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| WingZero1223
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/02/07:
pretty good
What Chinese element are you?
Your dominant element is earth. Even if you sometimes pretend otherwise, do you kind of like hanging out with your folks or siblings? The ancient Yin-Yang scholars saw earth types as pretty family-oriented. Also, they are generally trusted by their friends and, being very reliable and responsible, rarely disappoint them. Earth people like to invite friends over for low-key activities like watching movies or just to hang out.Do you have a fairly stable temper? It's not easy getting Earth types worked up.Even if you grab a handful of earth and throw it up in the air it will always settle back to the ground. The element earth is therefore related to stability.Trustworthiness is the dominant feature of the elemental energy of earth. This promotes the loyalty and responsibility in us.If it isn't disturbed, earth can be very stationary. The earth element therefore allows us to sit still for a while and not to change our mind too often.Things that provide security will encourage the positive qualities of earth. Everything from a sturdy bag to a well-built house can fulfill the need for safety.A humid climate is best for earth as it keeps the earth damp and stops it from getting blown away. The colors that correspond to it are yellow and brown.Earth types are known for having a sweet tooth.NOTE: Earth types look huggable. They tend to have full cheeks and a generous mouth. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/02/07:
being sensitive does not make one weak.
What Guardian Angel Are You? [with pics]
You are the merciful guardian angel. Guiding with a smile and bright eyes, you adore all that lives. When you attack, which is quite rare, you throw white balls of energy. Your wings are large and white, fluffy and thick. Sweet little freak, go protect your sissy! RATE AND REVIEW! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/28/07:
Result Posted on 06/28/07:
Result Posted on 06/21/07:
Result Posted on 06/21/07:
Result Posted on 06/12/07:
That's what I am talking about.
Result Posted on 06/12/07:
kind of right, but I wanted haruhi!
Result Posted on 06/09/07:
pretty accurate
What type of aura do you have?? (awesome results) ^.^
 Black! your aura is black! you are very calm and serious. you have very few friends b/c you keep to yourself alot. your normal attitude is very mellow and quiet. you usally dress in dark colors and accused of being an emo. you spend some of your spare time listening to music and writing poetry. you lack confidence and you never seem to fit in. you are very kind but since people dont want to get to know you they assume the worst of your personality. you come off very mysterious and secluded and always feel as if alone. you are very smart but do not feel like doing any of you work. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/05/07:
sweet. Excellent. That is the kind of result I want more.
sixth sence to you havedetailed results
 You sixth sense is speaking and understanding animals. The color that represents this is almost all colors of the earth and its life. The element representing this gift is earth, as you might have guested. The forest, sea, or sky is your love and the animals within it. Animal speakers are active and playful. Almost always on the move with a smile. You love animals, of course. You are smart but not in some things. When you're mad you're like an animal with rabies. Take this quiz!
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