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uh...finally becoming a senior, and getting my car!!! ^^
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Since Totoro
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there's a lot of them, and i haven't seen much of anything in a really long time =( but last i checked, a couple were Inuyasha and Trigun
make it through college ^^
photography, ridding, drawing, cooking/eating, music, snowboarding
depends on what u call talented...
| WingsOfTheNight
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
woo i'm back!!
OO wow sry i haven't been around in so long!! -_- stupid math teacher called my house and i've been grounded since... >< it's only hald way through the quarter and she's rattin on me already!! ><
and on top of that my mom is being ultra bitchy this week and i'm not exactly sure why...all i know is that i didn't have anythign to do with it!!! *sighs* so i'm not even supposed to be on right now but just to let ya'll know i might not be around a lot for now...syr i haven't been able to get to all your sites!! TT_TT
but on a happier note...i got my actual license in the mail yesterday!! ^^ lol but my pic sux and i still have no job, though i did apply down at the Black Cow (awsome really nice resteraunt on the peir...and i'm goign to go apply to the grill also so i should be able to afford insurance ^^;;
anyways...not much more to say other than random stuff at school (which has been unusually awsome this week!!! ^^) so i've gotta go right now but i'll try and get around later *hugs* byes!!
o yeah...Red Sox or Yankees? |
Comments (5) |
Sunday, October 17, 2004
wee prom dresses ^^;;
hey everyone!! well i can't remember if i mentioned i found prom dresses yesterday or not so i'm going to say it again, AND post the pics fo the two (outta the five i tried on) that i really like ^^ the first one is this one:

and this one looked WAY better on me than it does on her (not to blow myself up or anything but...) plus it's a really nice curves and clevage sress that completely hides any tummy you may have...i think i like this one better, but the other one's kinda cool too (not that i'mpickin e out right now or anything but they were just there ^^;;) yeah...and i can't wear short ones cause they make my legs look so stubby..and with the longer ones my heels add the extra two or three (maybe three or four ^^;;) inches that i need so it really looks like my legs are longer...
So question...which one do you guys like better?
anyways ^^ i'm sure ya'll don't wanna know much more about my prom dresses ^^;; but i do have to go now...i have to go to church (part of my confermation classes) not that i have anythign dead set against it...but i'd still rather not go...o well...
sry i didn't get around to all your sites yesterday!! *huggles and asks forgiveness* i'm always so busuy as of late >< but i'll try to later today okay?
*UPDATE* well in all honesty i have no idea why that isn't working >< so try this
Dress One this is the first one, and i kinda liked it ^^ again, real good with the curves
Dress Two
now i think this is the one i might go with...AWSOME with the curves and cleavage waddya think? |
Comments (5) |
Saturday, October 16, 2004
hey everyone ^^
sry i haven't been around...again -_- just count on be bein to busy to get on as of late -_- between school and running between my mom and dad's house, an dupcoming parties and dances adn i mentioned having to much free time on my hands and it disappeared lol
but anyways, not much special happened since my last post really...i can't go to the band competition tonight (no ride) which sux cause half my friends are in the band practically and benny woulda been there too and we all woulda been there until about 1 in the mornin ^^ so yeah...kinda bumbed about that, but to make up for it...i get to go to the movies this weekend ^^
OOOO!! and i went shopping today...well my sis went shopping and i kinda tagged along...again with the money thing -_- but anyway, we went to debs adn tried on prom dresses and i found two that looked AWSOME on me and we under $100!!! ^^
anyway...watched dirty dancing (havana nights) last night *sighs* I LOVE THAT MOVIE ^^ lol what are ya'lls favorite movies?? just wonderin ^^
*giggles* watch out boys |
Comments (5) |
Thursday, October 14, 2004
why is concentration so unobtainable?????
hey peoples!!
