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| WingZero1223
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/14/06:
who knows?
What do your EYES say about you?(picks +detailed answers + quotes)
 Your eyes show love and sympathy. You mostly think about your loved one, a person whom you feel attracted to, a person which means a lot to you. You care about your parents and about life in general. In your eyes people see not only a dreamer longing for love but also a kind hearted person who many only imagine to be. Congratulation on getting this result for it means you know how to live life, have fun but also love everyone. Deep down you hate no one even thought they hurt you. You can forgive and forget and do to all this you have friends some close and some not so close. You help your friends and they help you. Together you are a team."Love isnt about finding the perfect person, its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly" Thanks for taking the quiz, hope you enjoyed it! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/14/06:
Result Posted on 09/12/06:
whats your element? for boys only!!...oh yeah and anime pics!!!
 earth is what you are you are very firm in what you belive in and won't back down from a challenge. Girls for you; other earths, lights, winds is a posibility but stay away from fire and dark their tempers may couse you to loose yours Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/12/06:
whats your element? for boys only!!...oh yeah and anime pics!!!
 you are light horay light is cool you are usualy more of the gentel type unles someone does something that realy ticks you of or in other words you would make a great police officerbest girl for you would probably be fellow lights,some fire, ocasionaly water, and a very small posibility of dark but that is very unlikely also ice not a good plan it may be a good relationship for a while but not likely Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/08/06:
very true, but how come me no get warrior?!
Ultimate Four Elements Quiz (detailed and in depth, good pictures too)
 You are Earth! The element of loyalty, a steadfast heart, patience, faithfulness, an even-temper, determination, dedication, honesty, peace, growth, steady improvement, nature, honor, longevity, guardianship, immutability, kindness, practicality, and wisdom, but also of stubbornness, envy, slow decision making, opinionatedness, and perhaps even selfish and materialistic. They are generally introverted and logical.Earth values loyalty, determination, and faithfulness above everything else, but also places great stock by ensuring that all things gradually improve and are long-lasting, they value the past, history, learning, law, order, and diligence, but look down upon any rash action or on anything that is unfaithful or gradually getting worse. Evil is seen as a selfish, deceitful, traitorous force of anarchy, and goodness can only be achieved by steadfastly clinging to godliness and truth, and growing in the same.Element Power: Rock, Sand, Mud, Dirt, Trees, Grasses, Plants, Ore, and Gemstones.Colors: Green, brown, khaki, grey, some purples, and bronze.Weapons: Sword and Shield, Maces, Hammers, Longbows, and Crossbows.Magic: Primarily defensive, but has many good attacks (The power to animate the terrain/environment to do my bidding, or maybe to create forcefields.)Power: Invulnerability.Animals: Bears, Wolves, Elephants, Rhinos, Dogs, Sphinx, and Griffons.Values: Loyalty, Patience, Growth, Diligence, and Law and Order.Weather: Cool and Dry. (Forests, Mountains, Caves)Time of Day: EveningSeason: AutumnCelestial Body: Other PlanetsPersonas: Sage, Nature Lover, Strong and Silent Type Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/07/06:
What Naruto Character Are You? (21 Results) (Boys or Girls)
 You are Rock Lee!! Fiery and slightly overdramatic, you enjoy your life very much. You strive to accomplish every goal you set for yourself and hope to impress your peers. You want a chance to prove that you are just as good as those whom you admire. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/07/06:
makes since
What Naruto Character Are You? (21 Results) (Boys or Girls)
 You are Shino! Stern and a bit creepy, not many people will talk to you. They may think there's something strange about you, something that doesn't fit in with normal society-whether it's a habit or friends or your lifestyle. You don't care. Society's opinions don't mean much to you, you know that's not what matters in the end. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/07/06:
Result Posted on 09/02/06:
Result Posted on 09/02/06:
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