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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Why does it
Feel like this place is falling apart.
Two of the greatest friend that I have on the otaku are thinking about leaving.
Grr, when I find them in real life, I'm going to punch the day like sock out of them.

Thanks for the early happy birthday a little too early, and I'm sorry because i didnt say the date. It's on Sept 17. :] On a monday, grr on a mondayyyy ~~~~~
Like Garfield I hate Mondays too, and Fridays. Why because on a Friday, you know that Monday is coming again!!

The bbq party guys, uh, hmm, well my family sure had fun, but it was an exhausting day for me. My cousins and sister got out of control!! I had to run back and fourth to control them. It was a drinking party, I was the only one, the only one there that did not drink. And kiddies, dont drink, its bad for you, and it's not a very good experience to watch ur loved one get drunk.
My cousin fell down the stairs three time, Did not know how that happen. 0_o
My sister punched the wall, then my other sister did, and then my cousin. They all looked at eachother and their bloody fist and said "I punch the wall." and giggled I was like "WTF is wrong with you ppl!!!??"

There were suddenly outburst of tear. My sister was one of the frightful teary one, she treaten a guy to never hurt his gf. ack, and then shout out unneccessary things!!
As much as i dont want to admit it, i was very very scared, and suddenly lost my admirations for my second older sister.

on the ride home, my sister and cousin said, that this was the greatest day of their life. Oh im so glad for you to say that after all the difficulties YOU FREAKIN PUT ME THROUGH!!!!
so happy to get home. and pray that i wont have to go to another one ever.

Other than that school is coming this thrusday, Heather keeps asking me am i excited for school?

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

Party to clothes wtf how did that happen? lol
Later on tonight at 6, I'm going to a bbq party where I might not know anyone except my family.
Hmm, the reason that I want to go is for the food, been craving something bbq lately. :P

Cousins came over today.
They are so beautiful and pretty that I wonder if I'm really their cousins. I feel so blah compared to them. Psh, I like the way I look plain and simple, and dark hehehehe.
My cousins style and Heather's are bright, like aeropastal fashion style. Sometimes Lana. Me I like Hottopic. Their hoodies and jeans are the best, however I dont wear the jeans that has shackles around them or chains, I like regular tight jeans or torn up one.
I love black, have it everyday, if not clothes, then my hair heh. Planning to get this awesome hoody that has black and white strips size super large because that's my favorite size of a hoody.
Huh now wow would a girl that is shorter than five feet want a super large hoody?? Because i just want to, not saying I'm fat though, pretty average, I enjoy the comfort of large hoodies. And you can use it for anything, pillows, blankets, and as an umbrella. XD Heck even to scare the little ones. <3

My birthday is coming, please come by to say happy birthday when that day comes, I'll be very happy.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

I pray
For many things right now. For Mattie, for my sister Lana, and my family.

School is coming. Closer and closer after each passing day!!!

Heather's hair looks even shorter and in even more layers.
She asks, "Hannah does my new haircut make me look older?"
0.o,"No Heather, it doesn't, it makes you look much much younger."
No matter how short your hair becomes Heather, you're appearence will always make you look younger. grr no fair, hehe oh well.

A lady asks "Oh are you the oldest one?"
"uh wha? NO she's the older one." I point at Heather.
Lady says. "Oh I'm sorry, you just look more mature."

Heh can be explained, Heather does have a flatter chest than me. Not that I'm proud, wish I was the younger looking, should be since I am younger.

Lana is traped in the Kingdom of Boredom. Wanting to always watch a horror film. And then nag to me about saying "you know you want to watch it too hannah." Grr "Fine woman!! ill watch."

I call Lana, "Woman" more often than Lana. How did it start I can't recall.

Hillary lost weight. She doesn't even fit her jeans anymore. Must force her to eat more. Too young to be that skinny.

Someday by the celtic womans, is a good song.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

It's hard to forget
I watch a horror filmed today. About dolls, lots of suspense, but it was sad too. very sad. It's hard to forget those you love. But it's more harder to face a person that had forgotten you.
I have a friend, well my first friend. I remember him very well, but he doesn't remember me anymore. Tried talking to him, he just never replies back.
It's sadden me sometimes.

I feel like I don't love my little sister enough. But she really gets on my nerve.

It's odd, I don't feel frighten at all after watching a horror film. I'm even in a room alone. and I hate being alone above all else.

