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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/01/06:
also very true.
How many souls do you have and Which element are they hiding in??(Beautiful Anime pics and Detailed Results)
 You have 1 soul and it dwells in the Earth. Your soul has chosen the element earth because you are so peaceful, loving, and insightful. You think quite logically and see things in black and white. You think everyone deserves a second chance but no more than that. You hate liers so that why you depend on the earth because it's so pure. If you are looking to connect with your soul again go to a serene forest where you can just listen to the beautiful things that earth has to offer. Your soul will be waiting for you. SEASON: SPRING OR FALL. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/01/06:
very true
How many souls do you have and Which element are they hiding in??(Beautiful Anime pics and Detailed Results)
 You have two souls and they dwell in Water. Your souls dwell in water because you are Peaceful, Tranquil, and Relaxed. Unfortunately there is a certain sadness that lurks around you but i cant tell you what it is. But you know. Anyways you are a person who has accepted yourself and that is why you are so at ease with yourself. You probably have many friends because you accept everyone for who they are and understand that people make mistakes because you have made a couple yourself. Although you have friends sometimes you prefer to be alone in a quiet place where no one can interupt you. You like to meditate because you want to find yourself. If you are looking for your soul then go to a secluded area where there is nothing but you and water. Let everything go and then head into the water. Breathe in the scent of the pure ocean. Breathe in your soul as well. Your souls will be waiting for you.SEASON: SPRING. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/01/06:
You are the Dark or Light side of what Element?
 You are the Light Side of Air.You are a very peaceful person. Your whole life revolves around kindess and relaxation. You live life by thinking about the good things that life has to offer.Your Life Resembles: A Naive Cloud. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/01/06:
You are the Dark or Light side of what Element?
 You are the Light Side of Water.You are a very sad person. Your whole life revolves around a constant wave of loneliness. You try to live in peace through music and sound. You love the sound of the air, the fresh scent of flowers, and the rythm of the waves. Your Life Resembles: Musical Tides. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/01/06:
What Color Of The Moon Are You? :. Stunning Anime Pics.:
 You Are The White Side Of The Moon. You symbolize hope. Your whole life has been about hoping and dreaming and desiring but you never truly get what you want. You probably love to be in relationships because you need to be with someone all the time. If you are in a really good relationship right now then you probably feel like something is still missing but you have no idea what it is. Sometimes you feel like your missing the other half to your soul. Severe loneliness can sometimes overwelm you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/01/06:
What is your true element?gurls+boys(with cool pics)
Result Posted on 09/01/06:
very true.
What is the eye of your soul(no pics sorry)
Your souls eye color is brown which repersent not an element but a feeling are kind and sweet and know lifes pains and hurt but use thoses to help others not become bitter....Colors:white, reds, purplres,bluesElement:watersong:Breakaway By:Kelly ClarksonQuote:We fall it seems to take no time at all and then you reach out your hand and life is once more grand... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/01/06:
If you were a wolf, what would you look like with wings? (Lots of pics)
Result Posted on 08/26/06:
What is your true element? (Great Anime Pictures) (Very Detailed Results)
 EnergyThe raw energy that makes up all of the universe. This is your weapon. You are wise, observant, and understanding. You are the one who balances between good and evil. People come to you for advice and you almost always have advice to give them. In the hectic world full of black and white, you are the only one who can make decisions clearly. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/06:
Freud put a lot of thought into sex, didn't he? Understandably so.
Freudian Symbolism Test... What do you really think?
 Here goes...The adjectives you used to describe your favourite colour are how you think of yourself.The adjectives used to describe your favourite animal also describe your perfect partner.The adjectives used to describe your favourite water feature are adjectives for how you like to have sex.And, your reaction to the room is your reaction to death.I hope you liked it. If you want to, message me to tell me what you think of it and whether you think it was accurate... well, for the more innocent ones anyway, lol. Also, at the risk of sounding annoying, please rate! It only takes a second, but it would mean a lot to me.Thank you!ClosedSoul Take this quiz!
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