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I'm a crazy southern bitch
Member Since
Real Name
I don't tell secrets *grins*
Anime Fan Since
I was 11
Favorite Anime
YGO, FMP, RK, Wolf's Rain, WHR, MKR, Escaflowne, OMG, YST, Najica Blitz Tactics, Noir, GW, and DB/DBZ/DBGT. I'm sure there are more
To finish college and get my degree in teaching
Writing, reading, talking to my fiancee
Empathy, writing, and sleeping
Welcome to my page! *waves to everyone* I'm Winter Yuy and I'm glad you could all make it. Take a look around. I mostly post my wallpapers here because I don't draw *blushes* But please, if you want to use my wallpapers, don't steal them and slap your name onto them. I don't appreciate that.
Current BGM: "Drop the Bomb (System SF Mix)" by Scotty D

Aw, Andrainea, you didn't have to make this, but thank you so much! *hugs you* That's right, we're two psychotic Triple B's!

My favorite pairing in YGO--even if Kali isn't in the show!

This is Daeva and Thema from the RPs I did with Oreana. Why is Thema blushing? You'll never know.

Everyone leave poor Yami Bakura alone! He can't help it.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I’m back from my long break due to some certain things that have been said. I’m not here to deny anything, but to confirm.
Yes, I am the infamous Wendi Mullins that dated a schizophrenic. I do reside in Jasper, Alabama and I am twenty years old. I do have an account at under the penname Winter Peacecraft-Yuy, and yes, it is still active. I do have a GJ: winter_ishtar. I do have a LJ: winter_yuy, but it’s friends only. My hotmail email address is goddess_of_virtue2 and my yahoo handle is winggundampeace. Just to make it clear, strawberries is my friend Heathery. Sorry, I guess she wasn’t “smart enough” to leave me alone. We’re still friends. I do have two friends that go by Katie and Michelle and another that goes by Mary. I also have a friend, Jessica, who lives down the road from me. My other friend, Charity, is currently in CA because she’s in the army. There's also Terri who I go to school with. Oh, I can’t forget Sarah. She lives in CA too.
As for my other information, I’m going to Bevill State Community College in Jasper and I’m majoring in Elementary Education. I work at a restaurant with my grandmother called Hickoryland Bar-B-Q. I own a 1995 Gold Honda Accord.
If you have anything to say to me, go ahead. I’ll be checking regularly and maybe even updating everyone once in a while. ^^ Go ahead and PM your complaints or rude comments. *grins* Just to warn you guys ahead of time, my native language is bitch.
And yes, I do support Yami no BakuraxAnzu! If you don’t like it, tough shit. *waves banner* Bakura and Anzu 4ever! Someeone is only considered psychotic when they don’t watch Tennis no Oujisama and Naruto! *squeals* Ryoma-sama! Tezuka-sama! Sasuke-kun!
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Sayonara! Tootles! Adios!
Currently: Destroyed
Crying to: All My Life by KC and JoJo and When You Love Someone by Bryan Adams
This’ll be probably my last post on her guys. Why? Well, because I’m sick of all the backstabbing, lying, inconsiderate bitches/bastards on here. I’m tired of all of the ‘he said/she said’ bullshit games. It's stupid. I have no one who I can rely on so screw all of you guys. You all suck (with the exception of a few).
I’ll continue to post the wallpapers I make on here and if I change the site layout or add a new banner, I’ll update to let you all know about that, but as for personal business, hell no. That goes on my LJ/GJ/blogspot journal.
So see you guys around! *waves* Hope life treats you well and you don’t become bitter like I am.
~~Winter Yuy
Art © Meilin Wong |
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