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| WingZero1223
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/04/06:
What Is Your Supernatural Gift? (Descriptions & Pics)
 E.S.P., or Extra Sensory Perception.The American researcher Joseph Banks Rhine is considered the father of serious scientific research into the paranormal and was one of the first people to devise scientific psychic tests. In the 1930's at Duke University Durham, North Carolina, USA he undertook the first systematic study of psychic powers and used statistics to quantify his exhaustive psychic tests. Together with his colleague Carl Zener he designed a set of colourful cards of geometric symbols that were used in various psychic test card guessing games. His conclusion was that many people were achieving correct guesses that were far above what you'd expect from chance alone. They were receiving information from something other than the known five senses.Rhine defined this sixth sense as 'Extra Sensory Perception' and subdivided it into four basic Psychic Powers:TELEPATHY: the ability to 'tune in' to the thoughts of others, or to inject your own thoughts into another's mind. CLAIRVOYANCE: the psychic power to see things that aren't available to you by the known senses and which aren't known by anyone else. PRECOGNITION: the skill of looking into the future and seeing events before they take place, often through the subconscious when dreaming. PSYCHOKINESIS: the ability to use the power of the mind to influence matter- to move objects by thought, for example.ESP is most commonly called the "sixth sense." It is sensory information that an individual receives which comes beyond the ordinary five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It can provide the individual with information of the present, past, and future; as it seems to originate in a second, or alternate reality. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/04/06:
What Is Your Supernatural Gift? (Descriptions & Pics)
 Telepathy.We all have heard about - or even experienced - the process of sending or receiving thoughts from one person to another. In the past, and even in today's science fiction, a "telepathy" is seen as a rare breed of their species, called upon for special tasks which require their ability to constantly "pick up" the thoughts of other individuals or forces. However, ALL human beings actually have the ability to communicate by the process which has come to be known as mental telepathy. As with any other ability - such as swimming, playing tennis, memory, and so on - some individuals are born with more natural talent than others. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 10/04/06:
What is your Weapon?
Fists.You prefer to use your fists as a weapon. When I say "Fists" I mean your entire body; head, feet, elbows, what have you. Your fists are good for grabbing opponents and are very good for fighting non-leathaly. Fists are good because they are a part of your body, giving you better control over them than ANY other weapon. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/27/06:
Which eye are you? ~~GREAT PICTURES~~
 You are the philospher. You are Intellegent and are very interested in the little things in life. Studying and thinking are some of your favorite things to do. With a great mind like yours, I fee like no everyone in this world is an airhead xD Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/27/06:
most likely
Find out in which of the 9 major personality types you fit the most must be the kind one..You're quite generous and helping and nice with everyone(well,there may be some exceptions but you're kind enough for me to consider them..^_~).You're always there,helping and comforting,and that's why people appreciate and respect you(even if they may not show it..).You're probably sensitive and get easily hurt when you see people/animals/plants suffer but although you may seem fragile you can be quite strong deep inside..Keep going,making the world a better place! ^_^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/24/06:
What type of animal runs in your blood?
A wolf runs through your vains.Your very free spirited.And your 100%rebel. You say alot through your eyes.Mostly "I can take you anytime!" Your very intellagent and very passonite on the things you do and love.One thing wolves tend to love is music.If your a girl you can be alittle tom-boyish but you still know how to get dolled up.Your very close with your friends and family. You'd do anything to protect them even if its out of your power you'll try. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/23/06:
pretty nice
Baby, what's your sign? (Celtic Zodiac)
 You were born in the month of the elder. The elder is a the symbol of both death and rebirth. The Elder individual evolves gradually during his or her lifetime. With a basic restlessness and/or insatiable curiosity, Elder individuals are drawn into the study of profound subjects and are prone to travel great distances in order to further their knowledge. Elder individuals are self-sufficient, lively and outspoken. They dislike routine and refuse to be pressured by others. Highly energetic with a great deal of stamina, they thrive on change and crave constant mental and physical challenge. In later life, the Elder individual commands respect and possesses a great deal of patience. The true strength of Elders lie in the instinctive knowledge of when they are right and others are wrong, coupled with their inherent inclination toward self-discipline. It is important that Elder indiviudals learn to use change as a positive force in their lives in order to avoid becoming reckless and confused. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/20/06:
very true, but I'm no vegatarian. No escaping the fact that one must kill life to sustain one's own, plant or animal.
Can Your Eyes determine Your Personality??
 you're a tree hugger (me-> yay! me 2! ) you're always supporting nature to the fullist... there isn't a creature that you woodn't try to save from harms way... more then likely your a vegetarin Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/20/06:
Which mystical being are you?
 You're a magic user! Deep down, you bring out your inner strength, and you are trying to always seek out the goodness. However, you will always know that your bad side is resting right there... Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/20/06:
What Kind of love are you??( boys and girls<3)
 True loveYour love is true to everyone and anyone around you. Like a modernday hippy. YAY. You dont care who they are or what they done you love them because they are themselves. When it comes to your love life...lets just say all relationships last a long time or your gunna have a passionate one soon<3 Take this quiz!
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