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| WingZero1223
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/05/07:
What color is your soul and what it means(in-depth answers)
You are gray, perfect balance. You have equal dark and light sides of you, even though one might be seen more than the other. While some might concider gray a gloomy color, others concider it a dull color. You are just there, you make everyone look good, though they never make you look bad. You can be friends with everyone, if you took the time to really get to know one. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/04/07:
Result Posted on 03/25/07:
What does your birth month say about you? (With Pretty Pictures too!)
 December: Your Birthstone: Turquoise¢¾ DECEMBER = ATTITUDELoves to chat. Loves those who love them. Lovesto takes things at the center. Great in bed. Innerand physical beauty. Doesn't pretend. Gets angryoften. A meaningful love life partner.Treats friends importantly. Brave andfearless. Always making friends.It is all about love and fairness. Easily hurt butrecovers easily. Daydreamer.Opinionated. Does not care to control emotions.Knows what to do to have fun. Unpredictable. Someone to have close to you.Extremely smart, but definitely the hottest ANDsexiest of them all. (Us Decemberians don't get guidelines for what'll happen if we respost it, so just do it and hope we're as lucky as those novemberians!!) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/25/07:
What Does Your Zodiac Sign Say About Your Love Nature?? {WITH PICS!!}
 (Boy)Capricorn - Uppermost on your priority list is financial and emotional security. You work hard and contribute fully, and you want the rewards due you. Someone with money won't turn you off, but you also like high class and achievment. Failure and ridicule terrify you because they threaten your dignity. If you're with someone who understands that, you react with loving kindness. You seem cool, but underneath lies a sexual furnace. Please rate!! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/19/07:
Your Personality is . . . . .
Personality: Not many people understand you all that well. THey believe you to be, weird, strange, freaky, or just plain not normal. They think this because you don't always like to talk with people. They think you're one of the people that go around saying, "Screw the world." They judge you before they get to know you, almost every single time. What they don't see, is that you are an amazing person. You may be quiet and perhaps a bit shy, but you are very outspoken. Quite opionated as well. You just don't always share these thoughts because you are afraid of what people might think of you. Don't be afraid to let your true emotions show. You are a one of a kind person, and people could only see that if you only tore down that wall you put between yourself and society and show who you really are. Only then will people learn to love you. It may take some time to fo this, but once you finally have the will to do it, you will be thankful that you did. Although, you might've put up this wall to be away from harm, and pain. But the only thing you didn't keep out is any pain that you could end up causing yourself. For you are again, a truly amazing person, you just have to let people see this. Color: Blue. Stone: Diamond Power: Healing Element: Water Animal: Bird Quote: All these scars show, is that you're human.Quote by me.Message me if the personality is like you please! And I'd also appreciate it if you'd rate as well! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/19/07:
Your Personality is . . . . .
Personality: You are a calm and peaceful kind of person. Your mission in life is to just live your life as quiet and peaceful as it can get. You are laid back, and have almost no worries. You are the type of person so many people strive to become. Many people in fact are quite envious of you. Lots of people accuse you of being lazy. You normally just shrug these people off. This angers them. Although, you do tend to be lazy. Most of the time, you never get angry. But if someone sets you off real bad, you are a comlete mess. You can get extremely angry, especiall whe it comes to people hurting the ones you love. A lot of people don't expect the innocent little puppy that you normally portray to yell at them. Who knew that the innocent little puppy could end up being a dog with rabies! LOL. The good thing is, that most of the time you don't get angry. You are a very nice person. But you can be a slight pushover. You strive to make others around you happy, and take care of their needs, and to help them out with their problems. The bad thing is, you neglect your needs, problems, and your own personal happiness. My advice to you: Learn to say "No." to people. As lonely and little as this word is, it brings much power to you. So if you ever feel under pressure again, just simply say no. Color: White Stone: Pearl Power: Flying Element: Lunar Animal: Otter Quote: It's funny how people can be complete idiots, and not even notice their idiocy.Quote by me.Message me if the personality is like you please! And I'd also appreciate it if you'd rate as well! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 02/14/07:
Result Posted on 01/31/07:
What type of spirit do you have? 6 detailed results! pix
 Your spirit is down to earth and very strong and perservering(sp?)Your spirit loves routine and having a plan. Your spirit loves the outdoors and going places, even if just for a walk. When it comes to being under pressure and fixing a problem your spirit is most likely to get it done. You get a job done the correct way, and if you have time; better. People admire this quality in you, for when others cower and hide from their problems you fix yours as if it was nothing. You have a fear of anything different than what you do yourself and tend to stay away from new enviroments, you thrive in school and when taking tests because of the competetive enviroment. You hate anyone who whines about their problems because you could fix them in one second, you have charisma about you, even if it is the way you say "Get up and do it" people still look up to you. When you get angry you tell people, but let go of it quickly because it is a waste of time.Your spirit is one of a business man or advisor, because of your ability to keep on going.Color: GreenWhat you are made of: Dirt(earth)Animal: DragonThanks for taking my quiz! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/21/07:
nice. very good.
There are many elements,find out yours(18 results)(read memo)
forest-----------------------------------you have the compound element of forest (or nature). you are a combonation of water and ground. you are the only harnessable 0element that has caused life. your element is responsible for all plant life. you are an expert in guerilla warfare and are in excellent control of your are stable and very determined. youyou can almost never be corrupted. you may have a green thumb and have a love for plants , you also have an iron will.-----------------------------------your abilities include:-bio-toxin ( a ball of acidic poison that distracts foes)-plant control-vine noose ( vines shoot up from the ground and crush or choke the foe)-photosynthisis (collects sunlight and can heal and become stronger)-seed ( speed or slow plant growth) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/13/07:
Super Duper Personality Quiz with Wonderful Pictures! Be warned! Enter at your own risk!
 Some would call you a goody two-shoes. You achieve more than is expected of you, and hardly break the rules. Youre analytical and enjoy figuring things out. Sometimes you can seem withdrawn and shy, but you would love nothing more than attention; a chance to be in the limelight. You enjoy things orderly and predictable, though sometimes when youre feeling bold you throw the rules out the window and do what you like to do. Theres more to you than meets the eye. Rate my sucky quiz! Take this quiz!
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