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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/12/07:
What's your personality like? (detailed +stylish banners)
 Balanced/Kind-heartedAs the most well-rounded of the personality types, you're not really easily found among people nowadays. You think logical, but that doesn't mean you don't have totally sappy moments like typical teenagers. You're a lucky one, people like you for who they are and you return the 'favour'. There's also a gift of yours to mostly see the good in people and have a maninly bright perspective of life.Almost too perfect to be imperfect, congratulations!P.S: If you're willing,please take a look at my other results and if you feel that the quizz and I deserve it,rate! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/07/07:
Result Posted on 12/07/06:
What color is your soul?(9 results)
 White...You are a compassionate and warm person who people are very drawn to.You are a shoulder to cry on and an ear when someones pissed.Everyone loves you..but sometimes they take advantage of you.You love to listen and help others, you are very calm and quiet.People adore you and envy you for your laid back manner.Jealousy is like an alien space ship to you :))Your good traits are that you are kind and compassionate.The downside is that you get taken advantage of often.Animal: WolfLife quote:Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about learning how to dance in the rain.Love quote:Love is something one must never take for granted..just like that it could be goneAppealing eye: Light brownMaterial of heart: ExperiancesYou are a warm person that everyone loves.So keep on warming the world and wiping its tears! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 12/07/06:
interesting y somewhat accurate.
Warning: getimagesize( |
Result Posted on 11/24/06:
Are you really in love? Detailed results. (ACCURATE, unlike most others)
Yes! Considering your answers, it is likely that you are truly in love with the person you were thinking of while taking the quiz.... Here's an explaination of the questions.1. Real love does not happen all of a sudden. When people say, "We fell in love the moment we met," they actually mean that each corresponded to a certain ideal image held by the other. Most of us create these ideals in our minds whether we realize it or not. Thus, when we find someone who looks, acts and talks the way we imagined this special individual would, we are attracted- but that's all it is. Love can develop, but it takes time.2. Jealousy is not a sign of true love. One of the greatest mistakes young people can make is to believe that the more violent the jealousy, the stronger the love. Some jealousy is normal between two people who care deeply about each other. But jealousy is really possessiveness, not love. Psychoanalyst Dr. Theodor Reik says that people who suffer acutely from jealousy often have an underlying sense of insecurity which leads to an overwhelming need to be loved. As a result, they can be extremely jealous even though they may not be in love at all.3. Mooning, sighing and daydreaming are signs of infatuation, not love. Here's why: Real love is centered around the other person, with your whole behavior directed toward his or her welfare and happiness. Thus, a boy or girl in love can study and work comfortably, knowing he or she is thereby contributing to the other's happiness. Infatuation, on the other hand, is self-centered. The smitten one becomes absorbed in his own misery at being separated from the adored one or in daydreaming about her. He is in love with love, not a human being.4. Love does not diminish when one is away from the loved one. If you love a person more when you are with him, chances are that your judgment is being influenced by the charm and excitement of his presence. When he is not around to dazzle you, some doubts emerge as Dr. David R. Mace, executive director of the American Association of Marriage Counselors, put it: if you feel this way, indications are the love is superficial.5. Love is not really blind to a beloved's faults. The person in love knows and understands the other's shortcomings but cares deeply nonetheless. The infatuated person has a tendency to regard the adored one as flawless.6. An unhappy home life can trick you into thinking you're in love. The files of marriage counselors are filled with cases of younger people who "fell in love" and married when all they really wanted was to escape from pressures they considered unbearable. For example, a young girl who is constantly battling with her parents sees her boy friend as the rescuing knight in shining armor who will "take her away from all this." She isn't in love- she just wants out.7. Love cannot always perch on Cloud9: it must be practical, too. Two of the most crucial elements in a marriage, experts point out, are money and children. Young people seriously in love must know each other's views on these topics. If a couple hasn't talked them out, chances are the romance hasn't reached the real love stage.8. Love does not make lovers ill at ease. Dr. Mace declares that when the way you are impressing the other person is the dominant concern in a relationship, real love is still distant. When you know you are loved for what you are, you feel at ease in the other's presence.9. Being companions in misery is not the same as being in love. Marriage partners should be able to share miseries, but such sharing is not in itself love. All too frequently, young people mix up the two and enter into marriage simply because each has discovered a fellow sufferer with whom to unite against an unfriendly background.10. Love is a private bond between two people. Authorities agree it can't be real if one party permits intimate details of a relationship to be made public. It may be a bit of prestige in the group, but hardly love....So there you go. If you have any questions, just message me. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/22/06:
very cool(Holy Guacamole!)
Which of the four elements matches your personality?
 Your Element is EarthAs a Thinker: You are very impulsive and always follow your instincts. You enjoy having time alone when you can think deeply about things. You tend to be opinionated.As a Friend: You are sensitive, so it is easy for you to understand your friends' feelings. You are caring, loyal, and protective, and people trust you. You choose to hang out in a small group.Character Traits: You are introverted, but once you get to know people it is easy for you to open up to them. You are very adventurous and enjoy a challenge, but you aren't really competitive. You are individualistic and smart, and you value other people's beliefs. You have a strong connection to animals. On the negative side, you can be stubborn and resistant to change.You Secretly Seek: Acceptance Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/19/06:
What is your hidden personality?
 You Are A Fighter. You Can Be Sweet To The People You Care About But When It Comes To Defending Yourself Or Your Loved Ones You Won't Take Anything From Anyone. You Don't Care What Other People Think Of You. Confidence Radiates From Every Fiber Of Your Being. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 11/02/06:
Which Angel is Watching Over You??
Result Posted on 10/25/06:
What Kind of Angel are you?
Result Posted on 10/25/06:
What Kind of Angel are you?
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