Your outlook on life right now is confused.
Something happened in your life that you were
not expecting. It caught you totally off guard
and now it feels like your life has been thrown
off balance. And the worst thing about it is
you're not sure how to put it right. Most
likely you were fairly happy before this all
began, but this sudden change has greatly shook
you. You're not sure what to think anymore, and
you're not sure on what's right or wrong
anymore. You want to go to someone for help,
but you're afraid they will think you're making
a big deal out of nothing. You want to know why
this happened to you and why things didn't go
how you thought they would. This surprising
outcome has probably left you in deep
disappointment. Whether you misread someones'
feelings toward you, or a friend has let you
down, you are greatly troubled with this and
often wonder if you made a mistake sometime in
the past. The best way to deal with this
problem is to be honest with everyone involved.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you want
to get the facts straight, you have to be
determined. Also, you may tend to wonder if you
will ever find someone who will never let you
down, and who will truly love you for you.
Your Quote:
"All of our young lives we search for someone
to love, someone who makes us complete. We
choose partners and change partners. We dance
to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while
wondering if somewhere and somehow there is
someone searching for us."
Whats your current outlook on life? **Includes quotes, anime pics, and detailed results** brought to you by Quizilla