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myOtaku.com: WingsOfTheNight

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

   the hell hole called school -_-
Hey everyone!!!

so today was my first day of school!!! *sighs* well at least it wasn't too bad...but when i got there, i was not listed in the homeroom i was given in the mail -_- so instead of H226 they had me in A104 so i wander into A104 and sit down...about ten minutes later, the teacher comes in and says:

teacher: Alright class, welcome to sophomore homeroom this year...

Me:*to self* sophmore...but i'm a junior... *to random kid* did she just say sophmore???

Random kid: *laughs and nods*

Me: *roles eyes* of course...*to teacher* hey i'm in the wrong homeroom

Teacher: What's your name??

Me: Jenna...but unless something happened i don't know about...I'm still a junior

and so on...so i told her i thought i was in H226 so she wrote me a pass there...so i get there, give the new teacher lady my pass, and sit down...at least i knew all these people *sighs with relief* lol buuuuuuuuut they were handing out scheduals...and again i realized i was in the wrong homeroom as i didn't get one, and wasn't on the teachers list!!! *roles eyes yet again* so i go down to guidance, then spend about twenty minutes down there figuring out wat the hell was wrong...(thnk god for extended homeroom) so it turns out i went to H104 instead of A104 *roles eyes* well at this point i didn't have time to get to homeroom so i grabbed my schedual (which got printed out messed up so i had to fix it...we have a seven day rotation and it printed all my periods in the same slot every day -_-) so wit my new schedual in hand i headed down for gym...

well aside from being permenetly placed in the wrong gym class (i got the one where we have to play all kinds of sports instead of a regulaar gym calss...i'm just not a very good sports person is all -_-) so aside from that...the rest of my day went fine...until i went to go find my locker...which happened to be a freakin handicapped locker with no lock!!! (despite the fact that they gave me a combo for it!!!! -_-) so now tomorrow i have to go change my locker *roles eyes* but other than that...i saw LOTS of my old friends, and a bunch of new ones ^^ um...i got lost a couple times, and wandered into the wrong science...spanish...and history class, but i found all the right ones in the end...*shakes head* no clue where my brains were today lol

well i realize my post is unbelievably long now so i'm gonna go...got a crap load of hw to do -_-


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