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uh...finally becoming a senior, and getting my car!!! ^^
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Since Totoro
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there's a lot of them, and i haven't seen much of anything in a really long time =( but last i checked, a couple were Inuyasha and Trigun
make it through college ^^
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depends on what u call talented...
| WingsOfTheNight
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Pazko has left the building!
hey all, sry i haven't been around in so long, and i really do apalogize for it, i've just been so bogged down with school, and everything else i do that i've literally had no time!!! TT_TT but i'm not gonna sit here and complain to ya'll, just hoping you'll understand...
anyways, my math teacher left the school crying during last period (and no, it's not the first time someone from my year has made a teacher go home crying, actually i think the worse thing we did was go through three spanish teachers our first year there OO) but point is, is the kid who started it. Ben (not gonna say his last name, sry guys) who's a normal A student, real popular, already has some kind of a column in a newspaper, nice attitude etc. but he just blew up yesterday. it started because like the entire grade cheeted on her math test (well maybe if they weren't so hard and she did a better job of teaching ><) anyway, about fifty copies of it were floating around one of our three lunches, which means there was prob enough copies for each student to have one concidering how many people are in algebra II, and how many more copies were seen lying around the hallway. So she was real upset about that, and i think ben got accused of cheating (which he didn't) and a couple other things. (he had gotten called out of class) so in the end, when he came back, he was talking to this girl and when pazko (math teacher) told him to sit down he said that if he didn't get to talk to this girl about this right now he was leaving the class and we were all like OO cause that's not something he does, and they argued about it for a bit, then he ended up walking right out of class!! she of course followed and they ended up having a screaming fit in the hallway and we were like OO um...and they went into a different room so we couldn't really hear what was going on, but she came back in tears, grabbed her bags, and left, as another math teacher litterally shooed ben away, then came in and finished teachin our class like nothign happened!!! (but at least he made sence -_-) so that was the entertaining point of my day yesterday, adn since it was last period, it shoudl be interesting to see what happens today...*playts x-files tune*
anywho...i'm late for school now so i'm gonna go, and i'll try to talk to ya'll later
byes!! *waves* |
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