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Saturday, December 31, 2005
Write This Then Sleep, Winn, Sleep
Ok, I need to write then sleep cause I have work at 11am and I don't have alot of faith in my sleeping habits, since I've been closing for the past few days I may have become comfortable lol.. .. ..
I saw "The Skeleton Key," and it was pretty good, if not creepy. The ending is unexpected too.
I gotta hold back from talking about her, but man I'm pissed at Lauren. I can only hope that its not her fault.
Well like mentioned above, works been pretty grueling, especially when I'm closing EVERY NIGHT! And to make things even worse, I have to work New Years Eve AND New Years Day, both from 11-6. Talk about a load of bullshit. I also got paid today, both from the Navy and from DE-POT! I got the usual direct deposit but unfortunately, I got 2 lameo paper checks from the depot. I have to pay Lauren's mom some money so I can never think about that cell phone again, but I used the Navy money as play money, and purchased a new PC case + 450W power supply, some deep bass headphones w/ built in mic, a copy of Windows XP Home (older version, but I can update it myself, so it only cost me 79.99 instead of 99.99,) and an internal all-in-one flash card reader. It really didn't cost too much, so I have ample money for gas for two week until I get paid again, and hopefully I'll have a sweet ass check w/ all of the 8 hour shifts I'll be working next week.
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
Dreaming about hubs.. .. ..
I had an unusual dream about hubs, well a hub in particular. If you don't know, a hub is network device used to plug a great deal of computers to one network efficiently. Now the important part of this dream is that I UNDERSTOOD how it worked, which I don't in the waking world, I only partially know how and why it does certain things. I also think it was the 16-port hub I left back in Louisiana too. Really weird.
Well, work was pretty dull, then frustrating at the end of the night. On the positive side, we close at 9, when during the Christmas holiday when I started working, we'd close at 10.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Lauren just left, Damn dogs here, Working on jookiejenkins!
Well, Diana has arrived, and as usual, managed to terrorize almost everyone in the house (except myself, of course,) and she brought that husky with her. Lauren couldn't been happier, but neither I nor Art like the fact that the dog is here. I guess its really not her problem anymore since she's gone to the youth convention somewhere in Ocalafuckbum (that's Ocala,) Florida until Saturday, and her dad and I have to worry about keeping the dog from banging the shiznite outta baby and eating Ginger's food. That's the part that really pisses me off. I'm trying to feed both of the dogs, but the younger husky keeps eating ALL of the food, and poor old (literally, she's really old) can't eat anything. Lauren had the nerve to say that I'm "helping out her dad" by complaining/being pissed that Ginger can't eat because she's so worried about that husky.. ..what's a husky doing in Florida anyway lol. I'm really not helping anyone out, I'm just really upset for poor old Ginger, and I'm pissed that we have to put so many restrictions on the other dogs and we have to be more watchful, because this Husky does whatever he wants to, including squeezing through the doggy door and walking around the house if we're not careful. She'd better be lucky that her dad's the way he is, because if I were him, I would have called the pound to take that dog away.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
It's Christmas, Any Other Day?
[Playlist and Snippet]
- "" - - -
[Christmas Isn't So Bad, But.. ..]
.. ..There's still room for improving next year, when I am able to buy people gifts too. Well, its Christmas day, and it does kinda feel like a day of celebration. I expected it to be kinda lame until family got here and everyone would get livey, and I was pretty much right. I didn't feel that unwrapping gifts would be exciting since I knew what everything was, but I got surprised.. .. ..one of those gifts I didn't know about, and when I opened it, I found those boots I was raving about in an eariler post, the ones I really wanted to get (and I'm wearing them now too lol.) That pretty much made my morning, and this even is made up from eating some cherry cheesecake and Lauren's cousin KK made lol. Her thanksgiving cheesecake, strawberry, kept me happy over the course of the day, and this cherry one was no different. Like usual, seeing Lauren's family is great, they're all happy and lively, which helps out my own morale. I ate long after they started, and I almost missed out on the food competely (I did miss out on a few things they brought,) and then I got really really sleepy and crashed in the back room on the couch for a while. I really don't wanna goto work tomorrow, but its all about money w/ Office Depot, as it should w/ any corporate business right?