^^ I'M BACK ^^ *just a bit excited to be home from school* lol so day was was school but hey ^^ yeah so in history i had to work on my article project thinger (we have to write a newspaper article on the black regimnet in the civil war) wit benny (so ya'll can imagine how that went -_- lol) but anyways, after just bein goofy all period and trying to figure out who had a worse tiem concentrating (everytime one of us told the other to shut up and do their work we both burst out laughing -_- *shakes head* i'm starting to wonder yeah so anyway...we wasted the whole period...or socialized however you wanna look at it ^^ and now we have to write it via e-mail tonight cause his im does NOT work -_- (did i mention it's due tomorrow??) so yeah...there was that, and i found out that if you poke him, he jumps even highger than i do ^^;; lol *sighs* i'm a terrible person -_- but does that give him the right to poke me back??? OO
lol so anyway...i also have to read all of Huck Finn tonight cause i'm stupid and didn't read it yet (well my teacher never assigned it...just assumed we'd all read it...) anyway so i get to do that and like a zillion math problems cause Pazko hates us -_-
yeah i almost missed my bus today (that was random Oo) but driveway is like...a quarter of a mile long and i had to run the whole thing!!! -_- stupid bus coming at 7:08 in the morning >< and it's not like i can drive because driving uninsured would be the end of the world!! *pretend face of horror* *sighs* o well...
so i'm gonna leave now cause i'm sure i've bored ya'll enough for the day...looks like i've got some free time so i'll stop by some of yoru sites ^^
laters! *waves*
I am a Scorpio.
(Also known as "Scorpion")
My Horroscope starts like this: " Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)
 Your anime expression is determined!
What's Your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a Summer. You're just a ball of energy that is constantly going on and on!! You're kinda like the energizer bunny. lol. But your probably really athletic and even if you're not, you'd be good in sports because of all your energy. You're enthusiastic about everything you do and find it hard not to be happy. You're usually pretty optimistic but can be realistic when needed. You always hope for the best to turn out and many times they do. Sometimes though, you let your temper get the best of you but you apologize as soon as you can because you hate people being angry with you. You're friends love how active you are and you make them feel. (If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result) like they can do anything crazy if they want to.
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla
*roles eyes* lol well i guess this one was coming -_- lol |
Comments (2) |
sry for not bein around yesterday
hey all...sry for not really posting yesterday, or getting around to all your sites TT_TT i got realla busy realla fast -_- but i should (emphasise on teh should) have some time this afternoon...
as for was fun ^^ spent most of it wit benny but then again ya'll prob don't need to hear about him anymore -_- lol
so yeah, Perknup has this awsome midi site on her page:
I'd link it but i'm still having issues with that -_- but anyways, point being it's got A LOT of songs from different anime, and like, they're the actualy versions too ^^
yup but i'm leavin now cause i'm writing this before school and i have to leave in fifteen minutes and just got out of bed -_- *runs to find some cloths* later!! ^^ |
Comments (6) |
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
img src="" border="0" alt="HASH(0x8bf4a08)"> You are the color red. You are the most controversial of all the colors. You are often easily angered, but as easily as you got excited, you come down. When angered, do you have the tendency to be malicious? Afterwards, do you end up begging for forgiveness? Maybe. But you're incredibly generous, and, odd enough, needy. You love to hate, and sometimes, you hate to love. This color describes you as generally edgy. When in a bad situation, you're pessimistic, and when you're in a good situation, you're extremely optimistic. You're painfully tempermental, and sometimes it hurts the ones you love. But with an exciting and stimulating attitude, you enjoy talking to people and being social. But aside from your bold and outgoing attitude, you're attention-needing and attention-getting. This color is associated with lust and desire--and you are both lust and desirous. You're a protective person when it comes to the people you love. You're incredibly sharp-witted and powerful (not to mention intelligent!).
What color are you? (Amazingly detailed & accurate--with pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
lol sounds about right to me ^^ lol
 Your beauty is all your own! You don't like to be the same as everyone else and find that being unique makes you more attractive. The normal trends just don't fit you and things are just more fun when they're upside down. You love to be the one that turns heads with individuality and spunkiness. You're kind of beauty, I would say, could be characterized by your confidence. Though it's not a physical trait, it deffinately shows on you. Rock on!(If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result)
What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your aura shines Red!
