm bored so a little caption contest here...for my sanity i'll give u guys until wednessday or thursday afternoonish to come up with somethin ^^

There will be first through third places...and best of luck to ya'll ^^
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Monday, October 25, 2004
my brains are scrambled
hey all ^^
so yeah i've got no hw tonight so i'm planning on visiting u're sites and finishing my pic!! ^^
today was alright...i was exhuasted cause i didn't get home until 1 last night *sighs* but it was deff the best birthday ever ^^ (well of all the one's i've had anyway -_-) but yeah...spent the day with the sweetest guy on this planet and with almost all my friends. It was wicked fun ^^
but dude...i think i got a concusion -_- stupid benny was on the bleachers and we were like the only ones there so he leaned back and was sitting inbetween the two seats (like on the foot thing...anyways) and he said that he was cold (which it was about 30 degrees farenhite with the wind blowing!!! ><) but yeah...point being he pulled me back by my arm and i ended up smashing my head into the bleachers and i almost blacked out i hit it so hard!!! >< *sighs* and now i can't see straight and i feel sick and my head feels like it's goign to explode out of my skull -__ *mumbles how nothing good comes out of boyfriends*
but otherwise...I got to see the UMASS marching band perform yesterday, THEY'RE AWSOME!! lol sry...raised in a marching band family ^^;; lol but yeah...really long story short it was fun
My mum is plannin on havin a party for me on friday so i guess my b-day's been pushed back a week (busy busy family) so i have yet ANOTHER party to go to -_- *falls over from exhaustion* but o well...plannin on a trip to the movies sat and to salem, MA sunday ^^ i love it down there on halloween ^^ but anyways...
i had a pop quiz in chem today -_- knew absolutly nothing on it either which makes me angry ><
pop quizzes should be illegal...that's all i'm gonna say about that -_-
so yeah, leaving now...i'll try and check all u're sites ^^
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Sunday, October 24, 2004
Happy Birthday!!! ^^ *throws confetti*
weee it's my birthday ^^ GO 17!! ^^ lol
anyway...i'm on the run to finals so quick was awsome!!!! details...actually...i don't think u really want the details since most of the night consisted of me on the couch with Benny ^^;; *evil grin* lol aww dude so i hope ya'll had an awsome day and i'll prob not be back until like midnight tonight so i might not get around until monday again...sry!! *hugs* |
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
sry i haven't been around AGAIN -_-
hey all ^^
well i've finally been able to sneak on ^^ and what a week it has been!!! *sighs* i guess i'm going to finally have to admit i really do like Benny *watches kanbimojo point adn laugh jumping up and down screaming I KNEW IT!!!!* *roles eyes* lol o well...he's a sweety ^^;;
o yeah...aside from the usualy flirting, i went to the football fame last night (yeah he's on the team but no he doesn't get to play varsity, only jv...he's a foreign exchange student and never played the game in his life) so it was about 38 last night (and windy) and the poor kid was just standin on the sidelines trying to stay warm (cause we all know how flimsy their uniforms are ^^;;) lol but anyways...i felt realla bad for him *sighs*
and tonight i have chelsea's halloween party (which i guess i'm going to as a biker chick as i'm too lazy to come up with a good costume for) O!! speaking of which...question for the guys here (or girls i guess too) what on EARTH do you dress a guy up as for halloween???????? (never done that before either -_-) i was thinking a vampire, which could be he has that accent ^^;; but in any case...i'm not sure what we should do for help would be appreciated ^^
and on a note OTHER than school/guys *thinks what on earth have i become -_-* if any of ya'll remember my Sango adn Miroku pic...i've finished coloring it on photoshop!!!! looks alright if i do say so myself...i'd say it's not my best except it's really the only pic i've fully colored on any case...imight get it posted this afternoon, all i have left is the background.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand i downloaded the second and third Inuyasha movie as well so i'm on my way out to buy some DVD's cause i've gotta get them off my computer (i have absolutly no space left on my computer and it's runnin like crap because of it -_-) that i have an unbelievably long post i'm going to leave and get around to all your sites this morning!!! wooo!! *does happy dance* (or at least most of them...there's a lot of u guys!! *hugs*) lol anyway
later!! |
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