[Ahh, Movies]
I've finally seen "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory," and being the ass that I am, I hate to say it, but they really made a good one here. I spent the entire time comparing it to the older one, and this one was pretty awesome. Johnny Depp was AWESOME as a demented and slightly insane Willy Wonka, and I was really happy with this ending, which caught me by surprise because I was expecting a quick happy ending like the first movie. This ending was WAY better. Watching this movie and listening to its musical score made me wanna find the Edward Scissorhands scores for some reason. Now everytime I listen to the score played during the scene when the girl dances under the flying chips of ice while Edward's sculpting and the end of the movie, it makes my heart heavy just as it made me cry when I watched the movie itself. Poor Edward, another spectacular performance by Johnny Depp.
[Mom's Email]
Well its good to receive an email from mom, and I'm happy to say that she's doing well. She's not going to sulk and home and be depressed for Christmas. I worry about that every holiday. She says that it shouldn't be but a couple of years until she moves into grandfather's house and the trailer will be up for grabs, whether I take it or Bobby, or even the both of us. I will talk to her about pulling it onto that property so it can sit ready when one of us wants to move into it. She's always says the same thing when I tell her about a problem: "keep in mind that if things don't work out with you and Lauren, you can always come back home." It's not that she doesn't like Lauren, if fact she's always liked her even after all of the crap she's done, she's just keeping me open to all possibilities. I wouldn't mind keeping the trailer, but if I don't need it, Bob can gladly have it.
I find myself leaning more towards the belief that there is a divine being who created us, though I still question it in the back of my mind when I think of all of the trials and tribulations that we are all going through as a whole. Much to popular speculation, its not because I go to church every Sunday now, but to me it just seems to make more sense, not that if you think otherwise you're wrong, anyone can be right. I might be leaning more towards the divine creation theory, but I'll never let myself become on of those self-righteous doofuses who insist that what they believe in is the one and only way, and that everyone else is wrong. I say this because I had a good Christmas talk with my grandmother on my dad's side, Iris Chavis. Though they're both of other sides of my family, both my mom's dad and my dad's mom remind me of each other. They seem to share the same beliefs and are both extremely wise. I strive to be like the both of them, since I was young. I've always to be more like my grandfather, I guess because he's a guy, but now that I'm older and more understanding, I want to be like the both of them equally. But I'm straying away from the topic at hand lol.. .. ..I talked to Iris (or as I like to call her, Maw Maw Iris,) about the bias I hear alot lately, including from Lauren's own church and sometimes from Lauren herself, about how one belief is the one true belief, and everyone else is wrong and/or full of crap OR how you're going to burn in hell if you don't agree with one belief. She told me that its not about any of that, but its about ones connection with God. God didn't come down to start a religion, but to educate people about his existence. Now grandfather has told me the same thing a few months back and I've got to agree with them, I've been thinking that for a long time now, and I'm glad to see that my family sees it that way too, at least see that my grandfather and grandmother see it like that. I also told her about Lauren telling me that when we marry, its gonna be Pentecostal since thats how she was brought up. Iris then told me that religion doesn't marry people, and nor does some religious man. She said that its both God, and the couple, who marry each other. "You don't say those vows and make those promises to your church, you make them to each other." Lauren's just gonna have to stop being a spoiled brat and learn to compromise. Today she said that she didn't like how I like to swear in my blog, but if you compare side by side what I do to what she does, she's hands down a bigger sinner than I am. Of course I can't tell her that, she'll run around crying saying that I'm making her out to be such a bad person and I'll be a monster, nor can I mention any of those things (But if you read alot of past posts, you'll know what I'm talking about.) I'm sure we will both learn some things.. .. ..
Merry Christmahanakwanazaka!!
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