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just about anything to some degree/
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| WingZero1223
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 06/09/05:
this might be true
What is your inner color? You are blue. You are somewhat innocent, in the fact that your genius only extends to the physical world. You have a false sense of contentness. You are usually the quiet one, the genius. Everyone can count on you to help when they have problems, but you only fall short of being able to solve your own. What inner color are you?
Result Posted on 06/09/05:
You Are Romantic and Virtuous, you never doubt in love's true meaning, and you believe in true love. Though Sometimes you deny it even to yourself, you are not only the mask that you put up. My Advice Would be to Take a step in finding who you really are. Try hanging with diff. People, or telling that special someone about your true feelings.
Who are You (really) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/09/05:
Result Posted on 06/09/05:
I suppose.
Result Posted on 06/06/05:
Result Posted on 06/02/05:
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
true, though I hate to admit I'm a procrastinator.
 You are Shanks!
Laid back, would even be considered procrastinator. Someone pushes you dont care, heck,they can push all they like, and you will not be phased. That goes to show that you are the kind of person that doesnt mind taking shit...course, when it calls for, and only then. will you be serious and bite back.
Which One Piece character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
Result Posted on 06/01/05:
Result Posted on 05/30/05:
Your power is: Extreme healing powers
Explanation: When injured your body focuses on the wound and heals rapidly, within a few seconds. This makes you pretty much hard to kill and you can help people in danger using yourself as a shield. Almost anything is possible in combat but you prefer looking after others. In bad purposes you can do the same as above but for evil intentions. This power fits you pretty good since you want to help those around you, and when you are pretty much unstopable, that's not an obsticle. You are caring and nurturing and are more a pascifist. Even if you know there are much unfairness in the world you still chose to see from a positive angle because you belive in the good of this world. You are probably friendly and have a soft spot for people who are not accepted. Though to others you come of as naive and gullible. You could be taken advantagde of if the wrong person comes around. Even if you could be seen as pure, you are not that completely since you're human and make mistakes too. Negative aspects: If your naiveness has been making you blind for too long you could go into dark thinking.
What Power is Compatible With You? brought to you by Quizilla
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