What Color Is Your Aura? brought to you by Quizilla
well...that's all i'll bore ya'll wit today ^^ |
Comments (1) |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
quizzies ^^
 Red Youre a very-very passionate person. If you believe in something, youre with it til the end. You know how to get what you want and you know what you want even better. Your eyes burn with a sense of being and drive. Youre bold and aggressive but very implosive. Sometimes you should really calm down and think before you act. Some people are really hurt by your words and way. But I know what youll say: So what. Just stay outta my way damnit Im like that too ^_^ (rate me)
What color is your mind? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
sounds about right ^^
About You | Created by lostxlove and taken 5290 times on bzoink! | Tell me about yourself | What's your name? | Jenna | How old are you? | 16 | Where are you from? | still trying to figrue that one out -_- | When is your birthday? | October 24 | What color hair? | blond ^^ | What color eyes? | hazel/brown | What is you favorite | Color? | red | Food? | PIZZA!!! | Animal? | dragon | Drink? | screwdriver I MEAN pepsi ^^;; | Song? | GAH give me a second... | Band/Singer? | don't know if i can pic just one -_- | Movie? | i'm gonna have to say underworld...though there's a couple good ones i still haven't seen yet | TV show? | Inuyasha ^^ | Book? | OO um... | Sport? | Ridding (it's a sport!) | This or that | Night or day? | night | Black or white? | black | Chocolate or vanilla? | chocolate | Pepsi or Coke? | pepsi | TV or computer? | computer | Movies or DVD's? | DVD | Rock or rap? | rock (duh) | Pop or punk? | punk | Old or young? | young | Tall or short? | tall | Big or small? | Big ^^ | Randomosity | Have you ever tried to lick you elbow? | haven't u? | When was the last time you cried? | *thinks* when my puppy got run over by a car...four years ago... | Do you sing in the shower? | *roles eyes* yes | Can you drive (legally)? | yup ^^ as of saturday ^^ | Do clowns scare you? | nothign scares me...creep me out...deff, but not scared | Do you enjoy jello? | very much so | What is the one thing that annoys you most? | people who have it all and still complain | Do you laugh a lot? | yes | Do you consider yourself a funny person? | people laugh at me | Who is a sexy mofo? | | Does MTV suck? | meh | Does Avril Lavigne suck? | other's suk more than she does...but that's not sayin i'd go out and buy her cd now | Do I suck? | do you? OO | Do you suck? | sometimes... | Have you ever chased a duck around in circles? | *shifty eyes* | Are you tired of this? | yup | What time is it? | 7:17 | What day is it? | Monday *checks* no tuesday | Do you love me? | ... | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
yup that's hwo bored i am ^^

lol damn right!! -_- lol |
Comments (2) |
on the run...again
woo i have so much to say!! but i'm not gonna cause i'm on my way out right now -_- gotta go muck some stalls then go ride ^^ but in short, it was a good (if not long) day and i hope all of ya'll had good ones too ^^
maybe i'll update later, well...*hugs* byes!! |
Comments (4) |
Monday, October 11, 2004
hey everyone
hope ya'll had a good weekend ^^
i was wondering if anyone out there knew a thing about'm sick of kazaa screwin up my computer and thought i'd try that out, but i can't view anything i download...(don't have the right program i guess) and i don't even know if i've downloaded them or just saved it onto my computer or what -_- (not to mention i couldn't even find a place to log on -_-) *sighs* so if anyone can help i'd appreciate it *bows*
anyway...i've started coloring in two pics on photoshop, one i haven't posted yet, and the other one is of Sango and Miroku i posted earlier (i'd ink the pic, but i really like it and am not that confident in my inking skills to do that yet -_- sry guys)
so other than that, not much interesting happened...just some crud wit my mom again but i'm not gonna gripe and complain about that anymore -_- but yeah...o! if i'm randomly commenting on my site it's not me really!! lol no it's my neighbor/buddy person (i signed on over there and forgot to sign out so he think's it's funny tom comment on my stuff every now adn then -_- whatever...mine's the stuff in red still so...)
anywho... yeah so if someone knows what the heck i'm supposed to be doing i'd appreciate the help ^^
Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to takes things at
the center. Inner and physical beauty. Lies but doesn't
pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends.
Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of
what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to
travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair.
Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.
What does your birth month say about you? brought to you by Quizilla
man it was doing so good until the last three lines -_- lol
 You are most like SCORPIO.You are intense, profound, and powerful
Weaknessess-Jealous and resentful
Strengths-Exciting and passionate
What star sign are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
wOOt at least it's the right one -_- lol |
Comments (6) |
Saturday, October 9, 2004
road trip!!
o i forgot to mention...i'm goin away this weekend so i won't be abck until prob sunday night -_-
i'm on my way out to visit my grandmother (who lives like two hrs away) and my uncle...but i get to drive there on my new license ^^ lol hope ya'll have a great weekend!! and while i'm gone...u guys know any good sites where i can find some pics for my avatar?? this one's getting kinda boring -_-
thankies ^^ |
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