Should be about time that I stop being so emo~ish. I don't cut myself, but if I do, it'll be the end of me.

Nothings wrong, this is how I talk most of the time. My older sister finds it funny. And I'm glad to make her laugh, she's having a tough time too. She always say she misses him. I don't know what to say back, so I stay silence each time she says "I miss Seijin, Hannah!!" Sometimes I would think "I know Lana, you told me countless time." And wait for you to stop saying it. Once you do stop, that is when I know you're happy.

I make no sense, so what. Confusination is my thing.

Heather got a haircut today. It's much shorter now.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

School is staring next Thursday. Oh yay. '_'
Can't tell for sure whether I'm happy or not.

The layout had changed again.....

Studing at times for my driver permit. To tell you the truth, I'm not that excited to get a permit. I don't really want to drive a vehical.
Should I be as happy as those girls on MTV when they get their car? Nah, I'll be happy when I get a permit for motocyles. I would study my butt off for that.

My moto used to be, I live to Die, and Die I shall. *smacks forehead WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU????

*rubs forehead Perhaps it's not such a bad of a motto then it should be.

Got a shot today, ouch. >< Hate them. But I learned from a friend that I shouldnt make them a bigger fuss then they should be.

About three days or two, my younger cousin Tien called. She was crying because she hears voices of a little girl in her house and the water running at times. She was alone and scared, called my older sister Heather not me. Poor Tien.
I always knew there was something spiritly in that house.
I dont believe in ghosts. But I believe in spirits.

Last night I had the worst stress out moments of my life, mainly because of my brother who took his moment very slowely to get off the computer. Took a slip of tea to calm myself down.

Have a nice day.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

I think I
My sister is moving out soon. I'm going to miss her.
She's moving on sept 3 and going to the hardest college in the state of Colorado.
Heather is taking her driver's test the second because she failed the first one. In a way I find it a little funny because when my dad took her, he also took a test for motocyles, woo go dad, and he only studied for it while waiting in line and past it. While Heather, who studied like a bookworm, well not really for a month and failed.
Sigh, poor Heather, I know you will past the second one with flying colors. You're younger sister believes in you.

Peter is the same as always, although at times I can't help but think that perhaps Peter is becoming more like a girl the way he's always talking on the phone and on the internet. However his mustache and his low tone of voice makes up for his maniless. He's growing taller and still going.
He's only 13 but now he's taller than me, a girl who's going to be 16 very soon.

Hillary, she's become obsessed with the internet, both her and Peter!! But at the moment she's playing sims on ps2. <3 so adoreable the way her eyes are focusing on the TV, and kind of making me angry because she's in my room.

For some reason, i feel like I'm missing somebody.

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Shall there always be a title?
Two days ago a fellow friend, guided by an angel had gone to heaven.
We will surely miss you Mattie. <3
Hey guys how have you been?
You know what? I dont care about getting comments anymore because you know why? I'm gonna leave this place.

Heck no am I leaving this place, took me so long to get all the drawings up here. So I'm going to stay here until, I have no idea.
Check out King Tut, the person is new here. Cool person and very friendly. :]

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Monday, July 30, 2007

Check this out, got this done on the internet.
Meet Deral, a vampire) got another one done. and plenty more to come. hehe

Skills aint it :]

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hey Hey
Been a while since I post anything. Just to let you guys know, things are going to be slow, until, well until I'm in a much more happier mood than I am now.
I saw the Movie "Chuck and Larry"
By far is that movie funny. Me likes
You should watch it too, however there is a lot of gay jokes and goes beyond. It's a great movie and has a deep meaning and it's funny. :]
I also watched Captivity, and what I have to say about it, is that it sucked!! I hate it and shall never watch it again. That's all I have to say about that one.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

hey ppl, not many is commenting much anymore. and i dont know, but that seems to get me down. i bet it gets you guys down too huh, to find your best work so far and only one or two comments and one vote does it have.
*sigh, i will never let that happen to anyone!! I'm going to comment on every page that i see and vote.
woo join me!!
but then again, i feel im a complete idiot because you guys are already trying to comment on every drawing right?
lol well today i uploaded more pages for my new manga series Lovely hearts, which i might have to change the title one day for i dont like it much. please go check it out and be a darling and comment, thank you.

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