wish I was kagome
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
i gots all my fave songs now yay!
i want him back over here sooooooo bad! (if you dont know ya my boyfriend lives in my neiborhood and so i can be with him ANYTIME! yay)
my pants are wet. i must learn not to sit on the ground. dodododododododododo. i is wearing a low cut shirt that shows cleavage! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
my earrings say i bite. : )
bai bai!
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
grrrr!!!! i wanted this new song by jason michael carroll on my profile but i cants find it! *sniffel* its called *livin our love song* it very very good and i wants it baaaaad. ill have to go some illagel downloading later. lol jk (or am i)
Anyways, yea i couldnt be happier now. ive got a football player, and i finnaly got all my homework from school so thats one monkey off my back. Jesses got a track meet today though so i dont gets to see him tlll late like 7 or 8 *sniffle* grrness.
please noone say somthing rude im am in a very verty good mood and please dont ruin it.
*runs off to get coffe*
hey ami chan can u help me with biology? since u got CC? it would make my like easier.
well bai bai!
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Friday, March 23, 2007
im dating a football, and bass guitar player!! hes a sophmore and he lives in my neiborhood and goes to my school......i have an exuce ot go to games again! lol me and my old friend brandon have started talkin again now because ive prtty much cleaned up my life a bit, i hang out with peole that have better influences on me now and i walk alot so im losing more and more weight..! i is so happy right now i dont think anybody could ruin it.
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Friday, March 9, 2007
damn, my mom just called. she lost her job. let me paint u a picture here. she had a job at BMW and we live in a pretty nice appartment. not anymore. were gonna have ot move in with her boyfriend. and were gonna have to do without alot of stuff for awile. im pretty sure im still in the school district but im not sure. theres onnly one plus to all this. he lives next to a ranch so i get to frolick (lol) with the horses
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my brests are tender lol
Eh so i went to another docter the other day and now im on birth control. woohoo. ITS NOT TO PREVENT PREGNATCY!!!!!!! but she took me off my cramp meds and now it huuuuuurrrrttss alot. *sniffles*
My bestest friend (i think), well her b-day was yesterday. well you know her as Darkstarinu and she gets mad at me when i say her real name so happy belated b-day *star*
why do oranges make your fingers sticky? *thinks*
I love oranges!!
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I shouldnt have to deal with this shit!!! Dan is a old guy who lives in my house as a roomate for all of you that dont know. And i am on my laast nerve with him. I gave up MY ROOM for the bastard and he lives in MY HOUSE and he keeps treating me like shit! all he does all day is sit at his compter anyway cause he thinks hes gonna make it big with these stupid chatrooms hes tring to sell and today he came into the living room where i was sittin at the computer listin to music with his headset in and he reached over me and turned off my music then i was like WTF? but i didnt say anything and i turned it back on a a very very vert low levlel and he picks up the speaker and tears it out of the computer, breking the wire and almost hitting me. there his speakers so i was like whatever you broke your speaker. But then he gets off the flippin phone and proceededs to call me an inconsiderite little brat who doesnt give a shit about anybody but myself and who doesnt care about money or anything besides the stupid computer and just proceeds at yelling at me. If he didnt want to hear my music which wasnt that lous in the first place he should have flippin stayed in his own disgusting room and left me alone. and hes always flippin puttin me down sating stuff like you dont care about your dad you dont care about anything other then yourself. and i flippin tired of it. i sincerly hopes he chokes on his own spit. well im srry all this post is is ranting but i am in mad tears right now and i had to rant to someone.
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Thursday, February 22, 2007
i feel special
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well chums you have absoulutly no reason not to post on my site now. muhhhahaha
i woujld like to say thank you to lordshesshomaru because he finds the time to stop by my site and comment EVERY day. and i cant even say that about my best friends
I have another bloody good british book today. one i havent read yet! this one is called *startled by his furry shorts* i am not kidding. so far it has been vry vry god too. And please take that quiz up there even if you barly know me cause it makes me feel good to see peoples names up there even if u do know nothing.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007
take my quiz please please please plesase please!
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i told u i was gonna put the ebay song up. i do not tell a lie. muh ha ha, i put the got milk vidio in my profile because i love it and i didnt ever want it to go away lol. hmmmmm i wonder....

if the above icon shows up it is true. ive been trobled with this latly and the only reason i havent gone for it yet is im scared my friends will kill me. probly litterly.
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