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| WingZero1223
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/05/06:
What is the Naruto girl you belong with? (Hot Naruto Pics and many answers)
 Shyness is probally the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Neji's cousin, Hinata. Don't let her white eyes creep you out because she is really sweet and kind. Right now her heart belongs to Naruto but maybe she'll be yours. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/01/06:
very power.
Result Posted on 07/01/06:
Result Posted on 06/30/06:
What Animal Spirit Gives you Wisdom?? {Anime Pix and Good Results}
 The Dog Dog's Wisdom Includes:Heals emotional wounds in humans Understanding of the duality of doubt and faith Companionship Unquestioned loyalty Love Knowledge of all things sensual Protection Ability to smell trouble from a distance Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/30/06:
also cool
What Animal Spirit Gives you Wisdom?? {Anime Pix and Good Results}
 The Swan Swan's Wisdom Includes: Awakening the power of self Understanding dream symbols Seeing into the future Understanding spiritual evolution Developing intuitive abilities Divination Grace in dealing with others Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/30/06:
What Animal Spirit Gives you Wisdom?? {Anime Pix and Good Results}
 The wolf Wolf's Wisdom Includes: Facing the end of one's cycle with dignity and courage Death and rebirth Spirit teaching Guidance in dreams and meditations Instinct linked with intelligence Social and familial values Outwitting enemies Ability to pass unseen Steadfastness Skill in protection of self and family Taking advantage of change Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/30/06:
the girl I like is a cancer, too.
What is your zodiac match? (TONS OF DETAILED RESULTS)
 Your perfect zodiac partner is...Cancer (June 22 - July 22)Ruling Planet: The MoonPhrase: I Feel!Main Trait: Loyalty Principle: ContainmentSymbol: The CrabColor: Grays, GreensGem: PearlEnergy: YinElement: WaterGood Traits: Emotional, loving, Intuitive, imaginative, Shrewd, cautious, Protective, sympatheticBad Traits: Changeable, moody, Overemotional, touchy, Clinging, unable to let goLikes: Hobbies, Romance, Children, Home and Country, PartiesDislikes: Aggravating situations, Failure, Opposition, Being told what to do, Advice (good or bad) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/30/06:
just as cool
Which of the Ssu Ling are you most like?
 Seiryuu! It's the blue dragon guardian of the East.Associated with spring, the colors green and blue (thought of as a single color), and the element of wood. Known in Japan as Seiryű, and in Korea as Chung Ryong. The dragon corresponds to the season spring, the color green/blue, the element wood, and the virtue propriety; supports and maintains the country (controls rain, symbol of the Emperor's power). Often paired with the Phoenix, for the two represent both conflict and wedded bliss. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/30/06:
Which of the Ssu Ling are you most like?
 Genbu! Black Warrior Guardian of the North. Associated with winter, the color black, and the element of water. Usually depicted as a turtle with a snake coiled around it. Known in Japan as Genbu, and in Korea as Hyun Moo. Genbu is always listening, and is thus portrayed as completely versed in Buddha's teachings; corresponds to winter, cold, water, black, earth, and faith. The tortoise is a symbol of a long life and happiness. One of the Celestial Emblems, the symbol of longevity and wisdom. It is said that its shell represents the vault of the universe. A common symbol for longevity is the Tortoise and Snake, whose union was thought to have engendered the universe. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/24/06:
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