Show us the way, O fearless leader! You're Ryo, the
unappointed leader of the Ronin. Even though
you're not the official leader, you retain the
most leaderlike qualities. You tend to take the
group's problems and make them your own, and
you tend to blame everything on yourself. You
have a big heart and would rather be dead with
all your friends then alive and without them.
You would also rather die than have them
sacrifice themselves for you. You are obviously
a cat person (ergo White Blaze) and good with
children (ergo Yuli, who is your own little fan
club). Unfortunatly, you also have a way with
ugly women, and have Mia on your back. You are
friendly and kind have a big heart, with plenty
of room for your friends and the rest of the
world you're trying to save. You also have a
fiery temper to match your armors of Wildfire
and Inferno. You unite the group with your
strength and love and have a strong spirit of
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