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in front of computer...
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uh...finally becoming a senior, and getting my car!!! ^^
Anime Fan Since
Since Totoro
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there's a lot of them, and i haven't seen much of anything in a really long time =( but last i checked, a couple were Inuyasha and Trigun
make it through college ^^
photography, ridding, drawing, cooking/eating, music, snowboarding
depends on what u call talented...
| WingsOfTheNight
Thursday, October 14, 2004
why is concentration so unobtainable?????
hey peoples!!
^^ I'M BACK ^^ *just a bit excited to be home from school* lol so day was was school but hey ^^ yeah so in history i had to work on my article project thinger (we have to write a newspaper article on the black regimnet in the civil war) wit benny (so ya'll can imagine how that went -_- lol) but anyways, after just bein goofy all period and trying to figure out who had a worse tiem concentrating (everytime one of us told the other to shut up and do their work we both burst out laughing -_- *shakes head* i'm starting to wonder yeah so anyway...we wasted the whole period...or socialized however you wanna look at it ^^ and now we have to write it via e-mail tonight cause his im does NOT work -_- (did i mention it's due tomorrow??) so yeah...there was that, and i found out that if you poke him, he jumps even highger than i do ^^;; lol *sighs* i'm a terrible person -_- but does that give him the right to poke me back??? OO
lol so anyway...i also have to read all of Huck Finn tonight cause i'm stupid and didn't read it yet (well my teacher never assigned it...just assumed we'd all read it...) anyway so i get to do that and like a zillion math problems cause Pazko hates us -_-
yeah i almost missed my bus today (that was random Oo) but driveway is like...a quarter of a mile long and i had to run the whole thing!!! -_- stupid bus coming at 7:08 in the morning >< and it's not like i can drive because driving uninsured would be the end of the world!! *pretend face of horror* *sighs* o well...
so i'm gonna leave now cause i'm sure i've bored ya'll enough for the day...looks like i've got some free time so i'll stop by some of yoru sites ^^
laters! *waves*
I am a Scorpio.
(Also known as "Scorpion")
My Horroscope starts like this: " Scorpios are highly dangerous, even at a distance. They cheat and lie, live for intrigue, and take pleasure in destroying. " (Read more | Find yours)
 Your anime expression is determined!
What's Your Anime Expression? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're a Summer. You're just a ball of energy that is constantly going on and on!! You're kinda like the energizer bunny. lol. But your probably really athletic and even if you're not, you'd be good in sports because of all your energy. You're enthusiastic about everything you do and find it hard not to be happy. You're usually pretty optimistic but can be realistic when needed. You always hope for the best to turn out and many times they do. Sometimes though, you let your temper get the best of you but you apologize as soon as you can because you hate people being angry with you. You're friends love how active you are and you make them feel. (If you can't see tje pics, go to my homepage and look near the bottom and find your result) like they can do anything crazy if they want to.
What season are you? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a little bit cocky and usually associated with evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You probably just don't give a damn,but it's everyone else's fault if you don't because you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla
*roles eyes* lol well i guess this one was coming -_- lol |
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